Copyright Mark Tharp, March 25, 2000

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Russian Rangefinders

At this time you can see some information about Minox cameras, buy Minox items, look at my Minox Photo Gallery, and learn a bit about Russian rangefinder Leica copies. There are operating manuals, in english, for nearly all of the many varients of Russian Leica copies. I will be adding much, much more about Minox, including scans of many of the instruction sheets and books of long discontinued Minox accessories. Some links pages are also in the works.

This is very much a work in process. In fact, I do not see completion even out there on the horizon. Torn between working on dressing up the appearance of the pages, and getting the information up and running, I dither; so some pages have nice features like backgrounds, and some are nothing but type. In the meantime, your patience and understanding would be appreciated. Comments, suggestions, and contributions are always welcome. If you have information or images to share, please let me know by clicking HERE.

Click Image for Minox Items
Adams, Cartier-Bresson, Eisenstadt, none of these names come to mind when viewing my photography. About the only connection I have with the greats is we use silver based film. For me, photography is not just about the image, but the process. The choice of film, the choice of camera, the lens, are all important in their own right; they have to be - my images are usually lousy.

It is much the same experience as enjoyed by lovers of classic automobiles, or tube stereo equipment. The journey becomes as important as the destination.

It is for that reason that I have built this page - to celebrate not the image, but some of the equipment. The criteria is stict and the policy unswerving - it must be equipment which interests me and have little presence on the internet. Those with other interests are encouraged to build their own site.

Click Image For Russian Rangefinders: Techniques, Manuals, Gallery

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