Now Entering The Colfax Diaries
JT Colfax

select coverage by publication

boulder weekly | boulder news | denver post |
| digital city | rocky mtn news | westword |


bite me again

trivia challenge

jury trials

the mom squad

captive audience

the unusual suspect

365 days of rage

hawaii, uh-oh:

cell block rockin' beats

rubbed the wrong way

that hits the g-spot

tv or not tv

friday morning

a body of work

a fine body of work

boulder weekly | boulder news | denver post |
| digital city | rocky mtn news |

the colfax diaries

e-mail j.t. colfax

boulder news

arrest made in theft of morgue pages

man tries to burn ramsey house

bail at $50,000 in arson case
denver man charged with ramsey home arson

boulder weekly | westword | denver post |
| digital city | rocky mtn news |

the colfax diaries

e-mail j.t. colfax

boulder weekly

the sorry saga of j.t. colfax

just colfax, ma'am...11-05-98

would that work with dale goetz, too?...12-30-98

morty and colfax ask why...12-30-98

questions about colfax...12-10-98

J.T. means "just transfer"...11-19-98

just colfax, ma'am...11-05-98

no higher endorsement #2...10-29-98

boulder county jail...10-08-98

no higher endorsement #1...08-27-98

colfax enters politics...08-13-98

the rising cost of incarceration...05-28-98

colfax's buddy...02-12-98

j.t.'s continuing saga...10-16-97

tom koby: konstitutional scholar...10-16-97

a word from the hole...08-21-97

more jann...07-31-97

insurgent radio saves the day...05-29-97

boulder news | westword | denver post |
| digital city | rocky mtn news |

the colfax diaries

e-mail j.t. colfax

rocky mountain news

jonbenet morgue records missing

artist arrested in theft of morgue record

ramsey arson suspect held

$50,000 bail set in ramsey arson try

boulder weekly | boulder news | denver post |
| digital city | westword |

the colfax diaries

e-mail j.t. colfax

digital city denver

high hopes

boulder weekly | boulder news | denver post |
| westword | rocky mtn news |

the colfax diaries

e-mail j.t. colfax

denver post

morgue logbook pages gone

weird artist is the culprit

it's ludicrous

'artist' suspected in arson

boulder weekly | boulder news | westword |
| digital city | rocky mtn news |

the colfax diaries

e-mail j.t. colfax

sunnyday design

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