Clever art deco revenge filmwith Vincent Price as an ex-vaudevillian madman living in a secret underground mechanical world while killing off the team of surgeons that unsuccessfully operated on his late wife. Due to injury in an auto accident, Phibes has no face or voice, so he constructs an imitation face for himself and talks by plugging a cord from his neck into a Victrola. His ingenious methods of killing are inspired by the ten plagues visited upon the Pharoah in the Old Testament. Enemies die in horrible ways involving locusts, bats, and frogs. Joseph Cotten has a good role as the chief surgeon. With Virginia North as Vulnavia, Terry Thomas, Hugh Griffith, and Caroline Munro seen mostly in photos as the late Mrs. Victoria Phibes. Great add line "Love means never having to say you're ugly!" It was billed as Price's 100th film. The sequel was Dr Phibes Rises Again.

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