Glock 17

glock 18
Real Name: Glock 17
Game Description Favored by most military officers, this Austrian semi-automatic pistol is considered the defacto standard side-arm worldwide.
General Info This polymer based pistol has been a huge success in law enforcement circles. A well made and robust sidearm, it uses a special "safe-action" trigger that allows the weapon to be quickly brought into action. Due to this special mechanism, it is best handled by experienced shooters, as a negligent discharge is easily accomplished.
Realism: Decent - Glock have a 17 round magazine, and could not use the same magazine as a Beretta 92F. Due to the "safe-action" trigger mechanism of a Glock, I would expect it to be quicker to use than a Beretta as well.
Notes: Not very powerful, but a high ammo capacity. Exactly what you want in a sidearm but not as your only weapon.
Wicked looking Glock 17. This is actually a competition gun.

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