Friendship's lost in time.
Emotional crime.
To fade away to background.
To sound-less self detrimental experiments.
Unkempt attempt to purify.
Marvel at the oracle for answers to the questionless.
Retrospect of introspect says suicide.
Compose composure for closure.
Arrange derange the order in order to destroy.
Deploy destruction.
Succumb to the seduction.
Infect neglect her.
Self pity.
Selfish soul.
Pass the blame.
My shame.
Full of history repetitions.
At fault.
Exalt myself.
At your expense.
Consequence in hiding.
Finding reason to reason
With me.
You're apathy.
A childhood scream.
Must redeem him.
Safe within.
The secrets lie.
Arousal forbidden.
Truth be told.
Stay hidden.

© littlejoga 6/2/2k