More Splash Family And Friends
Rancher This is Rancher, a very dear and special man who lives in Canada. His nick is Rancher because he raises cows. He is a true gentleman, and very dear to all the people in Splash. He lets me name his cows, and that is such fun for me. He is very special.
This is Michelangelo! He is one of the first people I ever met in Splash. He smiels a lot and is always there with a hug and a woodenshoe dance to make you smiel too. He has a keen wit and sharp mind as well as being darn cute! Michelangelo ..aka..prince-Michy-the-smieler-the-first
Bank Bank is a sweet guy that lives in Canada and habitates the Castle Room in Splash. He makes everyone smile with his laughter and his light. It would be hard to be frowny around Bank very long. He will cajole, tickle, cuddle, wiggle, and squirm you into smiling whether you want to or not.

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....goldfish don't bounce....
some serious FUN Stuff!!

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