Eagle's Nest (Part Two) - Page 3


mudgeonthesidethumbnail.jpg (11392 bytes) wfwithflutecasethumbnail.jpg (13931 bytes) eaglesnesttreesthumbnail.jpg (10464 bytes) Mudgelooksleftthumbnail.jpg (14390 bytes)
MudgeWolf gazes off into the hills Wolfreak treks down one of the outcrops A view from the frist outcrop of rocks at Eagle's Nest MudgeWolf staring off to the left
mysticbehindtreethumbnail.jpg (15015 bytes) wfonrockthumbnail.jpg (15440 bytes) riveroutlookthumbnail.jpg (16926 bytes) crywolfportraitthumbnail.jpg (11699 bytes)
Mystic partially hidden behind a tree Wolfreak on rock And a river runs through it... CryWolf up close and personal
wolfreakandoverlookthumbnail.jpg (16494 bytes) wolfsunglassesthumbnail.jpg (11898 bytes) wfsideprofthumbnail.jpg (12825 bytes) groupshotthumbnail.jpg (18600 bytes)
The view from up there was wonderful. There was a hawk flying overhead too... Wolf stares back at the camera wielder. Are you going to try to steal Raven's keys? I don't THINK so.... Side profile of Wolfreak. (Took two wolves to get this pic so he wouldn't know what was going on.... hehehe:) daGROUP shot... ba ba ba booom!

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