Throughout history many of our religious and spiritual beliefs have been molded by individuals who have had out-of-body experiences. The early prophets of every religion recorded and interpreted their spiritual experiences according to the cultural and religious viewpoints of their day. The Bible and the Koran are overflowing with vivid references to out-of-body travel. For example in Ezekiel 3:12, it states, "Then the spirit lifted me up and I heard behind me the noise of the Lord rumbling as the glory of the Lord rose from its place." Ezekiel goes on to describe dozens of out-of-body experiences throughout his writings.
The New Testament is filled with references to out-of-body travel. In First Corinthians 12, Chapter 2, St. Paul speaks of experiences in the non-physical regions of the universe. "I know someone in Christ who, fourteen years ago, (whether in the body of out of the body I don't know, God knows) was called up to the third heaven." St. Paul clearly states, "third heaven", displaying his personal knowledge of the numerous spiritual dimensions that exist beyond matter and his clear recognition of out-of-body experiences.
In Revelation 1:10, St. John describes his out-of-body experience when he says, "I was caught up in the spirit on the Lord's Day and heard behind me a voice as loud as a trumpet." He then goes on to detail his incredible adventure in the thought responsive areas of the inner dimensions.
It should be noted that the vibrational sounds reported by Ezekiel, St John and other biblical prophets (rumbling, voice as loud as a trumpet etc.) are commonly described during separation from the body. This coincides with the descriptions of modern out-of-body experiences. According to the data compiled from two national surveys over fifty percent of out-of-body experiences involve a loud internal, buzzing, roaring, or humming sound. These intense sounds are often described as emanating from the head.
One of the most famous quotations from the New Testament is Jesus' statement in John 3:3, "You must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven." Anyone who has ever had an out-of-body experience can relate to the concept of being "born again". This is without a doubt the finest biblical description of what it feels like to separate from your physical body and enter a new vibrational environment. During the first moments of an out-of-body experience we are born again, as we awaken within a new energy body and enter a new spiritual world. The New Testament analogy is incredibly accurate because like a new born baby, we must learn to adapt within an entirely new environment. We must learn to use and control our new non-physical body. This is truly "born again" in every sense of the words.