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One of the 4 minor Sabbats, Mabon, is a time of balance, the days and
nights are equal, giving way to increased darkness. Mabon is the
Witches' Thanksgiving. The God prepares to leave his physical body
beginning the great adventure into the unseen toward renewal and
rebirth of the Goddess. The Goddess is entering into Cronehood and
the dark year is beginning. It is the second Harvest Festival of the
Witches' calendar, and it celebrates and gives thanks for the
bountiful harvest of fruit, squash, grains, and vegetables.

Mabon is also known as the Autumn Equinox, Second Harvest, Festival
of Dionysus, Cornucopia, Wine Harvest, and Alban Elfed. It between
September 20th and 23rd, the reason for this variance, is due to the
differences between the actual astronomical event and our calendar.

Symbols used to represent the Mabon are: grapes, wine, vines,
garland, gourds, burial cairns, Horn of Plenty.

Foods in tune with the Mabon are: wines, grapes, nuts, apples, roots -
carrots, onions, potatoes, etc., cider, pomegranates.

The plants & herbs associated with the Mabon are: morning glories,
asters, hazel, corn, aspen, acorns, vines, ivy, cedar, hops, tabacco,
mums, passion flowers, honeysuckle

For the Mabon incenses and oils you can use any of the following
scents, either blended together or alone: benzoin, myrrh, sage, apple
blossom, hay/straw, patchouly.

Colors associated with the Mabon are: brown, orange, violet, maroon,
russet, deep gold.
Stones associated with the Mabon are: amethyst, yellow topaz,
sapphire, lapis lazuli

Animals and mythical beasts associated with the Mabon are: dogs,
wolves, birds of prey, gnomes, sphinx, andamans, cyclopes.

Appropriate Mabon Goddesses are all Grape-Berry Goddesses, Fruit-
Vegetable Dieties. Some Mabon Goddesses are: Akibimi (Japanese),
Morgan (Welsh-Cornish), Cessair (Welsh), Epona (Celtic-Gaulish),
Lilitu (Semitic), The Muses (Greek), Sin (Irish), Pamona (Roman).

Appropriate Mabon Gods are all Wine Gods, Gods of Fruits, Non-grain
Harvest Gods, Gods of Abandonment. Some Mabon Gods are: Dionysus
(Roman), Great Horned God (European), Haurun (Canaanite), Bacchus
(Greek), Hotei (Japanese), Mabon (Welsh), Thoth (Egyptian).

Altar decorations can consist of: autumn leaves, gourds, berries,
pine and cypress cones, acorns, a small statue or figurine
representing the Triple Goddess in her Mother aspect.

Traditional activities during the Mabon consist of: hay rides,
adorning graves, wine making, hosting a wine tasting party and
quilting bees.

Taboos on Mabon are: passing burial sites and not honoring the dead.

Spellwork can be for: herbal magick

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