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Witchcraft does not need to apologize for involving sex magic. It is other religions which need to apologize for the miseries of puritanical repression they have inflicted on humanity. 

Picture for a moment a couple sitting down to an intimate dinner for two. Lighted candles are on the table; a small vase of flowers adorns the setting. Music plays in the background and wine is poured into glasses. These are familiar elements that we associate with love and sexuality. It is interesting to note that they are also the elements incorporated into Wiccan rituals. Here we see that both settings are in fact acts of reverence for the Feminine.  Wine and flowers are time-honored offerings to the Goddess. Candlelight reveals that the setting is special and magickal, it is neither day nor night, light nor dark.  The moment is sacred, far removed from the concerns of mundane life.

The Wiccan Mysteries
Ancient Origins & Teachings
by Raven Grimassi

It has been  said that there are only two sexual roles for women in the Western world: virgin or whore. It has not always been so, and there are many who seek to return to the ancient, more balanced view of sexuality. At one time, sex was held to be a sacred mystery in of itself, a holy thing, not something to be ashamed of, not something to hide  from your children, and certainly not a sinful thing. Nor was it reduced to the level of mindless pornography so common now, or bragging rights for men. Neither was it supposed to be an act of exploitation or "using" someone.

Nor does the mystery of sacred sexuality begin and end with the fact that this how we create life. It was very noticeable to our ancestors that most meat-eating creatures have a seasonal-based sexuality to produce offspring at the right times of the year. Hence our sexuality, mostly unaffected by the changing seasons, was seen as a divine gift, not only of pleasure and intimacy, but a demonstration of the trust the gods put in us, for we could produce children at any time of the year.

Many pagans today struggle witht the issue of a more natural sexuality against the constricting influence of Western attitudes about sex. Unfortunately, many fail in their attempts to let go of these inhibitions. The ancient rites involved sexuality as a part of the whole religion, and some pagan traditions keep to these practices. Other traditions have all but eliminated sexual symbolism from all their ceremonies, and seem to have much the same attitudes about sexuality that one expects in our culture: avoid talking about it, try not to even acknowledge its existence, and force others to do the same.

A great part of the mystery of sacred sexuality is that sexual energy is one of the most potent forms forms of spiritual energy in the universe (that's why there are spirits that feed on it as opposed to, say, the energy of simple hunger). The ancients perceived this immediately, and developed many ways to put that energy to good use for all the people, understanding that both the sacred nature of sex and the pleasure of the act was the source of its great power.
Sex Magick


Whenever I say that I'm a practitioner of sex magick, I almost invariably get a reaction like "oooh, do tell". What many fail to understand is that sex magick is nothing more than harnessing sexual energy that would otherwise be released into the cosmos without purpose. And for the thrill-seekers, sex magick can actually be less fun than regular sex.

What is sex magick used for? Some people seem to think that sex magick is mainly used in love spells. On the contrary, sexual energy can be utilized to perform any task, but I've found it especially powerful in matters concerning life itself, such as healing. Even in The Golden Bough it was mentioned how farmers would make love on a field they had just planted to ensure fertility.

How would I begin to practice sex magick? First of all, before a sexual rite, it is best to practice abstinence for at least three days before the ritual to heighten the energy raised. Other than that, preparation for sex magick is much the same as for any other spell.

Don't partners have to heterosexual? No.

What if I can't find a partner? Sex magick can be practiced by masturbation (if using any devices, use those powered by batteries, as an electrical cord would break the circle).

How does it work? You must focus on the goal of the spell during the sexual act, up to and including during the orgasm. Yes, that can be difficult, but that is why sex magick can be such a powerful tool.

Can sexual fetishes, such as BDSM, be used during sex magick rituals? Yes, but I recommend that beginners stick to "vanilla" sex at first; it is more difficult to focus on the spell's goal while indulging in sexual acts that are especially thrilling to you.

A Sample Sex Magick Ritual

You should take a ritual cleansing bath, adding blessed salt to the water. While bathing you should concentrate on the feeling and imagery of negativity being washed off of you and going down the drain.

Naturally, the ritual should be practiced in a consecrated area, preferably by whatever serves as your altar and/or on your bed. You should definitely cast a circle as usual. Call the Watchtowers to guard you during the rite and to banish any negative or vampiric entities; there is such a thing as spirits that feed on sexual energy, I know because I've been attacked by one. Also call on the Goddess and the God as usual, and state the purpose of the ritual.

The objective is to delay orgasm as long as possible while remaining focused on the goal of the ritual. Chanting may help in this. If possible all partners should reach orgasm at the same time. Visualize the orgasm itself as a ray of power shooting from your genitals.

Close the ritual in the usual manner, giving thanks to the Gods and The Watchers for their aid.

Another form of sex magick is actually the denial of sexual desire to raise energy. In this form, the practitioners practice complete abstinence for at least three days beforehand, and during the ritual the female mounts the male, raises her arms upward and says something like, "You see, Spirits, how we deny our own pleasure in Your honor and to fulfill our purpose".  The female then dismounts, and all present begin to close the ritual. Does this raise as much energy as regular sex magick? It all depends on the individuals involved, and how urgent their purpose.