Hippology: Studying the Horse

Useful Numbers

Many of the answers in knowledge competitions are numerical. Some students have found this chart useful in keeping them straight. Please note that in most competitions, the rules state that if the answer is a range, a number within a range should be given. Therefore, our chart lists safe numbers from within these ranges, where applicable.

length of gestation in days340
length of estrus cycle in days21
number of teeth in a foal24
number of teeth in a stallion40
number of teeth in a mare36
average respiration rate12
average capillary refill rate in seconds1 - 2
average pulse rate36
number of cervical vertebrae7
number of thoracic vertebrae18
number of lumbar vertebrae6
number of sacral vertebrae5
number of coccygeal vertebrae20 (18-21)
number of pairs of ribs18
number of pairs of false ribs10
number of pairs of true ribs8
number of chromosomes in the horse64
average equine temperature (F)100.5
total number of toes possessed by Eohippus14
number of segments in the sternum8
number of quarts held by the large intestine80
number of quarts held by the small intestine48
number of quarts held by the stomach8-17
length of the alimentary canal in feet100
length of the esophagus in inches60
length of the cecum in feet4
feet in a furlong660
yards in a furlong220
number of Triple Crown winners (U.S. 3 yr old TB)11

Hippology: Studying the Horse