Peach Party Dress

Cut me in my peach party dress

Just lie still with your offerings

  Your trembling flesh and bullets

Alice said she'd  never let you

maybe not mistaken

not your fault but Bev Allit still breathes

now who does the hunting  can't let you for you use too much

said your red 75's need work and memories

 your knee's cut from crawling on metallic tangerines

she says I stand too much to lose in these shoes of mine

souls carved with stones and plained by time

   but Alice says she needs a little more sometimes

to cross her arms or carve her skin

 like metal in vice or clamped and kissed by tadpole thieves

best not forget where you have been little maam for sometimes bunnies won't show you the way

 so let us keep your tea parties

with pumpkin pie and pills that make you shine

  and if I burn her blonde hair

  just crucify the critic in my bones

and though I breathe

bipolar tendencies still need to see revenge.


© littlejoga 13/09/00