- at birth, the foal has twenty-four deciduous teeth(temporary or milk teeth)
- a full mouthed stallion has forty teeth (but may have 42 or 44)
- a full grown mare usually has thirty six teeth (but may have 40)
- mares usually lack canine teeth
- horses may also have a vestigial first premolar, or wolf tooth
- if present, the wolf tooth is usually on the upper jaw, but may be on the lower, or even both jaws
- incisor teeth are used for prehension (grasping of food)
- premolars and molars grind the food
- a horses teeth grow throughout its life
- growth allows for wear
- growth also allows age to be judged by the teeth
- a horse's age can only be estimated by judging the teeth; diet and other factors can alter wear rates
- age can be estimated using:
- number and type of teeth
- angle of occlusion (bite)
- Galvayne's groove
- Dental star
- dental problems can cause:
- chewing problems (and therefore weight loss or possibly gastrointestinal upset)
- excessive salivation
- halitosis (bad breath)