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Animals in Magick

The best way to use an animal as a spell correspondent is to place a picture, drawing, or statue of an animal the alter that corresponds with the spell you are casting. Below is a list of animals and their attributes.

Animal     Type     Attributes     


Insect    Patience, stamina, planning. Working with a group. Energy and determination need to complete work. Building and storing energy for a later project.


Mammal     Swiftness, gentleness, being in touch with the Earth. Strength, dangerousness. Caution when approaching something new. A strong survival instinct through understanding yourself and the cycle of life.


Mammal    Can teach you to fight for your rights and spiritual ideas. Revenge, wisdom, cunning, perseverance.When faced with a crisis, don't panic but act, even get angry, in a creative, productive way. Earth magick and wisdom.


Mammal     The knowledge to avoid obstacles, barriers, and troublesome people. Releasing habit and personality patterns that keep you from progressing. Helpful when facing the death of a loved one. Understanding the life and death cycle.


Mammal     Strength and stamina; can help you find balance and harmony in your life. Patience, defense, revenge, wisdom, dreams, intuition, listening, introspection, death and rebirth, transformation. A creature of dreams, astral travel, visionaries, mystics, and shamans.


Mammal    Concentrating your energies into a job that needs doing. Being persistent. Using available resources to make your life more pleasant. Team work, sense of achievement. For harmony in a group. To get a job.


Insect    Concentration necessary to carry out a task. Planning and saving for the future. Prosperity. Talking to a deceased person. Helping an Earth-bound spirit move on to its proper place.


Mammal    Social life, fertility, courage, abundance, prosperity, knowledge, sharing, work, challenge, survival.


Insect     Reincarnation, magick, beauty, love, transformation. Knowing and understanding your current position in the cycle of life. Divination concerning future events.


Mammal     Protection, knowing when to fight, knowing when to retreat, indenpendance, self-assurance, searching for hidden information.


Mythical    Healing, shape-shifting, music, the arts, divination, inspiration (for artistic talent).


Mammal    Swiftness, speed, self-esteem, making events occur more quickly.


Mammal    Trickery, cunning, shape-shifting, stealth, opportunity, illumination, truth, creativity. new life, experience. Don't be foolish.


Bird    Intelligence, discipline, vigilance, magick, astral travel. Reaching deeper mysteries and truths. Learning new types of magick.

Reptile     Deciet, treachery. Lying in wait to get revenge. Patiently waiting for truths. Protection from decietful/manipulating people.


Mammal    Keen sense of smell, swiftness, gentleness, using other methods to achieve goals, alertness, hunting, seeking, abundance, dreams, intuition, introspection, listening, death and rebirth, transformation. Accepting people for who they are.


Mammal     Tracking skills; the ability to scent a "trail" through conflicting or confusing situations. Companionship, keen hearing, loyalty, willingness to follow through. Using intuition to find new ideas and solutions.


Mammal     The sea, wisdom, eloquence, freedom, magick, change, discovery, truth, communication, trust, balance, harmony. Create a rhythm in your life. Learn to release intense emotions through breathing.


Bird    Communicating with friends or loved ones who are in spirit. Spiritual messanger between worlds. Peace, gentleness, love.


Mythical     Protection, instruction in the spiritual, element magick. Using the spiritual to transform life. Adding extra power to magick.


Bird    Swiftness, strength, courage, wisdom, keen sight; knowledge of magick. The ability to see hidden spiritual truths. Seeing the overall pattern of life.


Reptile     Be electrifying; being able to slip out of a bad situation. When needing to get out of a sticky situation that could cause anger or upset.


Mammal     Removal of obstacles and barriers. Always being willing to learn new things. Building confidence.


Bird     Magick, astral travel, healing, releasing the soul of a dying person. Sending energy amd soul-healing to a dying person for an easy transition.


Reptile     Abundance, prosperity, childern. Harmony in your life. A loving companion. Divination and prophecy. Getting pregnant. Bringing a companion into your life.


Mammal    Cunning, slyness; the ability to make fools out of those who aggressively pursue you. Remaining unobserved while watching the actions and motives of others. Stealth, wisdom, invisibility.


Amphibian     A symbol of initiation and transformation. Cleaning out negativities and distractions and replacing them with positive energy. Joy in a new cycle of life.


Mythical    Understanding the relationship between psychic energy and cosmic force. Spiritual enlightenment.

Bird     Clear sightedness, being observant. Far memory, or recalling pat lives. A message from spirit; omens and dreams. Overcoming problems. Taking advantage of an opportunity. Courage, defense, wisdom, illumination, new life, creativity, truth, experience.


Mammal     Less defensiveness and seriousness in life. Appreciate life more. Building defenses and protective barriers that discourage negative people. Reconnecting yourself with the Crone aspect of the Goddess.


Mammal    Stamina, endurance, faithfulness. It symbolizes freedon when it runs free; when it works with humans, it represents friendship and cooperation. Travel, journey, swiftness, friends, loyalty. Astral travel.


Bird     Happiness, love, relaxation. Don't be so judgmental. Happiness and love in your life.


Mammal    Swiftness, cunning, strength, preserverance, boldness, beauty. Gaining confidence for astral travel and Otherworld journeys.


Mammal    Learn to relax; don't carry the stress of one situation to another. Strengthen family ties. Strength, courage, energy. Releasing stress and tension.


Reptile     Dreams, mental creations. Stop running from your fears and face them. Asking for guidance in facing difficult situations that make you afraid. Understanding dreams.


Mammal    Ingenuity when dealing with problems. Care and protection of family. Don't "monkey" around, but get on with what you have to do.


Mammal     Secrets, cunning, slyness; ability to remain inconspicuous; invisibility. Often, its appearance signals the need to watch small details, the fine print, or the double meaning in words. Watching for deception. Stealth, initiative, trust, innocence, change, discovery, balance, harmony.


Bird    Inspiration, using your talents with joy. Moon magick.


Mammal    Finding inner treasures or talents; faithfulness; gaining wisdom; the ability to recover from a crisis. Be sensible, but not overlu suspicious, when something or someone new enters your life. Social life, friends, happiness.


Bird    Silent and swift movement; keen sight into obscure events; unmasking those who would deceive you. Wisdom, magick, darkness, freedom. Clairvoyance, astral projection, messanger. Moon magick.


Bird    Dignity, warning, self-confidence. Use the symbol of the peacock "eye" to see the past, present, and future.

Mythical     Poetic inspiration; learning astral travel. Changing evil into good. Fame, eloquence.


Mammal    Transformation, receiving hidden teachings and intuitive messages. Quick thinking when necessary, don't push yourself on others. A fear of disaster or illness. Strengthening intuition.


Mammal    Creativeness when faced with new problems. Be curious about the world around you. Seeking guidance and confidence for a new job or schooling. To be presented with new ideas.


Bird     Help with divination. Often represents the upset in life necessary to create something new. Wisdom, eloquence, magick. A change in consciousness. Messages from the spirit, something unforeseen but special is about to occur. Magick of the Crone.


Mammal     Protection. When faced with changing the life completely. When facing a separation or divorce. Protection from malicious gossip or physical danger.


Mammal    For courage and will-power to raise a "stink" if you are being harassed or threatened. Radiating self-respect and self-confidence. Become aware of the type of people attracted to you and repel the undesirable. Sifting out and getting rid of "friends" who do not want you to succeed.


Reptile     Psychic energy, creative power, immortality. Transmute you life into higher levels. Wisdom, understanding, connection with spirit. Facing you fears of spiritual initiations and life problems, moving on to higher goals.


Arachnid     Wisdom, creativity, new life. Being industrious. Be cautious: you are involved in a tempting but entangling situation. Bringing in divine inspiration and creativity. Beginning a new project or becoming pregnant.


Mammal     Preparing for the future by storing up time, resources, and energy. Resting during unproductive times. Moving to a higher level of consciousness to avoid harassment. Warning, wisdom, change, trust, discovery, truth, balance, harmony.


Bird     Aid with interpretation of dream symbols, transitions, spiritual evolution. Developing intuitive abilities, seeing into the future. Divination on a spiritual level.


Mammal     Power, energy. If action is called for, don't analyze it to death... just do it! Unpleasant but necessary action only gets worse if you procrastinate. Finding strength and will-power ot tackle an unpleasant situation.


Reptile     Patience, long life, preserverance. Slow down, enjoy life more, allow you ideas time to develop properly. Learning to relax and enjoy life.


Mythical    Good will, fame, prosperity, gentleness, purity, strength of mind. Individual power that is unlimited. For wisdom with success. Developing personal power.


Mammal     Revenge, dark magick, cunning, stealth, ingenuity, suspicion. Revenge against evil.


Mammal    The sea, music, long life, family, friends, trust. Developing psychic abilities. Working with elemental magick.


Mammal     Cunning, escape, ability to pass dangers, outwitting. Leader to a spiritual teacher. Wisdom, hunting and seeking, magick, dreams, introspection, intuition, listening, death and rebirth, transformation.


Mythical     Revenge, retribution, creating protection barriers of fear as a defense.