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Mi pal Franky doing his things at the beach: El Unico; Toa Baja, PR
about the bodyboarding scene in...

Mi Isla del Encanto ¡¡¡PUERTO RICO!!!
 Puerto Rico

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The history of bodyboarding in Puerto Rico 
      The history of bodyboarding in Puerto Rico is so big and complicated that it'll be hard to coever it all, but here it goes.  
       For the las 15 years, a solidly growing underground crew of dedicated sportsmen have influenced several generations of bodyboarders.Veteran chargers including Luis Aponte, Luis Castro, Abby de Arce, Hector Diaz, Evaresto Merced, Kris O'Kelone mid Cano Ruiz de Val have helped bodyboarding grow to what it is by charging some of the heaviest waves on the island.  
        The current leaders of the pack include Luis Carmona, Luis Benitez, Jose Correa, Noel de Arce, Babby Quiñones, Carlo Rivera, and Michael Tapia, all of whom have built reputations in boyh contest riding and freesurfing. This crew has helped to put Puerto Rico in the high ranks of international bodyboarding.  
    On an international scale, Luis Carmona and Hector Diaz, who along with the help from Wave Rebel and Redley, are competing on their second year of teh GOB World Tour. Evaresto Merced got third in both the '88 World Amateur Championship and the '89 PSAA contest at Surfer's Beach here in Puerto Rico. More recently , Luis Benitez got fourth place in the '96 World Amateur Championship in Huntington Beach, putting Puerto Rico on the map as a breeding ground for international competition.  
        Bodyboarding is actually more popular than surfing in Puerto Rico, the younger generation is more into bodyboarding, while the more traditional older guys standup surf. On the hollower days standups have to take a back seat as us the local bodyboarders take over the best waves.  
        This sport is growing in large fractions of people and I hope that pepole like you and me helpe the sport grow in a good way. Stand up for your self don't let surfers take on the best waves because their are standing on a board. Keep on promoting the sport and  remember to never let this sport fail. Protect our beaches join the Surfrider Foundation today!!!  Keep on ripping!!!  

                                                                         Fernando R. Quiñones 

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