Article Published in the July/August 1993 Welcome Home Magazine Vol. 4, No. 4


One feature of the McIntosh-Pepper house that immediately catches your eyes is the roof.  It is tiled, which is unusual in this area of the country and it is blue, which is unique.
Deciding on the color for the tile and getting the roof installed was one of the most interesting chapters in the addition story.  Mary found an ad for Met-Tile, the California company that makes the tile, in the back of a magazine.
"When I called the company, they told me that these roofs were tricky to install and that we couldn't hire just any roofing company to do it" says Mary.  They said there were only two companies that could do the roof and neither of them would be available for four years.  When I explained that we needed to have the roof put on in a few weeks, they gave me the two names and told me I could call them.  One company was in the Virgin Islands the other was in Minnesota."
"Since it was winter here, I thought maybe business would be slow in the Virgin Islands, so I called that company first.  It wasn't.  The man offered to take our name and put us on his list.
"The I called the company in Minnesota.  Mr. Loosen said he was sorry but he was busy.  He could put us down for 1995, then he took our name and promised to call if anything came up.  A month later he called to tell me that a job in New York had been canceled and that he had nine and a half days to do our roof.  He said he could work no matter what the weather was.  He and his crew flew in, and nine and a half days later when they flew out, we had a new roof."
When asked how she chose the color of the tile, Mary laughs. "When I asked Edward what color the roof should be, he said "Go with the blue."
I couldn't imagine it.  I wanted terra cotta, the traditional color, but my friends, Deb and Tony Dacoba said "Mary, you have a California, all window-style house.  Don't put terra cotta on it.  Besides, Ed likes blue.  If you pick blue, you'll never be sorry."  They convinced me to send away for samples.  When I saw the blue, I knew they were right."


With Help From Their Friends

For some people adding on to a home brings nothing but headaches.  For Edward Pepper and Mary McIntosh adding on to their home brought mostly joy.  They increased their living space and their circle of friends.
Changing Your Home Is Easy

Mary McIntosh and Edward Pepper added on to their Southern Michigan Lake Home and gave it a Southern California Flair.

With white paint, a new roof, the addition of a second story and a more formal entrance.  Mary McIntosh and Edward Pepper totally transformed the exterior of their nice, but ordinary ranch house.