My Mercedes Benz page

I am a fan of the Mercedes Benz marque. In the 8 years that I have owned Mercedes Benzes, I have had the pleasure of owning the following vehicles:

  1. 1975 W115 200. Manual transmission. This is a workhorse of a car...willingly making 2000km trips without any problems. But rust finally got this girl...she gave up the ghost with more than 200,000km of city driving under her belt.
  2. 1983 W123 230E. Automatic 3 speed MB transmission. Another excellent car. Fairly powerful, and willing engine, though a trifle rough compared to 6 cylinder jobs.
  3. 1988 W126 300SEL. Automatic 4 speed MB transmission. Catalytic Converter - deleted. Very large (long) car. A friend made me a great offer, and I sold her. Had 183,000km under her tranny when I sold her. She is giving excellent service to my friend.
  4. 1990 W126 300SE. This is now my current mode of transportation. It has clocked 153,000 km. Here is picture:

Click on the Mercedes Benz star for more on the W126!

Take me home, scotty...

This page was created by Peter Chong. Last updated April 26, 1997.