The extraordinary truth about Australian media mogul Phillip Cromwell is now revealed. It is the truth about a man who spends 30 years creating an international empire so powerful it is courted by governments around the world. Cromwell's rise to power begins with the purchase of a small run-down Sydney tabloid. Established proprietors regarded him as an interloper, a flash in the pan who could be driven out of the market. Not Cromwell! His insatiable desire for power feeds upon itself; his desperate craving for respectability drives him to take enormous risks; his political value leads him into dangerous waters. Betrayal is his byword-of his mentors, his colleagues, the women who love him and his own integrity. Does he finally betray his country? Four women play their part in Cromwell's world: his rival, his lover, his wife and his daughter. But, ultimately, Cromwell is his own man at his own price.