Of Reference Sources used
in the making of the  Carnforth
Railway Station Website.
- British
Railways Past and Present, No.3 The North West, Paul Shannon
and John Hillmer, 0-947971-10-6
- Regional Rail Centres, North West, Rex
Christiansen, 0-7110-2348-4
- A History of the LMS, 1.The First Years 1923-1930. O.S.Nock
- David Lean, Stephen M. Silverman
0-233-98464-X (Brief Encounter)
- "Brief Encounter" David Lean (the
- The
"Railway Magazine" various issues.
- The "Lancaster Guardian" newspaper
- The "Visitor" newspaper
- "History of Lancaster" Cross
- "How Carnforth Grew" Marion Russell,
Published 1997 by The Carnforth Bookshop, Market Street, Carnforth,
- "How
Carnforth Grew" Marion Russell, referring to
"Topography & Directory of Lancaster and 16 miles
around" by P.Mannex
- Railway
Stations in the North West, Gordon Biddle,
- Lancaster
- Lancaster
- Kendal,
County Records Office.
- 19th Century Railway Accidents "An Index of the
Board of Trade, Railway Dept. Reports"
- Railways around Lancaster, K.Nuttall and
T.Rawlings, Dalesman Books, 0-85206-578-7
- Victorian Stations, Gordon
Biddle, David and Charles 0-7153-5949-5
- The changing face of Carnforth, John
Easter Roberts
- The Train now departing, 0-563-20696-9
- British Railways Maps and
Gazeteer, C J Wignall, 860932729
- Encyclopaedia of British Railway
Companies, Christopher Awdry, 1-85260-049-7
- The Directory of Railway
Stations, R V J Butt
- Ian Wilson, Carnforth.
- Parliamentary Papers
- Over Shap to Carlisle Harold
D Bowtell, 0 7110 1313 6
- Signalboxes, Michael A Vanns,
- The
Signal Box, The Signalling Study Group,
- Red
for Danger, L.T.C. Rolt, 0-3330 20168 9
- "Wiv a little bit O'Luck" Stanley
Holloway, Leslie Frewin: London
- London on Film Colin Sorensen
0 904818 65 9 Museum of London
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