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Meal # 1         
As much NON-CITRUS, FRESH FRUIT as it takes to make you a ?JOLLY LUMBERJACK? in the morning.  Pick (no pun intended) for this group:        
MELONS                  GRAPES                   STRAWBERRIES        
KIWIS                     APPLES                    PEACHES        
PEARS                     BANANAS                 PLUMS        
PAPAYAS                 PINEAPPLE               NECTARINES        
You can have coffee in the morning, as long as your blood pressure is OK.  Eating fruit as your first meal nor only gives you energy, but also stimulates your digestive system so that you will benefit from your next meal.        
Meal # 2        
Protein and fresh, COOKED vegetables.  Select vegetables from this group:        
BROCCOLI                            CAULIFLOWER                    STRING BEANS        
PEAS                                      ZUCCHINI                         SPINACH        
MUSHROOMS                        ASPARAGUS                        SNOW PEAS        
ONIONS                               ESCAROLE                          ENDIVE        
CELERY                                 CARROTS                             RAPPINI        
CABAGE                                BOK CHOY                          SEAWEED        
Select proteins from this group:        
CHICKEN                            TOFU                                       BEEF        
LENTILS                             CHICK PEAS                            MUSSELS        
SESAME SEEDS                  SUNFLOWER SEEDS                PUMPKINN SEEDS        
ALMONDS                          WATER CHESTNUTS                BLACK BEANS        
FISH                                   KIDNEY BEANS                      ARTICHOKES        
Any combination of protein and vegetables is OK.  Things to avoid at this meal are:        
Bread, Beer, Hard Cheeses  (Whey cheeses like Swiss, American, Brie Monterey Jack, Cheddar etc.) basically anything fermented or containing yeast.  Avoid carbohydrates at this meal.  This is the meal that takes the longest to digest because of the protein, so we are eating it when the body systems are most productive for the longest period of time.  Eat NOTHING canned.  Skip the coffee.        
If you find you are experiencing BLOOD SUGAR BLUES an hour or so after meal # 2, you may want to divide this meal into two smaller meals 90 minutes apart.  Should this not resolve your problem SEE YOUR MEDICAL DOCTOR.        
Meal # 3        
Carbohydrates and vegetables.  Select Carbos from this group:        
BROWN RICE (not white rice)                    SWEET POTATOES        
RED POTATOES (not white potatoes)           BEETS        
OATMEAL                                                 PASTA        
Vegetables from this group:        
BROCOLI                   CAULIFLOWER                 STRING BEANS        
PEAS                           ZUCCHINI                      SPINACH        
MUSHROOMS              ASPARAGUS                     SNOW PEAS        
ONIONS                     ESCAROLE                       ENDIVE        
CELERY                      CARROTS                           RAPPINI        
CABBAGE                   BOK CHOY                         SEAWEED        
This is the meal that will repair some of the damage you?ve been doing to you digestive system all these years.  After meal # 3 you can have fresh, non-citrus fruit for a snack.        
Things like amounts I have to leave up to you.  If you don?t drop some pounds after eating this way, you?re either eating way too much or your lying to yourself.