


00:00 Express trains and title sequence Carnforth
01:07 "cut away" shot,  ticket collector Carnforth
01:16 ticket collector crosses tracks to refreshment room Carnforth
01:27 Int. Refreshment room studio
06:24 Int. train Laura Jesson Dolly Messiter studio
09:16 Ext. Ketchworth Station studio
09:40 Hallway Laura's house studio
10:03 Bobbie and Margaret's bedroom studio
10:32 Laura's dining room studio
11:46 Laura's library studio
15:25 Int. Refreshment room studio
16:35 Express passes Carnforth
16:40 Laura gets grit in eye Carnforth
16:58 Int. Refreshment room studio
18:01 Laura leaves refreshment room, onto platform Carnforth
18:20 Laura walks along street to Boots Beaconsfield
18:30 Int. Boots W H Smiths, Beaconsfield
18:57 Laura bumps into Alec "What exciting lives we lead" Beaconsfield
19:15 Laura through Booking Hall Studio
19:24 Laura onto platform Carnforth
19:50 Int. Spinks and Robsons' Studio?
20:04 Street Scene Beaconsfield
20:19 Int. Kardomah Caf� Int. Fiveways Caf� Beaconsfield
23:40 Laura and Alec walk along street   Kardomah - Cinema High Wycombe?
24:01 Int. cinema Metropole Cinema,
Victoria, London?
25:21 2 walk down steps, through booking hall, onto platform studio
25:51 Int. Refreshment room studio
30:21 Laura leaves refreshment room, stands on platform and watches train depart Carnforth / studio
31:30 Laura gets on train Carnforth
31:37 Int. carriage studio
31:59 Ketchworth studio
32:11 Ext. Laura's house studio
32.17 Hallway Laura's house studio
32:39 Bobbie and Margaret's bedroom studio
33:29 Laura's library studio
35:45 Laura walks along street to meet Alec Beaconsfield
35:56 Int. Kardomah Beaconsfield
36:15 Ext. Hospital Denham set
36:26 Int. Refreshment room studio
38:16 Laura leaves refreshment room Alec runs up ramp
2 run through underpass to catch train
studio? / Carnforth
39:21 Int. cinema Metropole Cinema,
Victoria, London?
40:00 Ext. Cinema Metropole Cinema,
Victoria, London?
40:16 Botanical Gardens Regents Park, London
42:00 Int. Boathouse studio
44:45 Bell ?
44:48 2 walk through booking hall studio
45:01 2 kiss in subway Carnforth
45:33 Laura's library studio
46:37 Subway Carnforth
46:42 Int. carriage studio
47:35 Dream sequence studio
48:34 Ketchworth studio
48:45 Laura's bedroom studio
50:22 Mary Norton's house studio
51:48 Laura's bedroom studio
52:02 Ext. Hospital Denham "Backlot"
52:31 Royal Hotel dining room studio
52:49 Royal Hotel lounge studio
54:33 Ext. Royal Hotel ?
54:50 travel in car studio
54:57 little bridge Middle Fell bridge, near Ambleside
55:59 Garage Stephen Lynn's flat studio
56:31 Ketchworth station approach studio
56:51 "cut away" express train Carnforth
57:07 "cut away" Laura down steps studio
57:21 Int. Refreshment room studio
59:54 Laura leaves refreshment room, boards and leaves train and runs down ramp Carnforth
60:33 Laura to Stephen Lynn's flat, and Interior flat studio
64:17 Laura runs along wet street to War memorial Denham "Backlot"
65:12 Int. Tobacconist's shop ?
66:34 Wet street Denham "Backlot"
66:46 War memorial studio
67:54 Laura up ramp to platform Carnforth
68:06 Int. Refreshment room studio
71:54 Laura and Alec walk and talk - platform Carnforth
73:46 2 talk through carriage window Carnforth
74:30 Ext. Hospital Denham "Backlot"
74:45 2 travel in car studio
75:01 little bridge Middle Fell bridge, near Ambleside
75:13 Station approach, steps, booking hall studio
75:55 Int. Refreshment room studio
79:37 Suicide sequence studio / Carnforth
80:32 Int. Refreshment room studio
80:35 Laura's library studio
81:52 "End" shot Carnforth

The main location used for the film Brief Encounter were:-

Carnforth Railway station, Lancashire, where many of the scenes from Milford Junction station can still be recognised.

Denham Studio. Both inside a sound stage, and outside on a "lot."

Beaconsfield / High Wycombe, where many of the street scenes were filmed.

Regents Park, London, where the Botanical gardens boat scenes were filmed.

Middle Fell bridge, near Ambleside, where the little bridge sequence was filmed.

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