Acid through the masses.
Time warp distort.
Malfunction nation.
Asian contagion.
Conscious conscience.
Refund in abundance.
War crimes.
Lost times.
Epidemic septic.
Infectious connections.
Reject infect resume.
Conclude bass.
Facial space.
World racial.
Fast forward.
Progress plays it's part.
Rewind to the start.
To the aftermath.
To the end.
Steal defend.
Shoot to kill.
At will.
Justice won't prevail.
Smoke to choke to death.
It's best if you feel.
If you touch to enjoy.
Burn the book.
The lies.
Look into his eyes.
He's not real.
Not there.
Need to fear.
The enemy the enema.
The curve shape cold steel.
Hard fast tragic heal.
After every one before the next.
The second never better.
The wetness fixes the domestic crime.
Pray we'll learn in time.
Near the end.
Solitude to prove.
Your bitterness.
Your loneliness.
Your dry lipped kiss.
Dismiss the case.
Just incase.
We would have won.
Cure the disease.
If you please.
If you will.
You can but refuse.
For only payment paves the way for the coming.

littlejoga 27/10/2k