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Common Card Spreads


This is the easiest means of divining for an answer; you have only to look at a single card. Shuffle the cards while thinking of your question, then intuitively pick out one card and turn it over.


Start by thinking of your question while you shuffle the deck, then with your left hand, cut the deck into three piles moving in a leftward direction.

Still using your left hand, pick up the pile on your right and place it on the center pile. Pick up this combined pile, and place it on the last.
Turn over the first card and place it to the far left. This card represents the past or the basis of the matter. It explains the events, circumstances or conditions that have led up to where you are now.

Turn over the next card and place it to the right of the first. This card represents the present. It reveals a new direction or condition that is coming into your being.

Repeat this step again with the third card. This card represents your future and shows the end result or the outcome of the second card.

_________ _________ _________
| Past | | Present | | Future |
|_________| |_________| |_________|


5 10
4_1(2)_6 9
3 8

(card # 2 lays crosswise over #1)


Shuffle the cards while thinking of your question.

With your left hand, cut the deck into three piles moving in a leftward direction.

Still using your left hand, pick up the pile on your right and place it on the center pile.

Pick up this combined pile, and place it on the last.

With your left hand, lay ten cards face up in the positions shown in the diagram.

Each position has a particular significance as explained below.


1. This is what covers you. It represents the general atmosphere and the client's main concern.

2. This is what crosses you for the good or ill. A card is placed sideways over #1.

3. This represents opposing forces. If it is a good card, it will help the present situation.

4. This is what is beneath you. This card represents what brought the situation about, the foundation.

5. This is what's behind you. This represents what has just happened, or the influences that are passing away.

6. This is what crowns you. The current situation and influences.

7. This is what is before you. This card represents what will happen in the very near future if the querent continues on their current path.

8. What the querent fears. Negative feelings about the question asked. The thoughts of those around you. Depicts the opinions and influences of friends and family about the matter in question.

9. The querent's hopes. Reveals the client's own hopes and ideals on the matter involved.

10. OUTCOME: This card tells what the overall final outcome will be if the querent continues on their current path. Please consider the influence of all previous cards, particularly the 6th (what is before you) card, which is a more short term representation of the final outcome

Purifying-Your-Tarot Spell

After consecrating a tarot deck, to prevent
outside influences invading your cards set it
on a pentacle at the center of your altar with
a white candle lit at either side. In front of
the pentacle, light a stick of frankincense or
lavender incense. Wrap a black thread around
the deck as you say:

This tarot is mine, consecrated to my use,
bound by the thread that ties it to me. I charge
that no unwanted influence hold sway over these
cards by air "pass through incense smoke", by
fire, "pass quickly through candle flame", by
water breathe with open mouth quickly over the cards, and by earth set the cards on the

Remove and store the thread to wrap the deck
whenever needed.