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Evan Morgan

Evan Morgan was the last member of the Morgan family to live at Tredegar House. He succeeded to the estate and the titles of Viscount and Baron Tredegar in 1934.
Evan continued the extravagant lifestyle of his father Courtenay, but in a much different way. Not a sportsman or follower of the country pursuits, Evan was interested in Art and Literature and was a big society figure. Some of his friends included the painter Augustus John, writers George Bernard Shaw, Aldous Huxley and G.K. Chesterton. Other guests of Evan were Lady Nancy Cunard, Prince Paul of Greece and the occultist Aleister Crowley.
Evan's weekend garden parties were quite notorious in their day, and entertainments included Evan's menagerie of exotic pets, including a honey bear called Alice, Somerset the boxing kangaroo and a talking parrot called Blue Boy.

Evan was the first member of the Morgan family to be Roman Catholic for centuries. He was converted by the Archbishop of Algiers during World War I, and even went to the English College in Rome to study for the priesthood. He never made it however, as he apparently sent his valet into his lectures for him!

Evan married twice, to a film star and a Russian Princess. On April 21 1928 he married Lois Sturt, daughter of Baron Alington. Unfortunately she died of a heart attack in 19xx. His second wife was the Russian Princess Olga Dolgorouky, who he married in 1939. They divorced in 1943. Evan died at the age of 56 in 1949. Despite his two marriages, Evan had no children, so the estate passed to his elderly uncle Frederick. Frederick kept the title of Baron Tredegar, but renounced the estates to avoid death duties. They then passed to John Morgan.


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