Frankfort Airshow

7 Aug 99

1941 Stearman

Ky. National Guard UH-60 Blackhawk performing an insertion of a special operations team via rappel.

Here the above team is being extracted by S.P.I.E.S.

Another 1941 Stearman, they were giving rides on this one, if you had $85.00!!!

A locally owned Eurocoup.



T-34 trainer

The "Grasshopper" owned by the Kentucky Aviation Museum.

Another T-34

Yet another 1941 Stearman

Here is an aerial view of the Capital City Airport, Frankfort,KY.

This is a shot I took of 4 sky divers going out the back of a C-23 Sherpa. The crew chief (center) is hooked up on a monkey harness.

