Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman 1943


72 mins B/W

Director - Roy William Neill

Wolfman - Lon Chaney Jnr

Frankenstein Monster - Bela Lugosi

In order to put the Wolfman and the Monster through further film adventures , scripter Curt Siodmak has to resurrect the former from a tomb, and the Frankenstein creation from the ruins of he castle where he was purportedly killed. But he delivers a good job of fantastic writing to weave the necessary thriller ingredients into the piece, and finally brings the two legendary characters together for a battle climax.

Eerie atmosphere generates right at the start, when Lon Chaney, previously killed off with the werewolf stain on him, is disinterred and returns to life. After one transformation, he winds up in a hospital to gain the sympathetic attention of medico Patric Knowles, then seeks out gypsy Maria Ouspenskaya for relief, and she takes him to the continent and the village where Frankenstein held forth. This allows Chaney to discover and revive the monster, role handled by Bela Lugosi, and from then on it's a creepy affair in grand style.

Review by Derek Elley 1995

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