Ruger Mini-14

Real Name: Ruger Mini-14
Game Description This Sturm Ruger rifle is a 70’s era mechanical copy of the WWII Garand, and it makes an ideal gift for the Survivalist in the family.
General Info Actually a smaller version of the M-14 assault rifle, now chambered for 5.56mm, the Mini-14 remains an American classic. This weapon has seen widespread use in the US among civilians and law enforcement in a variety of roles and incarnations. Some rural police agencies issue these weapons instead of shotguns due to their longer range.
Realism: Decent - Although rare, the Mini-14 once accepted 30 round magazines. However the Mini-14 was never designed to take the standard NATO 5.56mm Magazines. This may be nitpicky on my part.
Notes: A good rifle, but its lack of full-auto can leave your troops in a bad situation.

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