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Lady Rachel Cavendish Morgan

Lady Rachel Cavendish was the eldest daughter of the 2nd Duke of Devonshire,and she married Sir William Morgan in 1724. This was a very successful marriage for William, for her dowry was £20,000.
However, William died at the age of 30, and Rachel was left to guard the interests of her four children. When her only son died unmarried in 1763, she tried to gain the estate for her daughter.
The case against her brother-in-law Thomas Morgan lasted for 19 years in the Court of Chancery, but was eventually unsuccessful. Rachel is then said to have put a curse on the Morgan family, saying 'no son of Thomas Morgan will ever bear an heir'!
Thomas Morgan's three sons all died unmarried, and in 1792 the estate passed to their sister Jane. The family name was retained, as Jane's husband, Sir Charles Gould Morgan, was granted the name and arms of Morgan by Royal Licence

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