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Sir Charles Morgan Robinson Morgan

Charles Morgan Robinson Morgan was born in 1792, and inherited the estate in 1846. Sir Charles carried on the families interest in industry, commerce and agriculture. He was the Chairman of the Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company, and Chairman of the Alexandra Dock Company, for which he donated land. Continuing the love of agriculture that had so absorbed his father, Charles was an avid breeder of short horn cattle, and served as President of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. After serving as MP for Brecon he finally made the step that had just eluded his father and grandfather, when in 1859, Lord Derby’s government raised Sir Charles to the peerage as Baron Tredegar. Described as ‘kind, sympathetic and large hearted’ and ‘a genuine specimen of the old English gentleman.’ Charles was often surrounded at Tredegar House by his large family. Married to Rosamund, an extremely popular Lady Tredegar, they had eleven children including Godfrey and Frederic, both sons were instilled with their father's love of hunting and skill at horsemanship. Charles bought Godfrey the horse 'Sir Briggs', the charger that performed so well at the Battle of Balaclava. For all his success, as the power and influence of the Tredegar Estate grew, some detected a 'pervading sense of sorrow' in Charles. This might be linked to the fate of his eldest son, Charles Rodney Morgan, who died in Marseilles in 1854, aged 25. Charles Morgan Robinson Morgan, 1st Lord Tredegar died in 1875, merely days after a long-term project came to fruition - the opening of the Alexandra Dock. The title and estate passed to his second son, Godfrey Morgan.


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