Critters Around My House...

Fur, feathers, fins, we've got some of each, in our little home. These are pictures of my pets.

This is my cat Stash... He is the main man, the brains of the entire operation, the one I leave in charge whenever I leave the house. Stash got his name because he likes things that are shiny and sparkly,from cigarette foil to earrings, matchbox cars to marbles, even a diamond earring I was still wearing once, and will steal them and "stash" them somewhere. If you find his "stash spot" you can't let him know.. or he will MOVE all the treasures to a new place. He has very light mint green eyes, and this is the best I have ever been able to get them to come out in a picture.. .. *sigh*..
Stash, moves, sleeps, eats, breathes with me...He is my heart.

This is my daughter holding Ernie (aka WussKitty, butthead). He is named for my brother Ernie, and more appropriately than most are brave enough to admit. Sometimes I think I let Ernie live because I like big and stoopid. He is the biggest cat we have and also the youngest. If he isn't being obnoxious and a terrorist to his sister Little Feat, he is sniveling for attention from ANYone else. My daughter loves him, and that is his salvation around here.

This is the Terrible Trio. The white one in the back is Little Feat. She is older than Ernie, but as you can see, much smaller. I call her the bone china Princess because she looks so dainty and fragile. But, being "the big Sister" she still beats Ernie up whenever she decides to. In this picture, I busted up the "bashing", and Stash was the referee..

The hamster is named Hermie, and the little black mouse is named Caesar(according to my daughter) AKA Speed Buggy (according to me). They make up the rodent brigade around here. We also refer to them as Cat TV Channel 5 and 6. Hermie sleeps a lot in his cage, but take him out and he never stops moving. Speed Buggy does his best to wear out his wheel in the cage. I sometimes wonder if he ever sleeps at all.

This is our Shih Tzu. Her name is Ming. I call her Cruella DeVille for an obvious reason. She is pretty old, but she is a good foot warmer, and she likes to play in the yard with me when I am doing yardwork.

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