Friday 28th March
12:02 PM

Good morning. I've just been offered an oriental skirt for $6 from the auction site. Nautrally I accepted the offer. it's really nice. Black with gold and red flowers. So pretty. I've been up since 11AM. Am just having a hit of V before i vacuum. I slept for quite a while, was quite tired as Johan and I went down to Odins late last night and worked out the back on making a cool table for the lounge and didn't get in till late. okay off to vacuum before I loose my motivation. Back soon.

12:53PM, hello again. Just finished vacumming and have put the second load of washing out. Finally the housework is finished, well for now anyway, later i'll have to get the washing in, and make the pets their dinner, then have a shower and so it goes on. Well it's a warm overcast day today, it's supposed to rain a bit later and rain until Sunday.

Not that i really mind the rain. it's sort of been muggy for last week and i'm looking forward to it cooling down a bit, plus the North island needs rain at the moment. I've just made myself another coffee. I'm hungry but I'll wait until dinner time and have some coleslaw. Today is DIET DAY FIVE but i didn't do so well yesterday. i had chips as a snack, coleslaw for lunch and pasta for dinner. the thing i'm probably finding the hardest is not snacking on potatoe chips as I just adore my potatoe chips, especially kettle fries, ready salted. back soon, will just check my e-mails. 64 junk mails! Fuck!

I'm feeling tired again now. Suppose it's cos i'm bored. I have a sore foot, i have a big scrape on it that I achieved last night. Kinda feel like going back to bed. But I better not. the sky is starting to look pretty ominous. I'll get the cats in when the rain starts. Don't want them out in it.

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Thursday 27th March
11:00 AM

Good morning. i haven't been awake long, maybe an hour. I slept forever and really deeply, but woke up half way during the night talking to a dentist from my dream. I have on my new lovely jersey I bought yestersday. I missed out on my police t-shirt last night. johan and I went to Odins nightclub for a little while (I only drank redbull) and when I came home I had been outbid by just $1. What a pissant. i was thinking of going and buying myself a new baby blue skivvy? Oh nina just text, were going to go into town together. Will be back soon.

Hello back again. Shit it's hot! I didn't end up buying anything, well not clothes anyway. I bought some herbal diuretics, maybe they will help me to loose a bit of weight? Worth a try a suppose, quite expensive though. Went to the supermarket and got my coleslaw and iced coffee as they didn't have ay there last night when I went. I still have washing to put out. Just poured myself a glass of coke and am about to roll a cigarette.

Helo again. 5PM now, i'm tired and ready for bed. i can hear the annoying high pitched broken laughter of pubescent boys which is driving me absolutely bonkers. It's still really warm, i can't even think i'm so tired. Have just got the washing in and am yet to feed the pets. I might have a nap though I'll probably not be anle to sleep with all this fucking racket.


Wednesday 26th March
10:02 AM

Good morning. i haven't been awake long, just done a bit of housework and got dressed. It's a warm sunny day today, so far we are having a nice autumn. last night Nina came over and gave to me from mum a really nice sterling silver bangle to match my other onew from Mum. it was quite good we surfed the net checking out all types of wedding dresses and done a little more planning. Johan and I are going to be photographers. Speaking of Johan yesterday he woke me up to a gift, six little buddha's he bought me and 2 liters to fit in my beaded liter case I found amongst my hidden goodies yesterday so that was quite sweet. We started watching DVD's last night but I fell asleep during the first one.

Well today, being my payday, I have to go into town and do all those tedious tasks like grocery shopping. no fun there. Today is DIET DAY THREE, so far I have done perfectly. Today I will buy myself a salad punnet for if I do get peckish i will have something healthy there to nibble at. My auction for my Police t-shirt finishes tonight, so far I am the only bidder, I just went to bid on a long sleeve top from Hong kong but since I'm not an authenticated memeber i can't bid on over 4 items. Bitch aye?

I'm just having one more smoke before I go and tidy the lounge and clean the toilet and then make myself a coffee. Also have my hair to do yet and the washing to peg out when it's ready. Oh how I hate housework! Ok off to clean the loo, urgh!
Oooow fuck I just walked staright into the bed post. Hell. Have just finished doing the last of the housework and have made myself a coffee. My teeth ache. Sometimes I have these momentary periods of feeling really really sick, well I'm having one right now, they last about 5 minutes and then they go. I might have to go and lie down for a little while.

Hello again. 1PM. I just woke up, i ended up faling back off to sleep for almost 2 hours. I dreamt about dinosaurs and jeans. oh wow I'm so tired now, and in need of a coffee but I can't be bothered moving to make one. my whole body feels really heavy and letharged. Maybe a coffee will pick me up? I still have the washing to put out URGH BLARGH PISS! Hi i'm back, I've made coffee and put the washing out, plus got a load in. God I am so tired. And thirsty.


Tuesday 25th March
10:48 AM

Hello. I haven't been awake long, about an hour ande a half, just been doing some housework, still have alot left to do. I really need to make myself a coffee. It's a sunny day but still slightly chilly which gives me an excuse to wear my new
pink skivvy :)

I crave to hear music. I got Pearl Jams latest CD aswell as PJ Harvey Stories from the city stories from the sea. I just got the new avon catalogue in the mail. I love spending money, it's terribly addictive. Not that i have any until tomorrow. Right now I really want bedside tables and a set of bathroom scales oh yes and coffee. i'll put some socks on and go and make myself one I think. Back soon. i
love new socks, they make you feel as if you're walking on cushions. Simple pleasures.

In other news, today is DIET DAY TWO. This time i'm not going to fuck up. Last time I weighed myself I was 48kg's, I really need scales. Washing ready to be pegged out, back soon. Fuck my teeth! Pack of bitches. Well I still have to clean the toilet and straighten up the lounge. oh yes and also do my hair, i look shocking right now. Hair standing on end.

I'm bored. oh I spied really cool little velvet withches purse that I've bid on. i'll include a pic once I've rolled a smoke. There it is. I really
love it. but the auction doesn't finish until the 30th. roll on tomorrow when i can get a fresh pack of smokes, I'm down to crumbs, bastard. Ooooooh sore belly. i sound like I'm always in the wars don't I? I'm acually not. i'm just too rough with myself. I need to be more dainty.

Just heating up my hair straightener. Hi i'm back, just pegged out the last of the washing and done my hair. now I feel partially human. What a quiet day, just the sound of the cicada's and me tapping away at the keys on the keyboard.

Oh i'm still quite tired. I need to get my letharged body moving. i also need to get stuck in to the gardens at some stage. they're looking pretty neglected.

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The witches pentacle purse i've bid on









Monday 24th March
5:09 AM

Good morning. I've had 2 hours sleep from 1:30-3:30AM. I'm not even tired. I've just got out of bed and made up some aspro clear and coffee. I'm drinking almost as much aspro these days as I do coffee. Just been looking around in my room for things I can put up for auction, I have tonnes of clothes that can go up, alot I've bought and just don't wear, impulse buys.

6:42 AM. Starting to feel kinda tired now, thank god my toothache has gone. Need to put on some socks to warm up my frozen little toes. I'm on go slow. I'll finish my coffee and then go back to bed I think. Hello again. 11:15AM. i woke up about an hour ago. I'm on my second cup of coffee, my eyes sting, my legs ache and I'm tired. I might go back to bed soon i think. I'm starting my diet over again since i was such a sinner. So today is DIET DAY ONE. And good luck to me. I'm almost out of smokes. It's cold and sunny today. I've done most of the housework but still have the washing to put out yet. but forget all that for now i'm sleeping.
Hello ahaing. 1:22PM. i just woke up and have made coffee and rolled a smoke. It's really hot, I think that's why I woke. I still feel tired and hung over. I've just put the washing out. Oh I could go back to sleep already. Fuck it I have toothache again. And my ear still hurts. In fact today is a bit of a cunt.
Monday cunt day!


Sunday 23rd March
3:07 PM

Greeting munchkins. Today has consisted of coffee, coffee, more coffee. New clothes, library books, coke, driving, sunshine, sweat and cigarettes. i got a pair of new reserved jeans today which I adore. I've been to Nina's we had coffee and played with Reeve, then went to the library and swooned over bridal books filling our wee heads with idea's for her wedding. She's having Alethea (my oldest sister) and I
(the bridesmaids) in burgendy.
It's been so sunny and hot today. I actually got to sweat! Oooooooh sore belly. i've had it all day long. i'm tired of it now.And i suppose drinking coke most definately will not help, but dare I say it I'm sick of coffee. I am also extremely tired. I have 2 DVD's to watch later 'Beyond City Limits'and 'Roadtrip'.
I have a terrible toothache and fatigued arms. Strange thing to have i know *giggles*. I also have 2 auctions finishing today. one for a roll neck jersey and one for a skirt. i could quite easily go to sleep right about now. But I'll stay awake till at least 5PM when I can get the cats in and maybe then retire to bed for a wee afternoon nap?
Hello. I just woke up not so long ago, have just fed the pets their dinner and got myslef a glass of coke. i'm all out of zig zags, what a bitch! Would love a smoke right now too. I had a wonderful nap, i'm still sort of tired. One of my auctions has closed, I didn't meet the reserve price. Another is due to close in 22 minutes for that cool soft roll neck jumper. And i've just spied a marilyn monroe top I like.
10:41PM. Damn I got outbid in the auction for the roll neck jersey. Bit of a bumer but nevermind. I just finished watching 'roadtrip'it was a bit silly. I have toothache again, it's hot and i'm getting tired.
I'm sweating, do you want details? I need more coffee i've only had 4 cups today. oh please toothache go away, i think it's stemming from a cracked wisdom tooth :( Yesterday and today i've done terribly on my diet. i'm thinking of starting back at day one. i really need some bathroom scales so i can keep track accurately. Time for another coffee I think. It's getting cold now. i might have to go off to bed soon I think. This fucking toothache isn't going away either. Grrrr. Okay bed itis for me. Goodnight.

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My new jeans

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Saturday 22nd March
8:23 AM

Good morning. I've been up since 5:30AM. It's a sunny day, warm outside but not in. i slept through my auction last night and so unfortunately got out bid. Nevermind, maybe it wasn't meant to be. Just watching the news keeping up the war news. Today is A-Day. Bastards. In other news today is

DIET DAY NINE. hopefully my jeans arrive today. i'm thinking about going back to bed for a little while. Feeling kinda tired again now. yes actually I might do that. Goodnight to me.
Hello again. 10:28AM I just woke up and have made myself a coffee. Jesus another fucking cooking show. You don't realize how many of these fucking things they show until you're trying to avoid food. Oh I have toothache again. I suppose i should go and get the washing in and actually do some moving about and stop being a computer nerd.
It's so beautiful outside, I should be gardening but I just don't have the energy. I should be doing something other than sitting in front of the computer all day. Nina just text, she's going to call in a bit later. I'm bored out of my tree but have no energy to really do anything. the neighbouirs are cranking their hodown shit music. how annoying, it doesn't sound very nice.
Sounds like they have a fucking live band over there.
BIG TIME FUCKING BUMMER MAN! I just received my jeans and they are too fucking long! What a wank! So I have put them back up for auction for the $30 I bought them for
That is so dissapointing!
Nina just come over, she's taken the jeans and is going to try them on at her place and if they fit and if she likes them she'll score them for $25. Gees I am so bored, what to do? 1:33PM. Still bored out of my fucking tree, might make another coffee. I'm a bit hungry. Not sure if I should have lunch. I might just have some noodles, they are 99% fat free.
Yes I'm cooking some vegetable noodles. I'll just have these and not dinner. I might have another nap yet. Felling quite tired. 1:51PM noodles are almost cooked, YAWN! Well that's lunch over and done with, dishes are done, house is clean i am bored! now enjoying my after lunch smoke and coffee.
5:28 PM. Hello again, haven't been doing much. Nina and Reeve came over, and she bought the levi's off me. So since I don't have new jeans today I might go and buy myself a jersey or something? Don't know, maybe. Oh gosh I am so bored. Wonder what kind of shit is on TV tonight. Might just go check.
9:06PM. hello again. I went into town and bought myself a pink skivvy a pink bra and some black socks. i've just had a bath and am now watching some total shit on TV called bluestreak.
I have a really sore stomach for some reason so I think I might just take myself off to bed now and hope it goes away. Okay goodnight to me.


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Kukl sitting outside

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Felix using a scratching post

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Joga day dreaming


Thursday 20th March
2:00 AM

Hello, this is the third time i've woken up with a sore belly during the night so I thought I'd come online for a little while and have a coffee and a smoke. i bid on a really cool brand new t-shirt at the auction last nightk it says police across the front and back, i'll post a pic of it in a minute. Oh yes and hopefully my bag arrives today. Also today I have to deposit the money for the jeans and drop Johan off in Hastings.

Kukl has just curled up on my lap and gone to sleep. it's a cold morning and i'm dead tired, just finished my coffee so back off to bed soon for me. Maybe one more smoke first? I don't think I've dreamt yet. i love dreaming. Okay back off to bed I go.
Hello. I'm tired. I woke up and got up at 7AM. I've had a sore belly for a good portion of the day. I just got home not so long ago. i went to the bank, went to Nina's, dropped johan off in Hastings and then went and visited mum.
I'm just watching the news, keeping an eye on the progress of the war in Iraq. Oh in other news my bag arrived today. It's awesome and it's brand new. Still in it's wrapper. oh yeah before I forget I'll just go and post feedback.
Hi again. Well it's a beautiful sunny day today, so warm. i've just bid on a pair of tan coloured pulp knee high boots for $20 I'm just uploading that car site I made the other night. Hope the guy is happy with it.
4:16PM. Hello back again. i've just made the pets their dinner. Speaking of food, today is DIET DAY SEVEN but i won't be having dinner tonight as I had a cup of soup for lunch and cheated and had a slice of lollie cake at Nina's this morning for morning tea. I have to stop cheating because I'm only cheating myself and am moving myself further away from my goal.
Here's what my horoscope says for today.........
You may not be able to travel the world, but you can bring a sense of adventure into your day-to-day world. As creatures of habit, by just doing a few things in different ways, we're able to create a sense of excitement.
I'm bored and tired. Will go and have a shower soon and freshen up a bit, maybe it will wake me a bit too. Fuck i have a sore ear! It's always sore, I got the doctor to look at it last time i was there but he said it looks just fine. Strange.
FUCK IT! I just superglue all over 3 of my fingers trying to glue my fucking hook back together and it didn't even fucking well work. Piss! What a fuck! Now I have hard gritty fingers. Makes my teeth chill just to think about it.
I've just emailed that guy the link to see his site online. Hope he likes it. Hope he'll still pay me *bites nails* The stress.
Hello again. 6;28PM. I just got out of the shower. I feel heaps better, a bit perky. Still watching the news, this war on iraq is totally fucking unjustified. Bush is an evil little fuck arse.
I've just made myself another coffee. i'm tired again now. At least I'll sleep well tonight. I'll have an early night. Probably go to sleep after the Soprano's which is on at 9:30PM until 10:30PM. Still trying to pick the glue off my fingers.Oh it's got really cold really fast. i've just put the electric blanket on. Just watching Police 10-7. Some drunk wank has just bit the head off a chicken. Well i think i'm going to go and lie in bed and watch TV for until I fall asleep. See you tomorrow.

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The t-shirt I've bid on at trade me

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My new bag

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And again



Wednesday 19th March
2:17 AM

Hello. i've had about 3 hours sleep already. I woke at 10:30PM unable to go back to sleep. I just gt a job making a web page for one of Johans friends. So i'm going to start working on that soon but first thought I'd come online and make an entry in here. I've just made myself a coffee and am sitting here by the light of the lamp watching BBC world.

Hello again. 2:06PM. i've just got back from the supermarket and from nina's. We hugged and sorted out our diferences and she's coming over tonight. She wants me to be her bridesmaid. i've just bid on a really snuggly roll neck jumper at trade me for $10. The auction closes on Sunday.The auction for my jeans closes in 2 hours and so far I'm still the only bidder.
I'm feeling a bit sickly, am going to vacuum the car out soon. i've just sat down to nice cup of coffee after put out 2 loads of washing. It's a lovely sunny day today, not a cloud in the sky, and nice and warm. Awesome for an autumns day.
I'll go and vacuum the car after my coffee and cigarette. Also have to clean the bog, urgh grah fuck!! I made that webpage early hours this morning and then went to sleep at 5AM and woke again and got up at 10AM. but I still feel a little tired.
Hello again. 3:01PM. i've just finished vacuuming the car and have made myself a coffee. Cyba licked the end of the vacumme cleaner hose and it sucked his tongue up and he freaked out and started doing an Elvis lip quivver :) I make a really good coffee I must say! Shit thinking about I'm actually really fucking tired. And i'm back to sneezing again :-o
Well i'm bored now, i have nothing to do, oh yes, i still have to clean the fucking loo. Blargh. Don't you just love the boring gory details of my simple little life? Ok, out with the rubber gloves. In other news today is DIET DAY SIX although I feel kinda guilty as I had 3 hot cross buns for dinner last night, i was hoping the cup of soup I had for lunch would have been enough to tie me over but I just couldn't resist the hotties.
Oh I have a terrible toothache, luckily I bought more aspro clear earlier today so I will make some of that up to take and a coffee for afterwards. hi back, just had some aspro, and am now talking to mum on ICQ.

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One of my favorite t-shirts

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Kukl having a wee bath in the afternoon sun


Tuesday 18th March
12:10 PM

Good afternoon. i've only been awake for about 40 minutes. I must have got about 10 hours sleep, unbroken! Amazing. The joys of sleeping pills. i really needed all that sleep and I'm still a little tired but if I stay awake hopefully I'll sleep well tonight.
I went into town yestersay and deposited that money so I expect the bag should arrive on Thursday, hopefully. I've cleaned the kitchen and have made myself a coffee. i still have a fair bit of housework left to do. Need to make another coffee, that one wasn't very nice. I have no plans for today, just a bit of cleaning and mucking about.
Oh yes, today is DIET DAY FIVE. and i'm doing well. I also need to start exercising. Hi again, 2:24PM. i've been busy doing housework, vacumming, lots of stuff and now i'm dead hungry. Don't know what to have that isn't fattening, suppose I could have a cup of soup. that's healthy.
Yes i've just made myself a cup of 98% fat free creamy chicken soup. Yum. I'll put out the last of the washing after my lunch, off to a bit of a late start today. Hi back, i've just put the washing out although it looks as if it's going to rain.
I'm tired. I have a website to work on for someone so i should really get onto that. Hello again. 4:21 PM. i've just finished making that webpage. I'm still tired. Don't know if i should have a nap or not. Have just checked on my auction and i'm still in the lead on those Levi's. it finished tomorrow night. Hopefully i'll fit into them! Well it says size 8 so I should.
I've just got the cats in suppose I should get them some dinner now. hello again just made the cats and Cyba their dinner. think I might make myself another coffee soon, but first I'll do my hair, I haven't even done that yet!  Hi back again, I've just done my hair and made myself a coffee, oh yes and changed the layout of monthly me a little bit.
Groovy The Osbournes are on tonight. Just listening to Little Earthquakes. SO BORED SO TIRED! My tongue is burnt from that soup earlier.

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Joga lying on the dining room table.

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Joga sitting on the dining room table.


Sunday 16th March
10:40 AM

Good morning. I feel so fucked, i am incredibly tired, my sleep has been such shit lately, as tired as i am I can't seem to get to sleep and when i finally do I can't seem to stay asleep. i don't know how much sleep i've had but it isn't enough!

It's a cold overcast day today, it was supposed to rain but so far it hasn't. i've cleaned the kitchen and have made myself a drink but I need another already. And i need to get dressed, I'm fucking freezing.

I've just made myself another coffee, cleaned the bathroom and set a load if washing going. Nina phoned last night to say she and Damian are engaged! I hadn't spoken to her for about 5 days. We had a bit of a fight. i love her dearly but can't be fucked fighting over bullshit so i've left it at that.

Here's my horoscope for today....
There's no such thing as the perfect mate, but there is such a thing as the perfect mate for you. A partnership needs to be a coming together of two individuals, whose particular strengths and weaknesses compliment each other.


Seems quite fitting. I'm pretty much over my headcold now. Finally. Fucking well took long enough. it's raining now. Supposed to rain tomorrow also. I don't how the autumn expects me to dry my washing. i just tried to get the cats in but Felix won't come. You hardly see him during the day. He'll come in briefly for a snack and then he's off again.
In other news I won the auction on the pink snakeskin handbag, and i'm still leading on the Levi's. i've just got Felix in, it's pissing down now and it's freezing. oh yes, today is DIET DAY THREE, i'm doing well. Don't know how long until i start seeing results, maybe a few weeks, it's a bit hard without scales, I need to invest in some.  Maybe I'll buy some in a couple of weeks when I next have money to spare. I don't want to be a skeleton, just thinner. I'm a typical girl in that respect, never happy with how one looks. Last winter was when i put on weight, I just seemed to eat more. Preparing for hibernation. So this winter/autumn I loose it again. HOPEFULLY.
Oh I feel so lazy. I wish I had a laptop so I could lie in bed and do this. Mmmm BED sounds quite nice.
Hello again. 5:52PM. I just woke up, I had about an hour and a halfs nap. have just made myself a coffee. Daylight saving ended this morning so it's getting dark now. I'm still tired. I'll have an early night tonight i think. Back soon, just going to check what's on the idiot box tonight. Yes of course, it's all total shit. oh my nose is itchy. I'll have to go into town tomorrow and deposit the money into the girls bank account who I'm buying the bag off. $8 for the bag, $3.50 for postage.
Fuck it, I just tried to upload but can't get into my FTP site. I hate how it does that. Shit it's cold. i was warm lying on the bed with the electric blanket on 3. I've just put tori Amos Under the Pink on. I just adore this album.
Time to make another coffee I think. Back soon. 7:25PM, hi again, now playing From The choirgirl Hotel. I just had a piece of fish for dinner. So nice, but I should have taken the batter off. i've just finished speaking to Mum on MSN.
9:18PM. i've just taken some more photo's for Monthly Me, I'm going nuts with this digital camera, i think the idea of monthly me is to take one photo per month, not 12, oh well the novelty will wear off eventually I'm sure. Well i'm going to go and lie in bed and watch the rest of Keeping the Faith.

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Felix lastnight, sleeping on his little loveheart pillows.

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This is today's sky.

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Tori Amos


Saturday 15th March
4:39 AM

+ + + + + +
Good morning. I've had 3 hours sleep so far, i woke at 3AM and decided to get up and make coffee. Today is DIET DAY TWO it's supposed to be day three but I cheated on my first day and had to start over. Not a good start was it?
+ + + + + +
Funny I should be talking about diets, right now i'm watching a group of 5 men on TV eating whole beef tongues in a competition to see who can eat the most in 3 minutes. That is disgusting, that's enough to put you off food.
+ + + + + +
I'm just talking to mark on ICQ we are discussing food. Well it's now 5:16 AM so I think I'll make myself another coffee and head back off to bed. I'll write later in the day. Goodnight.
+ + + + + +
Good afternoon. 12:20PM. I went back to sleep this morning at 6AM and woke at 11:30AM. I'm still really tired though. It's a warm overcast daytoday. I've just checked my dailies. now to check on my auctions... Awesome I'm still leading on both the bag and the levi's. The auction for the pink snakeskin handbag closes this evening so hopefully it's all mine all mine mwahaha
+ + + + + +
I've just finished my first cup of coffee for the day. i have no plans, have done most of the housework already but still have some left to do. I'll just go and clean the bathroom and set a load of washing going. Back soon.
+ + + + + +
Hi back, bathroom's clean and the first load of washing is going. Going to make myself another coffee soon, I'm dead thirsty.
+ + + + + +
Hello again. 2PM. I've just finished speaking to mum on MSN and have put the washing out and sorted out the recycling. Oh i'm tired, have just got dressed, am yet to do my hair in an attempt to look slighly human.
+ + + + + +
Cyba just walked inside and stole the cats ping pong ball, I had to pry his mouth open to get it back. i'm just heating up my hair straightener, god I feel like going back to bed. i'm so tired. Just going to put the second load of washing out, back soon.
+ + + + + +
Hi I'm back, the washing's out, my hair is done and now i'm bored.

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The flared pants I bought off the Trade Me internet auction









Friday 14th March.

Hello. i've had 6 hours sleep and have been awake since 6AM. it's a lovely sunny day but it has been so freezing this morning and has only started getting warm in the last 20 minutes or so.

Good news, I am still in the lead on both of my auctions. Also more brilliant news, I finally got a new charger for digital camera! (A Canon IXUS 330) Oh rapture. There's is so much to photograph.

Unfortunately I am still a bit sick, but alot better than a few days ago. I've done all the housework and now have nothing to do. So a photography odyssey might be in order. When I have recharged my battery I will go and take a picture of my street for you to see.

Also have to a pic for the March Monthly Me. Although I'm not looking too good today. My hair is really messy. must be time for another coffee although i've already had about a thousand this morning.

I'm bored, I should really be doing the gardens. I'll guilt trip myself for a couple of days and then I'll be motivated enough to do them.

Hurry up battery and charge! I am so impatient. Just been back to trade me, and i spy with my little eye some very cool shirts, cock cola, nirvana, and dragon, I should never have been shown this site, now thanks to Johan this is where all of my money is going. Oh well that's what it's for, spending!!

Boredom, I wonder if i should go back to bed. That would be terribly lazy of me.....but it's tempting. I am sorta tired. Perhaps I will have a nap this afternoon instead? I'm smoking too much but I just can't help it. Will just go and check the mail box.

I just cheated and took the camera off charge halfway through cos I got sick of waiting :) So i took some photo's and now it's back on charge. now to add the March photo's to monthly me.

I'm just sending an e-mail to Johan, back in a sec. Hello again. 2:16PM i'm bored again. I just took some more photo's for Monthly Me, so I now have 7 for March. Just tried to upload but I can't get nito my FTP site fuck it all.

Kukl's just bought a cicada inside.It's funny how when the cats catch something they bring it straight inside, usually into my room. oh i'm cold and bored again now. just made myself a coffee and checked my auctions again.

I'm contemplating going back to bed. It's 2:38PM. I'm cold, bored and tired. I wonder if I went to sleep now how long I would sleep for? Fuck i'm gonna go back to bed. i shouldn't sleep for too long though I hope. I'll write later. Bye for now.

I just tried to sleep for almost an hour but my mind just wouldn't stop racing, so I'm up again. So to keep myself occupied i might make a digital photography gallery.

Hi back 4:32PM i just made a Digital Photography gallery. i have a sore throat. Need another drink. Been taking photo's. Mostly of the pets. I should go and fix them some dinner i suppose and make myself another coffee while I'm at it.

4:50PM. hi back again, the pets are fed and I have a fresh cup of coffee. i'm going to go and have a shower soon and then maybe try my hand at this sleeping thing again. not sure. Fuck it i'll try again now. Goodnight to me again.


kukl_close_up.jpg (54306 bytes)

A Kukl close up

african_men.jpg (42560 bytes)

The wooden African men that sit on my dining room table

my_street.jpg (58992 bytes)

The Street I live in on this quiet Friday afternoon


1 Thursday 13th March. 6:47AM. Good morning. I woke up at 5:50AM after going to sleep at 2AM and have just got out of bed and decided to come online. I'm listeneing to the making of Diorama. 2 It's cold, but i don't think it's raining. Felix is hassling me to let him outside, but I won't do that until it's fully daylight. About 7AM. I have a pain in between my ribs. Might be the cold. 3 So far I'm still the only bidder on that handbag which is good. 7:15AM I've just fed the pets, done their dishes, let the cats out, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the bathroom, and set a load of washing goin
4 I've just got dressed and plaited my hair. Yes it's definately autumn now, we're getting the cold mornings and soon it will stretch to entire cold days. i'm not really looking forward to that. 5 Autumn is kind of a relief after the summer, but winter is a different story, at least we have fire wood and a cranking fire place. Pity I don't have one in my room, that would totally rock. 6 i'm still sick, can't stop sneezing. 8:27AM. i've just decorated the dining room, hung a load of washing out and made myself another coffee, it's so cold this morning. I need thermals.
7 I'm quite tired, well i've only had about 4 hours sleep so far. Will go back to bed soon I think, but first... clean the toilet and peg out the second load of washing. grr fuck housework in the arse 8 hi again, the washing is out, the toilet is clean and i'm ready for bed again. So I'll go now and maybe write later. 9AM. Goodnight. 9 I must have got about half an hours sleep before the courier woke me knocking on trhe door. I got my pants, they're really cool except the waist is a bit small. So i'm going to go on a diet.
10 So today is DIET DAY ONE. It's cold cold cold, i just got the washing in as it looks as if it's going to rain again soon. Oh I've spied some really cool jeans i like from trade me but I dont have $30. 11 So far i'm still the only bidder on the handbag which is cool. It will match my new jersey. Oh I get my cool bracelet from Avon this week. Shit I'm tired. Might have an afternoon nap later today 12 Kukl's torturing a cicada in the hallway i'd take it outside but they cling to your hand if you pick them up and it's a bit spooky. i can't find Felix, i've been calling ti him so I can get them in and then nap.
13 I've just got the cats in. felix was next door and this time came home when i called. it's going to rain any minute. I've just made myself another coffee. I'm really really bored! 14 You can probably tell by my ramblings. Just excuse me. I have a sore throat. And stinging eyes. I'll probably go back to bed after this coffee and try to sleep again. 15 Hopefully this time with no interruptions. ok coffee's over back off to bed I go. 2PM. Goodnight.
16 Hello again. 4:21PM. I didn't get much sleep, about an hours worth so I'm still tired. But I've got up properly now and made the bed. At least i'll sleep well tonight. it's turned out to be sunny. 17 I haven't seen the sun for a few days. oh I just rechecked the auctyion on those levi's. The auction doesn't finish until next wednesday which just happens to be my payday......... 18 So I've placed a bid, starting bid at $30.00 and so far i'm the only bidder. So hopefully it stays that way. I've just spoken to Mum on the phone.


1 Wednesday 12th March. 10:42AM. Good morning, well it's not really a good one, I'm still sick and feel worse than yesterday and it's raining again. I had a rough night so I'm tired. Anyway this picture to the right is the Principals handbag I've bid on in trade me. So far I'm the only bidder at $8.00, the auction ends on Saturday. So hopefully I get it. it's cold and i'm still tired. I might go back to bed after this coffee. Hopefully my pants will turn up today although I haven't even had an e-mail from her saying she's received the payment. Hope she's not gonna skive off with the money. pink_snakeskin_handbag.jpg (55460 bytes) 2 Hello again. 3:06PM. i just got out of bed again. i went to sleep at about 11:15 and woke up at 1:45PM and have just been lying in bed since. it's still raining and i'm still sneezing. It's quite cold so I should get out of my pyjama's and into some warm clothes. Jeans and a skivvy. i'm just having a smoke and a coffee and am talking to Mum on ICQ. mum gave me three sets of really nice sterling silver earings last night so I have just put a pair in. i've just got dressed, am yet to do my hair and clean the toilet and the bathroom. And then later go into town and do the groceries etc. And i don't feel like doing any of it.


1 Tuesday 11th March. 12:03PM. Good afternoon. I haven't been awake long, about an hour. Ouch Kukl just stuck his claw right into my hand while attacking my watch. i'm still sick and have sore teeth again. it's a shitty rainy day so I have kept the cats in.       2 I might go back to bed yet, not sure but I don't want to go back to bed while i still have this toothache, otherwise I lie there and focus on it. i've just had some aspro clear. need to buy some more tomorrow being payday.
3 Here's my horoscope for today....
Take everything you know about the last seven years and view it only as a preparation for the era you're now moving into. Uranus moves out of your sign today and it's now that you'll start to put what you know into practice.
      4 It's quite cold today, says we'll have a high of 20degC but it doesn't feel like that at all. But I should get used to this now it's autumn. I have a sore neck and shoulders, must have slept funny. I might go and lie in bed soon and watch a bit of crap on teley. Yes I'll do that now. See you later.
5 hello again. 4:12PM now. I just woke up about half an hour ago, I went to sleep after watching touched by an angel. It's still raining, i've just got dressed and have rolled a smoke, nina phoned and woke me to tell me she cut off Reeve's long hair and wants me to go over and see it. So i'll probably do that l8r. 6 I might go and get a DVD out, haven't watched DVD's for a few weeks so that could be something nice to do on such a shitty day. Would you believe it I have toothache again. jesus christ I wish it would go away. I'd rather have any other pain but toothache. Seriously I would.


1 Monday 10th March. 6:25AM. Good morning. I just woke up and have made myself a coffee and I thought I'd come online for a while while I drink it and have a smoke. I have toothache. 2 I'm still sick and I'm sick of being sick. It's a rainy day today, apparently it's supposed to get quite heavy so I'm going to keep the cats inside today. By the way I won the bid on those flares. 3 god I wish my nose would unblock. Makes it difficult to go to sleep as I have to breathe out my mouth which I'm not used to doing. I've just got myself some aspro clear.
4 My teeth were fine for a while. It's just one bottom one which is sore but it looks fine. Just having a vicks blue and am talking to Don on ICQ and surfing a bit. Back soon. 5 Hello again. 11:24AM. I woke up about an hour ago but have been lying in bed trying to go back to sleep but to no avail, so I have just got up and made myself a coffee. 6 I have a bit of a headache. I have to deposit the money today in the girls bank account for my flares. $21 including postage. Can't wait until i get them. Shouldn't take too long.
7 They're only coming from Wellington which is a 4 and half hour drive from where i live. So maybe it will take 2 or 3 days. I've just got dressed, dressed in my winter woolies., I bought a new fab pink knit top with long flared sleeves and huge rolled neck that is deliciously warm. 8 Here's my horoscope for today...
We live in a busy world and the first casualty are the things we do for fun. If you've been guilty of that, the stars want you to rectify that. There are 24 hours in a day and don't say that you can't find at least an hour for yourself.
9 Just going to make myself another coffee, back soon. i've just let the cats out, it's stopped raining and i feel mean keeping them in all day. Felix and Kukl have gone out but Joga is under the bed asleep. i've just set a load of washing going, not that i'll get it dry in this weather. 10 Have to do my hair soon, I always feel unprepared when my hair isn't done. And I still have some housework to do fuck it all. I'll go to the bank soon and make that deposit. the sooner I pay, the sooner I get them. I'm quite excited. Will just heat up my hair starightener. back in a minute.
11 It's got quite warm, the sun is even trying to shine through the clouds Though it is supposed to be raining both today and tomorrow. But maybe it won't. Hello I'm back and my hair is done. Now I feel better. 12. 4:04PM. hello again. i went into town and deposited the money and then went around to nina's to drop her cellphone off and have coffee. Then came home, put the washing out and have just been mucking around till now.
13 I'm way tired so i think i'll have a nap soon. I just had a mug of tomatoe soup for lunch. Now I need coke. Back in a sec will just go and get some. hi again, it hasn't rained again yet, I shuold go and check the washing i suppose. 14 Hi I just got the washing in, most of it was dry, have just folded it too. I have toothache again but I can't live on aspro clear for the rest of my life so next time I have money i will have to go and see the dentist again :o(
15 i'm waiting for an email from the girl in wellington to confirm my payment and tell me when she's gonns send the pants, but none so far. Oh I have a sore throat too so am having a vicks blue. I'd be lost without these. I should try to smoke less. Well i might go and have a nap now.  


1 Saturday 8th March. 5:23PM. hello. Nina's just left, she came over for coffee. It's cold and is going to rain. i'm still sick, but at least being bed ridden isn't so bad. I've got a new bed, it's wrought iron and wood. Very nice. 2 I have toothache so I've just taken some aspro clear. 8:02PM. hello again. i woke up half an hour ago after about 2 hours nap. I have just bit on a pair of camel coloured flares for $15. the auction closes tonight at 9PM. 3 So far I am the only bidder which is good. I have toothache again and it's really driving me insane. might have to have some more aspro though it didn't work last time. Am just listening to Vespertine.
4 Just made myself another coffee and some aspro clear. oh it's cold tonight. I have the electric blanket on luckily. oh jesus christ fuck my teeth hurt. Arghh. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck




1 Thursday 6th March. 1:04AM. good morning. Well it's not quite so good, my nose is blocked, my ear are blocked and they ache and i can't stop sneezing and it's giving me a headrush/headache. Fucking hell. 2 I just want to be well again. i'm fucking sick of being sick. oh well i'm going to go back ot bed and try to sleep again. Hopefully this time I can and i'll no doubt write later in the day. goodnight. 3 i'm still awake. it's 4:43AM. i can't fucking well sleep, just like the night before last, i'm so fucking restless but I should be tired I only got 4 hours sleep the night before last, none last night and so far none this morning.
4 this fucking flu/cold thing is getting worse. hot and cold flushes, cold sweats I feel like shit. I'm moaning i know but that's why it's called MY journal, and you're still reading it. 5 I'm so thirsty and my ears are popping. Fuck it i'll try sleeping again.  


1 Wednesday 5th March. 12:05PM. Good afternoon. I've just finished doing the housework and have made myself a coffee, Dames came over earlier to do a search on Vauxhalls. 2 it's a beautiful sunny day but is slightly chilly inside, I've just got dressed and have set a load of washing going. I'm still sick. Feels like i've been sick for ages. Damn thing. 3 i'm tired. I didn't get to sleep until about 5AM and then woke at 9:30AM. But at least sleep well tonight. It's payday today so I have a bit to do including getting a warrant on my car.
4 i've just got off the phone from Mum. I phoned and placed my avon order. Still sneezing. I might go and sit outside in the sun and have a smoke and a glass of coke. back soon. 5 Oh it's nice and hot out there. Felix and kukl came and sat with me. Now Felix is out there playing with his ping pong ball. It's quite cold inside in comparison. 1:13PM bored. 6 Am just heating up hair straightener, have just brushed my teeth. oh I'm tired. looking forward to going to bed tonight. i need to water my peace lily it's starting to droop a little. Back soon.



1 Tuesday 4th March. 3:48AM. good morning. I just woke up about 20 minutes ago and have made myself a coffee so I started watching BBC World and thought I would come online for a little while. 2 i still have a cold. *Blowing nose and sneezing* It's supposed to be a lovely sunny day todday but a high of only 21DegC. I was thinking of getting dreads and dying my hair really light blond. I don't know how it would look.


3 Here's my horoscope for the day..
With your time and attention focused on making money, be creative also about how you spend it. Having fun and looking after yourself need not cost the earth if you simply concentrate on feeling good about yourself.
4 but I probably wouldn't, it's a bit of a big commitment. I would if they were temporary. I do want my hair to be a bit lighter though, just so it's not so gold, a bit whiter. If it's light then I can put dark rinses through it and they turn out really well, and it fades out there's no regrowth. All the tricks. 5 I went to the library yesterday and got some more good photography books out. I need another film. Ive to get a warrant of fitness for my car thios week so I don't know I'll be able to afford one. Oh to be rich. Well i've just made another coffee so i think i'm gonna go back to bed with it. Goodnight

6 good morning. 11:10AM. i just woke not so long ago with a phone cal from mum. Have done some housework and now am sitting down to a coffee before I continueon with the rest.

7 I just had to get rid of 2 old Jehova Witness ladies who looked at me like I was Satan when i said I wasn't interested in religion. Old pushy bats. Well it's sunny but there's a cold wind. 8 Hi again. i just got drssed, cleaned the bathroom and have set a load of washing going. It's quite cold inside. I have a sore throat. Need another coffee. Still sneeeeeeeeeeeeeezing.
9 i've just made another coffee. I sort of feel like going back to bed. just flipping through the Avon catalogue, think i'll order some liquid eye liner and there's a nice nail polish I wouldn't mind. The washing machine is beeping, back soon will just peg out the washing and set another load going. 10 Hi back, the washing is out. it's nice and warm outside now. I'm going to call in on Nina a bit later and see how she's doing and i have some mags to drop off to her from Mum. Also may get a couple of DVD's out. Damian just called in so i gave him the magz to give to Nina.
11 Oh shit I'm tired. And a bit bored. Will just brush my teeth. Well i think i might go back to bed for a little nap. I'm too tired. So I'll write a bit later when i wake up. Bye.  


1 Monday 3rd March. 10:09AM. Good morning. I woke up about half an hour ago, have fed the pets, done their dishes, cleaned the kitchen and made myself a coffee. I just got the cats in as it has started to rain. 2 although it is actually quite hot. I'm still crook, i feel worst in the mornings and at night. i'll probably go back to bed again soon. Just thought i'd get up and have a coffee as I was so thirsty. my nose itches. Damn virus. 3 Oh shit I just drank all my coffee and forgot to take echinacea. oh well, i'll take it later. Don't know if it's actually helping or not. Fuck it's muggy. Ok today I want it to be cold. Well I think i'm going to head back off to bed now.
4 Hi again. 11:10AM. I tried to sleep but couldn't so I've just got up and made myself another coffee. I let the cats back out as it stopped raining and now it's raining again. Typical. 5 oh how I wish to sleep this day away but can't. I've just got the cats in again. Am just going to check out some new fonts. hi back again, I downloaded about 12 new fonts. 6 I'm tired again now. And need another coffee. I might make another coffee and take it to bed with me. Yes i'll do that, will probably write later. Bye.


1 Sunday 2nd March. 10AM. I feel sick again. I've just woken up and done a bit of housework and I feel quite fluey again. My nose is blocked, my ears ache, the roof of my mouth itches and I have that surreal feeling you get when you're crook. So i hope it passes.


2 It was supposed to be fine today but it's overcast and has just stopped raining not so long ago. Rain again tomorrow apparently. I hope we get some nice weather soon. That always happens in summer I want it to be cold, and vice versa.

3 Here's my horoscope for today...
You have family or health concerns to work out today, but have fun with whatever work you choose to do and have the best of both worlds. You need some excitement in your life so put your thinking cap on and try something new.

4 i don't think i'll be staying up for long. I'll probably go back to bed soon. i feel quite miserable. might make one more coffee. i'm just downloading the Cyndi Lauper song Heading West. 53% complete. Will just go and make that coffee so I can take a couple of echinacea. BRB.

5 Oh my god, the sun has come out, imagine that. I hope it sticks around. Download 68% complete. Oh I have a headache. i'm bored so will just go and clean the bathroom. Hi back, bathroom is clean. Damn I got disconnected and lost my download. Piss flap!

6. 11:45AM. Hi again. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't so I've just got up again. Am just heating up my hair crimper. 12:18PM. Hi again, I'm back, dressed and my hair is done. I feel a bit better now and it has turned out to be a hot sunny day. Yay. Will just phone Nina. BRB. 7 I'm just talking to Nina on the phone. She's going to come around a bit later. I've just washed my tulip fence and garden gnome as i'm giving them to mum because I have no where to put them anymore. Plus she loves anything to do with gardens.
8 i've just finished my third coffee for day. i'm rambling because I'm bored. I have the toilet to clean and the floors to wash. Rhys came over last night so it was nice to see him again. I've just set a load of washing going. Might have myself a little bag of chippies. Munchos O rings. nice.

9 Oh what to do? I'm bored shitless. i should do the last of the housework but they're such cunty jobs. might have another cigarette. I just took a quiz on which swear word I am and I am BITCH. Sounds about right. A bored bitch.


Take Quiz. Which swear word are you?


10 Hi back again, just cleaned the toilet and mopped the floors and pegged out the washing. Now i'm bored again. It's really really hot outside which is nice for an autumns day. I'm tired again. And hungryish. Wonder if i should have lunch? Sometimes eating is just one big hassle. Kukl's just come inside, he bought a dead bird earlier which I had to take out, looked like a little finch. i'll make myself another coffee when the kitchen floor is dry. now I feel like going back to bed. Will check the TV guide, there are often good shows on on a Sunday. Will just go and get the washing in. Hi back again, washing is in, folded and put away. And now to make coffee. I have sore feet. Still sneezing. i want to have a nap but don't know what time Nina is coming. 3:42PM, hello again I just woke up. I had an hours nap. i'm so tired I feel like I could sleep forever. Have just made a coffee. It's super windy now. I don't like the wind. God the roof of my mouth is so itchy. I want to go back to sleep. Whoa it's hot! Ah, there's nothing a cigarette when you first wake up. They are just the icing on the cake. i should get the last load of washing in soon. I have no energy I've been drained.
11 Drained by the energy vampire while I was sleeping. Oh got to go Nina, Dames and kids are here. 11:03PM, hello again. It's wickedly hot. My nose is still blocked and i'm sick of breathing out of my mouth which I don't normally do. I'm watching 'The Patriot'. Cyba is barking, will just check on him. i've just been working on another website. BRB Going to make another coffee. 12 hi back with coffee. i had a mean headache earlier but took some aspro and it finally subsided. i usually don't get headaches, well not ones that hang around anyhow. blowing my nose gives me such a headrush, I can't wait till I'm better. I shouldn't take my health for granted. Well that was a pretty good movie.
13 Kukl has just come and curled up on my lap. It's such a privellege how they seek out our company. Shit it's a hot night. Supposed to rain again tomorrow. At least we had a good day today, well for the most part anyhow. Well i think i'm going to head back off to bed and watch crap on TV until it bores me to sleep. Will write tomorrow no doubt. Goodnight. Hugs. Joga.



1 Saturday 1st March. 2:40AM. Hello. i woke up again about an hour ago. I'm sleeping like shit. I'm really really crook fuck it all. Mega stuffed up and my throat is so itchy it's anoying i have to keep drinking to cure the itch 2 I'm going to make myself another coffee and go back to bed soon. Oh I have ear ache too. This is terrible. I hope it doesn't get any worse. Maybe I'm just a big chicken. Ok off to make coffee and then back to the sicksack. 3 Hello again. 9:13AM. I woke up at 8:15AM and have cleaned the kitchen, fed the pets, done their dishes and am on my second cup of coffee. It's raining again but it's not cold, which is something I suppose.
4 I've just sent mum an ICQ message. Will just take a couple of echinacea. Hopefully they are helping. Johan bought me 2 boxes of lovely soft tissues last night. 5 And what a relief they are to my poor over-used nose. I wonder when this weather will clear up. Well probably not for a while, today is the first day of autumn. 6 I think lying in bed is making me feel worse than I am. it's the whole pschosematic thing. So i'm going to do my hair soon and try to look and feel as normal as possible.
7 If I tell myself I'm ok maybe i'll be ok. Think well, be well kinda thing. i'll just go and heat up my hair straightener. Hello again. I'm back, my hair is done and I'm half dressed and feeling better already. 10:24AM, just downloading more of the mezzanine album. Massive Attack are coming to New Zealand soon. I don't like their latest album though so I won't be going. I'm bored. i know I said i would try to stay out of bed today but I sort of feel like going back to it.