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Chinese Astrology Plain and Simple
Chinese Astrology Plain and Simple

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Year of the Rat, Chinese Zodiac Pewter Pendant Necklace
Rat Pendant
Year of the Ox, Chinese Zodiac Pewter Pendant Necklace
Ox Pendant
Silver Chinese Zodiac Tiger Symbol Pendant
Tiger Pendant
Year of the Rabbit, Chinese Zodiac Pewter Pendant Necklace
Rabbit Pendant

Year of the Dragon, Chinese Zodiac Pewter Pendant Necklace
Dragon Pendant
Year of the Snake, Chinese Zodiac Pewter Pendant Necklace
Snake Pendant
Year of the Horse, Chinese Zodiac Pewter Pendant Necklace
Horse Pendant
Year of the Ram, Chinese Zodiac Pewter Pendant Necklace
Ram (Sheep - Goat) Pendant

Chinese Monkey Symbol Pewter Pendant Necklace
Monkey Pendant
Year of the Rooster, Chinese Zodiac Pewter Pendant Necklace
Rooster Pendant
Year of the Dog, Chinese Zodiac Pewter Pendant Necklace
Dog Pendant
Year of the Boar, Chinese Zodiac Pewter Pendant Necklace
Boar (Pig) Pendant


1. To start: Enter a Year

2. If the cursor is not blinking, click inside of the "Enter a Year:" box

3. Type a Year.

4. Click "Click for Animal" button to see your Animal

5. To enter a new year: Click "Click to Clear Year" button.

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