Committee for Religion-Neutral Legislation

The goal of the Committee for Religion-Neutral Legislation (CRNL) is to remove section 24-217 of the New York City Noise Code.
Section 24-217 reads as follows:

§24-217 Exemptions. The provisions of this code shall not apply to the operation or use of any organ, bell, chimes or other similar instrument [by] from on or within any church, synagogue, mosque or [school] other house of worship.

The New York City Noise Code has undergone an overhaul (July 2007). A brochure issued by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) claims that the previous code was outdated. Unfortunately, both the old and new codes contain the religious exemption. Section 24-217 is outdated.

There is nothing to stop a group of pro-al Qaeda religious extremists from placing an air-raid siren on the roof of their religious institution and blasting is 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at a sound level over 100 decibels. The emergency sirens of emergency first responders (police, firemen and ambulances) crossing intersections against the light could not be heard by other motorists or pedestrians.
The only thing the DEP can do is send an inspector on bended knee to beg the religious leader to "please lower the sound".

There is nothing to stop night clubs, facing thousands of dollars in fines for Noise Code Violations, from declaring themselves Temples to Bacchus the god of wine. Playing loud music and drinking wine is the way they pray and show devotion to Bacchus. They can claim protection from DEP fines by invoking Section 24-217.

Section 24-217 must be removed from the New York City Noise Code.
Read about the abuse of this exemption in Midwood, Brooklyn. Shandeh

Section 24-217 will hence fore be called the "Quasimodo Loophole" after the bell ringer in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" who was made deaf by the bells of Notre Dame.

What can you do:
Write a letter to the Mayor.

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

E-MAIL the Mayor

Call "Live from City Hall with Mayor Mike and John Gambling" on Fridays from 5:30 - 11:00 am

Write a letter to your City Councilmen.

New York City Council

Call 311 to file complaints.

NYC Noise Code

E-Mail The Committee for Religion-Neutral Legislation


Silent Majority stop car alarm noise