A Body In His Eyes

Right in his vitamin webs
They find me
Lying soothed
Restlessness frozen in Friday
Solitude reveals this reality
Left untouched
Just for me
Tiredness confused with bliss
All of my chords severed 
For him to see
For me, a body in his eyes.

Lying naked in all he's said
Veins dripping tears
While I lie soothed
But enough to be
Doesn't take much to tear me into
Nothing anymore
Left untouched
So they will be
The web that will never let me go

Where is a window
I cannot reach to climb
Back into myself
My safety zone

Pieces of who I am
Jumbled into this mixture
This incompleteness
Travels too far through my blood
With it's own secret vengeance
A body in his eyes is all he'll ever see
Of me.

Littlejoga 06/07/01/

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