Some Great People from WebSplash!..
T I dubble G er... *pounce!* This is Tigger.. aka Ben.. He is 22 and lives in AZ.. Tigger is a sweetheart. He is kind and fun, and he will always leave you with a smile on your face. Tigger can be tamed.. but wouldn't be nearly so fun if he was..

You can find Tigger's own webpage at:
NightHawk is another Splasher..He, too is wonderful and full of fun.. Always enjoyable company.. He hails from Houston Texas..NightHawk calls me his Harley Honey...He is always ready with a hug and a smile.
NightHawk.. .my bikin' buddy....
Newty.. ...(ladies feel free to swoon..*grin*) Newty aka John lives in Illinois, just about 60 miles from where I was born. He is always great to chat with, and you can find him in mIRC as well as websplash. He is one of the nicest people around Websplash, so if you visit there, be sure to say Hi..

� Wicazo Sa writings 1998

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