Splashers! Part Five....More More More!...
Beowulf Beowulf lives in England. He has a wonderful sense of humor and makes me smile all the time.. *giggling*.. He has a real love of redheads wrapped in blankies.. Beo is always around with his quick wit and great sense of humor.. I really enjoy every chat I have with him.. You will too. Not to mention.. ladies.. He is a darlin'.
Devastator is one of my longest friendships in Splash.. He lives in California, and is a computer genius, and has saved me more than once from my inability to communicate with my temperamental CPU. On top of that, he is ornerier than me, and THAT is something! Kisses and hugs and long talks if needed are available on request... He is truly 100% Devastating. Devastator aka 100%
Front__________:) You gotta chat with Front!! I always have a good time with him. He is the king of character picture faces, and sillyness with posting boxes.. He hails from Chicago.. With his humor and fun, he lights up a room just by saying hello.. Check out the link to his homepage too.. He is at:


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