LAST UPDATE: May 18, 1998
I worked all evening long on new sections of the page and I have uploaded them to my server, however, because of the fact that I like to sleep once in a while, I have not yet created links to those sections yet. I am hard at work on the Final Fantasy Tactics section, which, according to current plans, is going to be gargantuan, to say the least! Until school gets out (June 3rd), I will not have too much up here, but things will get rolling soon enough. Please keep visiting, because things will start going up here pretty soon!


I now plan to have only two major sections on this page, at least for the time being.

1) I plan to have a HUGE page devoted solely to Final Fantasy Tactics. While I am a fan of Final Fantasy 7, there are far too many pages out there already dedicated to it, and I don't want my site to be a re-run. I have not, however, seen many pages devoted to Tactics. Hopefully this site will be one of the best... (in my dreams at least!)

2) Deutschland! This will be my music page, devoted mainly to German groups KMFDM and Rammstein. There may be other groups later, but first things must come first.

Well, I do have big plans for this humble little nook on the internet... There is still not much to look at, but as I have already said, that should change as I get more free time (gotta get through Finals first!). Anyway, thanks for visiting, and please, do come back!

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