Real Name: FIE SPAS-15 
Game Description This fearsome looking Italian semi-automatic assault shotgun has been banned in several countries.
General Info This is an attempt to modernize the combat shotgun. Although tube fed shotguns have flexibility in combat, reloading an entire tube can take a lot of time. The SPAS-15 eliminates some tactical flexibility but adds rapid reloading through use of magazines. In addition, the weapon is built more along the lines of a military rifle rather than a hunting shotgun, which is a departure from standard combat shotgun designs.
Realism: Terrible - The buckshot problem also cripples this weapon. Slugs merely turn it into a slow firing rifle with a small magazine. I am still trying to confirm the ammo capacity.
Notes: This is everything a modern combat shotgun should be. Should be a good weapon once the buckshot problem is fixed.

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