Interview in Menmode 1996

Alex Lundqvist, the latest Guess? male supermodel who looks like the American boy-next-door is the newest sensational Swedish Export. In print he can appear seductive and sexy, but in person he is surprisingly much more sweet and a bit shy, and therein lies his appeal. With his piercing dark blue eyes and engaging smile, he can look passionate or soulful. What lies beneath the handsome surface is a person quite comfortable in his own shoes and just as nice as the exterior.

What is your background?

- I was born 23 years (1973) ago in Stockholm, Sweden which is where my family still resides. I have two younger siblings; my 19 year old brother Mark and my 15 year old sister Carolina, both of whom I am still close to. I actually just returned from a visit home for two weeks. I do get homesick now and then.

How did you start modelling?

- Well, from 1991-1992 I was in the army. It isn't something I would willingly do, but actually I think it was very good in teaching me discipline. My brother is now entering and I think it will be especially good for him for the same reason. After that, I joined a Swedish agency and did a few jobs.

Then in 1994, a friend of mine, who also did a little modelling, was going to Milan and invited me to tag along. It was very tough at first. I had no money because I had just spent all my money on a motorcycle which I left at home. I had no professional pictures of myself. Eventually, I stared meeting photographers and then I got the Versace print campaign (shot by Bruce Weber).


Is that the campaign that launched your career?

- Yes. Since I did those ads I've been modelling at 100% for a year now, doing shows in Europe and the US, the Lagerfeld campaign and Guess?.

To date, what has been your favourite campaign to work on?

- That's a difficult question to answer because I've worked with such great people as Bruce Weber and Helena Christensen who is very sweet... and of course Guess? Which has been great fun. We shot on location in LA and it was fun for me because we shot at major landmarks which I had always wanted to see, like the Hollywood Walk of Fame. But I would have to say working with Karl Lagerfeld has been the best experience because he is such a creative man and so nice. You know he designed the interior of the Four Seasons Hotel in Berlin where we did the photo shoot. Nadja Auermann is really wonderful to work with as well.

What's the strangest photo shoot you've worked on?

- I guess the Versace campaign because of the positioing of my foot with Helena standing directly over me(with legs splayed). It was difficult to hold my foot up and Bruce Weber kept telling me to raise my foot higher and higher. I think my leg was shaking, I was so nervous and embarrassed.

You appear very relaxed and comfortable with yourself on the runway, much more so than some other models. What do you attribute this to?

- Really? I've never really thought about it. I'm just myself. I always try to be as nice as possible. I never put on an act, except when the designer wants you to portray a certain image depending on the clothing. And of course, it's easier if you like the clothes you are modelling.

Has modelling always been this easy for you, do you ever get nervous?

- Oh sure, in the beginning I was very nervous, I don't get nervous so much at big shows but more with a single camera ... Like this interview we are doing now, I get a bit shy. Also, at one time at a Versace runway show the lights were so bright I couldn't see the end of the runway. There were some stairs we were supposed to exit off and I thought I would trip.

What do you think is your best trait?

- Do you mean physically? I don't really think I could say... What do you think? I think my best trait is that I am a nice person. That is what I find most appealing in others.

What attracts you to a woman?

- I am not really attracted to an exterior. The person has to be good on the inside. Of course, if a woman is attractive, it doesn't hurt.

Do you currently have a girlfriend?

- Yes. We met since I've been modelling, but it's very difficult to have a relationship because I'm always travelling. I really just take things one at a time. (at the time of this interview Alex was dating ex-platinum now brunette ubermodel, Nadja Auermann).

Where do you live right now?

- I'm about to take over an apartment in New York. Actually, New York was one of the cities I had always wanted to visit, even though I didn't care much about travelling. I think it's a very strong place.

How do you like to spend your free time?

- I like to draw, mostly figures. I took some classed at school, but basically it just comes naturally. I also read a lot. I've just finished The Celestial Prophecy. I wasn't really interested in the metaphysical or spirituality until I read this book. I found it very interesting. Normally I read anything and everything form best sellers to classic literature. The same with movies. I love going to the movies and again, I'll see anything. I just watched Forrest Gump. It was a great movie. I found myself crying.

Do you like to go out to clubs or parties?

- I'm not really a party person. Certainly, if a good group of people are going out, then I will go.

Do you have any musical preferences?

- No. I listen to all kinds of music ... as long as it's good. What I'm listening to depends on the mood I'm in. Or, I might call my brother to find out what's good or what he's listening to right now. Then I go out and buy a record for him.

You appear in a Guess? Commercial that is currently broadcast on TV. Do you have aspirations to do more work for TV or in films?

- Not really. I do like making commercials. But as for acting, I don't think so. When I was in Milan I made several commercials - an ad for International Sprite and a toothpaste commercial that was very funny to make. We filmed it in an Italian piazza, so we were surrounded by all these people watching us film. They had in the background a group of professional musicians and one man was a master violinist, I was supposed to play the violin as well. Only I had never picked up a violin in my life. It's a very difficult instrument to play. It's not like playing a guitar where, if you pluck a few chords, it sounds OK. With the violin if you don't know how to use the bow, it sounds awful. I was terrible! So there I am ... making this horrible noise with a master playing at the back of me ... making a fool of myself with all there people watching.

How has all the public exposure affected your life?

- In Sweden, my notoriety has just stared on take hold. I am a little afraid of fame. I don't want to be famous or have it affect how people treat or approach me. I rollerblade in Central Park (in New York) a lot and I have yet to be noticed.

What else do you do to stay in shape?

- I love sports! Anything that' done outdoors. Skiing, snowboarding, tennis, swimming. I was a competitive swimmer until age 15. I don't really go to a gym to work out. I am a very active person by nature and I much prefer the outdoors. I also really miss my motorcycle which is still at home.

You mentioned earlier that you get homesick. Are all your friends still in Sweden or do you have a lot of friends in the fashion world now?

- It's funny because there's a girl from Sweden who I went to school with. She now lives in New York as well, so we hang out. Through her I have met other Swedish people her... perhaps we will form the 'Swedish Mafia' in New York! Some of the other male models I work with at my agency have been very nice and helpful and my agent is the reason why I'm still here. But my closest friends are still in Sweden. I try my best to maintain contact with them because I never know when this will end and I will have to return to Sweden. It could be any moment... I don't plan to do this forever.

What do you see yourself doing after modelling?

- Before I really decided to pursue modelling. I was supposed to start advertising school in Sweden. The thought is till at the back of my mind, but I really try and concentrate on the present. When I do something I do it 100%. I am totally committed and focused.

I don't like to look too far into the future or it seems that the future is here too quickly. Modelling still feels too good to be true. I keep pinching myself. It really is an amazing opportunity which allows me to save for my future, whatever it may be.


Thanks a lot, Edrian !!!
