Hippology: Studying the Horse

Health Related Terms: Prefixes and Suffixes

ab- from, away
ad- toward
arthr(o)- refers to a joint
auto- pertaining to self
blepharo- refers to the eyelid
brachy- short
brady- slow
cardio- relating to the heart
-centesis aspiration
cephalo- refers to the head
chondro- about cartilage
chorio- related to a membrane
costo- relating to the ribs
cysto- about the bladder
-cyte denotes a cell
derm- signifies skin
dys- difficult/painful
ecto- outside, on, without
-ectomy surgical removal
-emia related to blood
endo- within
enter(o)- related to intestines
exo- outside
gnath- related to the jaw
hepat- denotes the liver
hemo- denotes the blood
hydro- denotes water
hyper- excessive, above
intra- within
iso- equal, alike, same
-itis inflammation of
leuko- white
lyso- splitting/destruction
mal- ill or bad
meta- after, behind
myco- refers to fungus
-oma denotes a tumor
-osis denotes a process
-osteo denotes a bone
para- beside, beyond, apart
peri- around
-phage, phago eating or devouring
pneumo- relating to the lungs
pyo- relating to pus
rhino- related to the nose
-rrhage excessive flow
-rrhea flow or discharge
septic- pathogenic organisms
supra- above or over
syn- associated with
epi- denotes on, upon,
tachy- fast
toco- relating to birth
-tomy cutting or incising
trans- across or through
-uria pertaining to urine
-vaso related to a duct

Hippology: Studying the Horse