A Random Walk

All matter above and beneath the Earth's surface moves in cycles.

Through the Day¦Every place we go, every day of our lives we experience Earth's cycles. A day may start out clear and sunny, with mild temperatures and gentle breezes, however, suddenly, the winds picks up as a line of dark clouds presses in from the west. With the wind comes the first threatening rumble of thunder, flashes of distant lighting, and spouts of rain. A heavy downpour and powerful gusts of wind follow, as thunder booms and lighting illuminates then gray sky around us. Trees sway, windows rattle and limbs come crashing down at the height of the storm.

Within an hour skies are sunny again, through the temperature is noticeably cooler. The air has a fresh, clean smell, and the sky seems more deeply blue than before. In the span of a few hours we have experienced one of the Earth's many cycles—the atmospheric cycle called weather. Day and night, summer and winter, life and death—these and many other cyclical changes characterize our dynamic planet.

