- facial characteristics and desirable head profile varies
from breed to breed
- a concave profile is called a dished face (i.e. Arabian)
- a convex profile is called a roman nose, and is faulted
in most, but not all, breeds
- generally, a straight profile, (or sometimes a dished face)
is preferred
- larger nostrils provide for intake of air at speed
- an overbite is called a parrot mouth (lower jaw short)
- an undershot jaw may be called a bulldog bite or monkey
mouth (lower jaw long)
- the pronounced bulging forehead of the Arabian is called
the jibbah
- eyes should be bright, widely spaced, and prominent, but
not bulging (bovine eyes)
- eyes that are too small are called pig eyes
- the Exmoor pony is noted for "toad eyes," and the
Appaloosa is noted for a visible white sclera
- Paints, Pintos, and some other breeds sometimes have blue
eyes, called glass eyes, while most horses have brown
- the ears should be slender and alert
- ears that are too long are called mule ears
- the Arabian is noted for ears that meet, or appear to meet, at a point in the
- the length of the neck is said to have an affect on the horses stride
- the shoulder actually has more influence on stride length; if you plan on disputing older textbooks in competition, bring a copy of Conformation and Performance by Nancy Loving, or one of the Pony Club books by Susan Harris
- the throatlatch should be clean and trim, and the neck
long and slightly arched (degree varies by breed)
- a neck is considered too long when it exceeds the length of the body
- the ideal neck is one third the length of the entire horse
- a ewe neck is one concave from withers to poll, and
interferes with flexibility
- a fallen crest occurs when fat deposits in the crest of the neck become so excessive as to fall to one side or the other; most common in ponies, draft breeds, and Morgans, especially stallions
- a bull neck is short and thick, with a short upper curve
- a knife neck is extremely thin, with poor muscle development on the top and bottom
- the shoulder should slope at a 45 degree angle from the
withers to the point of the shoulder; a straight shoulder
shortens the stride, causing a trappy, pounding gait
- the foreleg is attached to the body by the shoulder
muscles, and there is no skeletal attachment
- 60 - 65 percent of the weight is carried on the forelegs
- the forearm should be twice as long as the cannon bone,
and its length influences the length of the stride
- the knee should be flat, wide, and clean
- tendons should be well defined, and should not be "tied
in" behind the knee, as this indicates weakness
- sprung forward at the knees is said to be buck kneed, or
over at the knees
- sprung back at the knees is said to be calf kneed
- calf knees are a serious fault and predisposes a horse to
- buck knees are a minor fault, and some racehorse trainers
prefer a horse to stand slightly forward in the knees
- a horse having medial deviation at the knees is commonly
called knock kneed
- in a bow legged horse, the knees are too far apart, or
laterally deviated
- bench knees are knees in which the cannon bone is off
center, and they predispose the horse to medial splints
- the pastern should slope at a 45 degree angle to the
- short, upright pasterns cause a rough gait, and can lead
to osselets, navicular disease, and other problems
- excessively small feet predispose to navicular disease
- large, flat feet predispose to sole bruises, corns, and
other foot problems
- toeing out is standing splay footed, and causes dishing,
or winging in
- toeing in is standing pigeon toed, and causes paddling,
or winging out
Top line:
- the withers should be prominent; thick, meaty withers are
called mutton withers
- horses are measured at the withers
- the body should be deep, short, and have well sprung ribs
- depth through the heartgirth provides room for the heart
and lungs
- the back should be short and strong
- lordosis, or sway back, is a weakness causing extreme
concavity in the back, and is sometimes associated with
age, especially in broodmares
- a convex bend in the back is called a roach back, and
causes short stride and interferes with flexibility
- a long back can predispose a horse to spinal injury, and
interferes with athletic ability
- the loin, or coupling, is the connection between the back
and the hindquarters (space from last rib to hip) and
should be short
- a horse weak in the coupling will also be shallow in the
flanks, and is called wasp wasted, herring gutted, or
hound gutted
- the croup should be level or slightly rounded, depending
on the breed
- the tail setting also varies with breed, with a higher
tail preferred in the Saddlebred, Arabian, and Morgan
- too much slope in the croup is termed a goose rump
- a smooth top line figures heavily in the judge's first
impression during a conformation class
- the underline should be smooth
- a horse that is tucked up below the flanks is said to be
wasp wasted, herring gutted, or hound gutted, and usually
is also weak in the coupling
Hind legs:
- the hock and stifle are dependent joints
- the hock is the hardest working joint in the body
- impulsion comes from the hind end
- hocks with excessive bend are called sickle hocks
- sickle hocks predispose to curb, or injury to the plantar
- hocks which point towards one another are called cow
- a horse which is too straight in the hock is said to be
camped out
Additional External Anatomy
- chestnuts are natural horny growths on the insides of the
- chestnuts are found above the knees and below the hocks
- the shape of the chestnut may be used in identification
- the ergot is a chestnut like growth on the back of the
fetlock joint
- the top of the head is called the poll, and is formed by
the summit of the occipital crest (top of the skull)
- the six joints of the foreleg are the shoulder, elbow,
knee, fetlock, pastern, and coffin joint
- the seven joints of the hind leg are the sacro-iliac,
hip, stifle, hock, fetlock, pastern, and coffin
- conformation faults named after mammals include: bulldog
bite, monkey mouth, pig eyes, mule ears, ewe neck, mutton
withers, calf knees, buck knees, hound gut, and cow hocks
- conformation faults named after birds include: goose
rumped, parrot mouthed, pigeon toed