The Indestructable Man (1956)


The Indestructable man (1956) stars Lon Chaney Jnr as a criminal called Butcher Benton, he is brought back to life after being sent to the gas chamber for a number of murders. He is quickly back to his old ways, seeking revenge against those men responsible for sentencing him to death. Robert Shaye plays the scientest hoping to make a breakthrough with his experiments.

The ads promised : "300,000 volts of Horror!" Lon Chaney, Jnr, made a lot of bad junky movies, but this one is Great junk. The opening scene of a doctor (Robert Shayne) trying to stick a hypodermic needle into the arm of a butcher (Chaney) only to have it bend is so good that it's shown twice. As an electrocuted convict brought back to life, Chaney is silent and intense as he visits his old stripper girlfriend (Marian Carr) and kills the ex-cohorts (with names like Squeamy Ellis) who betrayed him. He ends up hiding in the sewer system and having his face burned by flamethrowers. Half the movie seems to be interminably held extreme closeups of Chaney's baggy quivering eyes. This classic trashy film is narrated Dragnet style by Ross Elliot as a detective. Originally billed with World Without End.

Review by Michael Weldon


The DVD of this film is available in Australia from "Avenue One DVD"

The DVD has NO regional code so it is playable on any DVD PAL player world wide.

DVD goes for approx 70 mins

Special Features on the DVD

Digitally Remastered - Lon Chaney Biography - Filmography - Chapter search - Menu music - Picture Gallery

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