Dena Doster is Beauty Personified!
Over 300 and still growing!
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Dena is from: Maryland
Occupation: Personal Trainer/Model
Age: 23?     Eyes: Blue     Hair: Blonde
Height: 5'6"     Weight: 120lbs
Measurements: 36-23-35
Residence: West Hollywood, California
Hobbies: Weight-Training, Nutrition, Roller-Blading, Travel, Music, Volunteer Work, Snow Boarding, Reading, Outdoors,  Swimming, Shopping
Studying: Forensic Science, Bartending, Modeling, Personal Training
Favorite Food: French Fries
Likes about men:  Confidence & Attitude
Fav male body part: Arms & Legs
Current status:  Single, WOO HOO!!!
Hey, a guy can still dream, can't he?         hehe       : )

Touch her if you dare to enter!
I apologize for the pop-ups I wish I could make them go away

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