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Articles by Resa LaRu Kirkland

Resa LaRu Kirkland is an avid military historian, with her main focus being on the Korean War and its forgotten warriors.

She has been given many names by her beloved Korean War Vets, her favorites being "The Pitbull," "Rambo Brockovich," "Hellraiser," "Tiger" and "D-Day." Also see WorldNetDaily.


by Resa LaRu Kirland (Published in the May 12, 2003 issue of Ether Zone)

I think I’ve figured out why most Americans are having such a hard time with the way North Korea behaves. It is because we are a people who seek to reckon the "Why?" of any given equation. After all, it is deep within the human psyche to conquer the questions, to outline things-to make the logical connection between what we don’t know and what we do know. This is the way we live our lives…constantly evaluating and re-evaluating everything to answer the "Why?"

Not so in the Hermit Kingdom.

Kim "No Dong" Il doesn’t seek to answer the "Why?"-he IS the "Why?" To understand this, we need to be-you guessed it-logical and reasonable. 

Let’s look at the illogical and unreasonable side of this-Kim. He has postured himself as a mystical, part-Deity figure who controls the winds, waves, and weather. (How he explains the alternating droughts and floods of the past decade is beyond reason and logic-but that’s Kim all over.) He started his life with a lie. Ask any North Korean and they will tell you that he was born on the sacred Mt. Paektu, North Korea-its highest mountain, no less, symbolically very close to heaven-in his father’s anti-Japanese guerilla camp, like some glorious savior born to fight Japanese Imperialism. In fact, the legend goes that so sacred and holy was his birth-so heavenly ordained--that it was marked with a double rainbow and a new star in the sky. (Hmm…rainbows and stars marking the sky? Couldn’t he at least think up something that hasn’t already been done?) 

The truth is, he was born under far less glorious and poetic circumstances, in a Soviet Army camp near Khabarovsk, Russia, while his father Kim Il Sung was exiled there. Not very glorious.

Kim is taught in the Myth that is North Korea’s education system to be an intellectually "peerless leader," who extended the noble Juche idea of his father, designing the large Juche tower in Pyongyang, and writing six operas in two years time. While his father-Great Leader-was still alive, the younger Kim was referred to as "Dear One" by his constituency. He was promoted to "Dear Leader" after he assumed the mantle of leadership upon his father’s death in 1994.

The antithesis of this rice-fed heroic image plays out in less flattering tones. In reality, Rocky-and-Bullwinkle-type-"Fearless Leader" Kim is a pompous playboy, ridiculously unattractive yet oddly vain. He perms his hair and wears lifts in his shoes in a desperate attempt to make himself appear taller and bigger than life. He orders in foreign liquor and foods, has elaborate palaces and playgrounds all for himself, and has even kidnapped women from other lands to service him at various luxurious villas. While his people starve, he has a collection of Rolexes and Daffy Duck cartoons. He floats in enormous yachts and flies in chefs from foreign lands while his people risk everything to escape the revulsion of his Stalin-esque concentration camps. 

Kim preaches peace and self defense on the surface, but in reality has been responsible for some of the most horrific terrorist attacks in recent history, such as the 1987 KAL bombing, the 1983 Rangoon bombing attack, and has been the force behind the now infamous nuclear proliferation of his unstable country. He has made alliances with the enemies of America-Islam and China-and has been the biggest exporter of ballistic missiles the world has ever seen. Everything he does defies logic and reason, thus spawning the question: How do you deal logically and reasonably with an illogical and unreasonable nation?

The answer is you don’t.

When God speaks to man, He speaks to them in the language they can understand. We should take a lesson. Kim is a despot whose own nation is so wretched, so backwards, so reminiscent of the evils of Hitler and Stalin that it is hard to comprehend such a place even exists. But then, it was hard to believe the stories coming out of Europe in the 1930’s, too. It didn’t make them any less true. If history has proven anything, it is that Totalitarians only understand one thing-stopping them by force. That is the language they understand. That is logical and reasonable. That is how you deal with them.

And it is more serious and desperate than ever now. The time has come to deal, and deal fast. Not only does Kim possess nuclear weapons-by my own meager investigations, I believe he has between six and eight, not just one or two-but the technology with which to deliver them. The Taepo Dong 2 missile is a year ahead of schedule, and has already been test fired to the CONUS. It hit Alaska. That’s right…Alaska, USA.

For those who are still trying to apply logic and reason to a leader who will never use them, I say this: By logic and reason, why would you say North Korea-a nation destitute and dying-fired a long range missile that hit American soil? Not even Iraq tried that. Before you answer that this is business as usual-North Korea threatening us to give them big bucks-think long and hard. Like Iraq, North Korea is run by an evil Dictator who murders his own people. Unlike Iraq, North Korea has nukes. Like Iraq, North Korea will lie and cover up and buy time for years in order to distract us from the truth and play off our desire to remain in blissful-yet feigned, for we know better--ignorance. Unlike Iraq, North Korea has the means to deliver those nukes. 

It is no small coincidence that they chose a part of America that was very isolated and unpopulated. This is chillingly reminiscent of the way you behave when you are about to test a nuclear weapon; oddly enough, logical and reasonable. They also knew that Americans were so distracted and upset over the war in Iraq that the story of the missile hitting the CONUS would be lost-deliberately or innocently-in the news shuffle. Again, logical and reasonable.

It is also logical and reasonable to expect that North Korea will indeed export nuclear weapons to any other country who will use them against America. They are methodically covering their bases. So much so, in fact, that South Korea’s forces are on alert. There are strong indications within the ROK government that they are convinced North Korea will pull an illogical and unreasonable stunt-I mean beyond their normal illogical and unreasonable stuff-in some crazy attempt to force the US to give in to their blackmail. And thank goodness our leaders are making it clear that that ain’t gonna happen. But in the logic of North Korea, this justifies their insanity of backing up the threats with a mushroom cloud this time. After all, no one is more dangerous than a country with absolutely nothing to lose. A wicked man with one nuclear weapon is inherently more dangerous than a good nation with 10,000. And that is what we are facing here.

Come to think of it, maybe it isn’t North Korea who is being illogical and unreasonable. I mean, such behavior is for them normal, in an insane sort of way. I think this time we are being the nonsensical ones. Look at the evidence. They have nukes, they have long range missiles, and they have already fired on America. They have given every logical and reasonable indication of what they are about to do. We are the ones who now appear to be defying logic. We are the ones who appear to be ignoring reason. Kim will lose this battle in the long run, but he will still get his battle, his blaze of glory. It is America, South Korea, and Japan who will merely get the blaze.

Apparently, North Korea has answered the "Why?" with a "Why not?"

It is illogical. It is unreasonable. It is suicide. It is Kim’s moment to shine-unfortunately, that means it will soon be our moment to "glow."

Keep the faith, bros, and in all things courage.

North Korea’s Plutonium:  Electricity…Nukes…or the Flux Capacitor?

by Resa LaRu Kirkland

Lately I’ve been wondering what has been going through Kim Jong Il’s mind.  I mean, with all the talk of power plants, plutonium re-processing, and the nuclear bomb, could there be something else behind the intentions of Krazy Kim’s Kavalcade—or KKK, as I like to call him?  Is he really making nuclear bombs, or is it just electricity for his troubled constituency?  Could it be that he of the “Chia-head” haircut is the greatest evil of two centuries, or is he simply misunderstood?  Could there be a third alternative-- something other than electricity or nuclear weapons behind the plutonium pop of late? 

So many want to give “Duh!” Leader the benefit of the doubt.  In spite of the mountains—and I do mean mountains!—of evidence, there are those who cling tightly to the fantasy that he isn’t doing what he’s really doing…that there is another perfectly logical reason behind the plutonium hooplah we’ve been hearing of late.  So for those of you who fall into this “reality impaired” category, I think I might have an answer.  But I warn you; hold on tightly…we’ll be bouncing back and forth here through the space/time continuum as we examine the turbulent times and fantasy world of North Korea.

KKK’s people have been starving for over a decade now.  It began last century—early 1990’s—and is overflowing into the new one.  They have suffered floods, droughts, massive food, medical, and energy shortages.  They have relied almost solely on outside support—totally contrary to their isolated, cut-off society.  Such dire circumstances should be occupying every moment of “Duh!” Leader’s time.  A decent, well-intentioned man would be agonizing over how to help his beloved people.  Logic dictates that he would be wearying himself in service of the suffering, reaching out again and again to other countries for not just help, but advice and re-structuring of his massively failed policies.  He should be compromising and bending over backwards—anything to help those people—suffering unspeakably--who support him.  The strain should be sucking the life out of him.

But logic don’t dictate the Dictator.  He has done none of these things.  In fact, I think he’s actually gotten fatter while his people have resorted to desperate escapes, “alternative food sources,” and even the horrors of cannibalism.  His journey through time has been obsessed with luxury items for his bloated self, elaborate meals by chefs flown in from around the world, and the biggest collection of Daffy Duck cartoons on the planet.  (Yes, like Saddam Hussein, this Daffy Dic hates the west but loves Hollywood.  There ought to be a LOUD lesson in there somewhere!)

Instead his energy has been spent in wacky schemes that he believes will distract the world from his wretchedness.  The death of Daddy Dearest in 1994 seems to have done something to KKK’s brain.  I say this because ever since then, he has been indulging himself in the fantasy of time travel.  I think someone slipped him a copy of “Back To The Future,” because in the past six months, “Duh!” Leader seems convinced that he owns his own personal time machine. 

The first stop he made as he whisked back through time was in 1994 to eradicate the Agreed Framework.  (He didn’t undue Daddy’s death, though—I guess KKK isn’t that stupid—not even he wants that stir-fried Stalin back!)

But he didn’t stop there.  In a frenzy of wanderlust, he pulled a Dr. Evil-esque trick and dropped in on the notorious 60’s, declaring the1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty null and void.  His appetite was whet now, and…well, you’ve seen him!  Control over his appetites is definitely not a high priority.

With the power of the DeLorean at his pudgy fingertips, Krazy Kim’s Kavalcade went for the coup de gras…the Mother of All (Korean War) Treaties:  the 1953 cease fire agreement.  Every significant document of the past 50 years has been rendered impotent.  Thanks to the horrors of Kim’s Time Travel, all bets are off.

In spite of his ludicrous behavior, we are still dealing with him like he is actually a rational human being, capable of logical thought and reasonable behavior.  Most pundits believe that KKK was taken aback by our overwhelming power against The Other Dic in the Desert, and that that is why it agreed to meet with us.  But that is not it.  It wasn’t until some secret whisperings with China that KKK agreed to the multi-lateral talks that Pres. Bush had insisted upon.  That in and of itself is suspicious; China backs Duh! Leader absolutely, let no one doubt.  That has been proven in the face of the talks, which lasted only a couple of hours their first day.  Instead of encouraging KKK to use its gray matter, China stood by while it spouted black threats.  Once again KKK threatened to use its nuclear capability—which it had insisted was being used only for much-needed power—and justified this move by claiming it had the “right” to defend itself against the constant fear of attack from America.  However, this latest round of menacing talk is no longer mere posturing; it is far more serious now, given the recent testing of a Taepo Dong 2 missile that reached from KKK soil to Alaska a couple of months ago ( Dear Leader Has Landed , April 2003, by Resa LaRu Kirkland).

It seems that KKK is back to his old tricks, insisting that America sign a Non-Aggression Agreement—yet another treaty that KKK can go back and undue!  But hey, it’s totally understandable, given all the times we’ve invaded North Korea!  We walked out of the very short-lived negotiations, not even pausing to speak to the press, and the burden is now heavier.  After all, in the deluded mind of KKK, there are no more treaties, pacts, or frameworks to cling to.  They are a people free of their own conscious, because KKK’s time machine has relieved them of the obligation of those pesky past agreements.  With enough plutonium, Krazy Kim can in theory go back and un-due every major document that has marked human time.

So for the blind and naïve who wish to indulge the fantasy that Kim isn’t really up to the evil that he is up to, here is your fantasy answer to the original question.  Krazy Kim’s Kavalcade doesn’t need plutonium for energy—he doesn’t even need it for nukes.  Apparently, he only needs it for the Flux Capacitor.

Keep the faith, bros, and in all things courage.

Jihad in North Korea

by Resa LaRu Kirkland

             I have come to the lonely conclusion that I am the only Korea-watcher who feels that North Korea’s current blustering is different this time.  I mean, I know they’ve done it before in this game of “threaten and get paid for it” at which they are so good and we are so accommodating, but something is…well, off this go-around. 

            We are deeply involved in a war with Islam that will logically spread to the entire Arab world.  Our leaders have stated publicly again and again that they feel Iraq is the bigger threat specifically, and radical Islam in general.  They have also made it clear that we can only handle one Totalitarian at a time, and for the here and now, Saddam is the Dictator of Choice.

            If you ask me, this news has got to be a God-send to Kim Jong Il, and he is making rumblings of encouraging those around him to join.  While Kim’s actions are nothing new, the response of his fellow Asians is.  He is playing expertly--now more than ever--on both the communist ideology and fellow war history he shares with China, and the Korean ancestry and separated families he uses to emotionally anguish South Korea into slowly sharing his hatred for America and her allies.  The signs are all there:  in the strongholds of our friends, the sentiment is turning.  Kim is even starting to sound like Saddam…he is using terms such as “holy war,” for crying out loud, and Iraq isn’t crying “Thief!” to this obvious plagiarism.  Why?  Isn’t it obvious?  They have encouraged this Asian buddy to join their Jihad, and party like it’s 1999!  An Asian buddy who, by the way, has an army of 1 million men and almost another 5 million in the reserves.  Iraq’s military isn’t even close to that, but why worry so long as he has friends who will back him?  And that’s not even the worst part.  

Interesting, isn’t it, how quickly those whom we have saved from past aggressors turn with the simple implementation of the evil word in the willing ear?  On January 9, The Guardian newspaper ran a telling article entitled “North Korea urges South to ‘pool efforts’ against America.”  It is one thing to have a long-time enemy plan our destruction, but when our “friends” begin to break ranks and take him seriously, freedom shudders. Does this enemy “circling of the wagons” chill anyone else?  The adversary is looming like a dark Beast from the (FAR) East, and even our past supporters are running in the midst of its shadow.  Yet oddly enough, they are running toward, and not away from, the very Beast who will eventually destroy them too.

            The article reads like 1930-s era capitulation:  “…Until now White House staff have said that negotiations could not begin until Pyongyang scrapped its uranium enrichment program, shut down a plutonium-producing reactor in Yongban and readmitted international inspectors, who were kicked out last month.

            “But Washington’s preferred strategy of using economic sanctions to force the North to back down was rejected by other countries in the region who feared North Korea would become the next Iraq.

            “With anti-US sentiment growing in Seoul—usually a staunch ally—George Bush has been forced to accept dialogue with an ‘axis of evil’ country and its leader, Kim Jong Il whom the President admits he ‘loathes.’”

            The evidence is mounting, and we are making the wishy-washy—and potentially fatal--mistake of changing our own rules.  This time, Kim’s bluff has worked, but then, maybe that is because it isn’t just a bluff anymore. 

            Please read that last line again:  “…George Bush has been forced to accept dialogue with an ‘axis of evil’ country…”  George Bush has been forced.  These are the most terrifying words I have read in recent months, and I will tell you why.

            North Korea has been a joke for a long time, much like the guy with “little man syndrome” who thinks he can lick any man in the bar.  South Korea has longed for the return of loved ones, and besides, they are right there at ground zero.  This makes their desire for diplomacy at the very least understandable.  They remain, after all, a country divided, families torn apart, and a people fed up with politicos making decisions that they should be making, all within the strain of a constant war threat and now in the shadow of an ominous mushroom cloud.  But still, their trend away from their American friend is a betrayal, and if they don’t realize it yet, they soon will.

We have forgotten that China is communist, and that the goal of communism has never changed:  to force every knee to bow to it.  They tasted success when their massive army and human wave attacks in the early days of the 50 year old Korean War halted the hated Americans at the Yalu.  China has tolerated the continued annoyances of this pain-in-the-ass ally while still maintaining its distance in order to keep that beautiful American green comin’ in.  (Our men were magnificent there, but Big Mac’s intuition had been wrong, and those gorgeous American warriors paid the price.  The rest of the world will too, if China thinks they are the ones who can stop us.  And trust me…. they do.)   Make no mistake, however; China WILL back North Korea when the nukes hit the fan.

So the idea that the school yard joke—North Korea—has become capable of actually forcing the Big Man On Campus—America—to back down from its stance is to say the least unsettling.  And now, even worse, we are losing our friends—Seoul has turned against us, to our shock, and China….well, wise men have never trusted China anyway.  Add to this “shocking” treachery the abandonment of America’s War on Terror by friends such as Germany, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Yemen (remember those cement packages that were really Scuds?  Watch them…Yemen is following the new popular kids of the playground too…they are just lying to us while they solidify the friendship) and we are fast drawing a line in the playground and choosing up sides. 

Now we all know that this is normal schoolyard banter.  But what seems to surprise us the most is that those who have consistently chosen our team in the past are now suddenly playing “Red Rover” and switching sides in droves.  It couldn’t have come at a more critical point for America and the world. 

Saddam knows that if Iraq is pummeled too hard by America, the Islamic tide in the Middle East will turn against us, especially if Israel becomes involved.  Given the Arab red hot hatred of the House of Israel, they will see to it that Israel does indeed become involved.  That’s fine with Chairman Kim…he hates Israel almost as much as he hates us. 

So Saddam now has the added advantage that Kim Jong Il has been taking advantage of this past year:  distraction.  His buddy and partner in crime, North Korea, has suddenly taken on what was recently Saddam’s role:  the leading role in terrorist threat, and the even more serious dividing of the American attention into two entirely different areas of the globe.  This has been to Kim’s benefit in recent months, and Saddam is enjoying it now.  There must be dancing in Hell tonight at the prospect of the confusing “up-for-grabs” mentality of the world’s loyalties.  For a minute, we are looking from the Middle East to the Far East, and Saddam is hard at work while our heads are turned.

Kim loves it too.  I think that his pride is injured at the thought that the world he so wishes to rule considers him somehow less of a threat than some towel-head in the sand dunes.  He will not be ignored…no matter what it takes.  He has been the scorned one long enough.  All we need is a boiling bunny, and we have a Hollywood hit on our hands.

So while I am alone in my conclusion that this time is different, and that North Korea will actually put their words into action, I sense that this solitude is only temporary.  When 37,000 American troops cry out from the DMZ just before their voices are cut off in a blinding flash and an agonizing end, I should have plenty of company.  Sure, most of them will already be charred corpses, but hey, who can be choosy with so few friends left on earth?

Keep the faith, bros, and in all things courage.

De(a)r Leader Has Landed

by  Resa LaRu Kirkland

             On March 4 of this year, an article appeared in the Korea Times.  It stated that a warhead had been found in Alaska.  The part that froze my blood was the acknowledgement that the warhead was from a long-range missile that had been test-fired from another country…North Korea.

             “According to a U.S. document, the last piece of a missile warhead fired by North Korea was found in Alaska,” former Japanese foreign minister Taro Nakayama was quoted as saying in the report.  “Washington, as well as Tokyo, has so far underrated Pyongyang’s missile capabilities.”   NK Missile Warhead Found in Alaska.  March 4, 2003.  Korea Times.

             The last piece?  Did I miss something?  Doesn’t the word “last” indicate that there was also a “first,” perhaps even a “second?”  And is it even possible in this day and age of “real time” and immediate technological access to fire a missile anywhere in this world and not know it instantly on the other side of the globe…especially when it is making a fiery beeline straight for your mainland? 

             No, it is not.  We knew the minute it took off, we tracked it as it made its way to the CONUS, and watched it detonate somewhere in Alaska.  A missile attack by an enemy…right here on American soil, and no one but the Korean newspaper mentioned it.  Yes, that is a chill that just ran down my spine and yours.

             Our own intelligence has been watching carefully for years the DPRK’s efforts to build a long-range missile capable of reaching the United States.  The Taepo Dong—with far more reach than its famous little brother the No Dong--was expected to reach such capability by around the year 2004.  Apparently, they are ahead of schedule.  And while I know we are heavily involved in a war with Saddam and Bin Laden, I cannot help but wonder:  why was this bomb attack on America not even given back-page status in our nation’s newspapers?  Can you imagine Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, or Afghanistan doing such a thing on America’s mainland soil and having it not trumpeted from every newspaper, blog, and military website?  And yet North Korea—they who put the “evil” in the “axis of evil”—has managed to do what Saddam, Bin Laden, or any other wretched despot on earth could only dream of pulling off—quietly bomb CONUS soil without the American public knowing it—or apparently even caring.

             And what did the few Americans who knew about it have to say about so horrifying and ominous an act?  While our military leaders are smart in saying nothing that might give North Korea what they want, one of our nauseating and spineless—rendering him apparently unable to feel that afore-mentioned chill--politicians, Rep. Edward J. Markey—who sits on the Bipartisan Task Force on Nonproliferation, God help us!—hopped into action by immediately demanding that we who were attacked behave ourselves and settle this peacefully by giving those who attacked our country food, energy, and humanitarian aid.

             Brilliant!  Why hasn’t anyone thought of that before?  It’s so perfect!  Why, we could have avoided that whole, nasty incident of 60 years ago called WWII if we had only handed our attacker a few tons of sushi, sandals, and gold fish, instead of having to drop a few tons of nuclear radiation!  Pure genius!  It is so obvious that had we settled their violent attack with a peaceful payoff, Japan would have stopped what they were doing and behaved themselves!  And upon seeing the warm fuzziness of this new world, surely Germany and Italy would have followed suit!  I mean, there would have been no Normandy, no Iwo Jima, no death and destruction, no death camps or death marches.  Love and peace and hand-holding would have prevailed, the lamb would have laid down with the lion, and all would have been right with the world.

             OK, now back to reality.  Rep. Markey, when in the history of humanity has such a thing ever worked?  I mean, you called for the attackee to settle it peacefully by throwing money at the attacker, yet merely “urged” the attacker to give up his desire to kill us and return to his previously signed agreements not to murder us!  You then went on to ask the attackee to sign an agreement NOT to attack the attacker.  OK, call me crazy, but you, sir are nuts!

             We are not the ones who attacked North Korea; not now, not 53 years ago!  They attacked the ROK, whom we created after WWII, and who is our friend.  And now, Mr. Markey, they have attacked America.  They have attacked the Continental United States.  They attacked our friend, and they attacked us.  And they have nuclear weapons.  Not to mention that they are very good buddies with tyrants around the world, including the Venezuelan totalitarian who hates us and could hit American soil even without the efforts of the Taepo Dong.  Do you see a pattern here yet, or do you need the message driven home with a warhead in your state next time?  Is that what it will take, because it sure looks that way?!!

             Their timing was deliberate.  They were able to cheer their success back home in North Korea without the fear of retaliation, because they knew we would be busy with the war, and they knew that morally bankrupt and intellectually deprived politicos would chastise the attackee under the idiotic and crazed thinking that this might somehow render impotent the attacker.  They tested their missile, succeeded, and got away with it.  This leaves us with one terrifying question:  What are they going to do now?

             I’ve said it before:  Never trust a country full of men with No Dongs.  Let’s modify that now to this:  Duck and cover, America…De(a)r Leader has landed.

             Keep the faith, bros, and in all things courage.


by Resa LaRu Kirkland

OK, everyone mentally mark December 10, 2002 on your brain’s calendar, because someday your kids will be asking you, “Daddy, where were you when America missed those oh-so-obvious sounds of ultimate destruction that North Korea was blasting for the whole world to hear?”

My, can you imagine the stories?

“Well, Billy, I can’t remember because I figured that our leaders knew what they were doing when they decided to bury their heads in the sand of Iraq while our real and older enemy of communism was secretly arming all of America’s enemies to blast our asses right off the planet!”

Talk about your incentive to study history after a rousing and soul-stirring testament like that!  And aren’t those “leaders” the same people who never had an idea until recently that North Korea was mixing it up in the Nuclear Arena?  Why, wasn’t it just one “leader” ago that enabled North Korea to begin its own nuclear program?  Granted, Bush is far more on the ball than Bubba ever was, and yet…here we are.

Now before I start getting flamed for being like some damned hippy on the bottom rung of society—for those of you whose sand is still clogging their ears, this refers to the Hollywood and liberal politico elite—I fully support granting Saddam his long-held wish for those 72 virgins as quickly as possible.  (Maybe we should contact the “Make A Wish Foundation” since his days are numbered.  Nah, can you imagine how hard it would be to track down 72 virgins in this day and age?  Oh well, it’s the thought that counts…and what a thought, eh men?!)  I mean, I think we should have done it last time, but there’s no sense re-hashing past mistakes when the Big End Game is raising it’s multiple heads.  No, cleaning house in Iraq is a must, and my only comment on that is “About friggin’ time!”

But we are on a very dangerous precipice here.  We have learned recently that North Korea has defiantly lied about its nuclear program for years, has given nuclear aid to and received nuclear aid from our “friend” Pakistan, has over the past couple of years been very busy shipping short, medium, and long range missiles capable of carrying nukes to strategic enemies—and even some supposed allies--of America (enemies capable of covering America and her allies and holding us hostage to wickedness).  Their daily newspaper shouts their allegiance to such countries as Libya, Iran, Iraq, Cuba, and groups such as the PLO, and vehemently decries the Imperialist Pigs in America, Japan, and South Korea, and lately even Israel, who in the twisted world of Kim Jong Il-ism, is the aggressor against those peace-lovin’ Palestinians.  Yes, you read that correctly.  North Korea despises Israel and prays for Palestine.  They have also been busy working their people up into a frenzy with tales of America breaking the Agreed Framework from 1994; been indignant over Japan’s refusal to return the kidnapped victims who North Korea stole fair and square from the Japanese shores; and just a few of weeks ago, they posted orders to all citizens of their country that they would no longer be accepting American currency as of December 1.  Any Dollars coming into the country had to be exchanged for Euros or Won.  Now why would they do that, when American dollars are the most desirable of all?  Are they perhaps expecting something to happen that might cause the dollar to quake?  If these signs do not indicate a prelude to war, then there is no such thing as a prelude to war!

Now bearing only these factors in mind—yes, there is yet another cog in the wheel of Armageddon via Asia!—and combining them with the statistics below, whom would you say is the bigger threat to America and all the world?

Potential Enemies             Active Troops                   Reserve Troops

Cuba                                      58,000                                   39,000

Iran                                      513,000                                  350,000

Iraq                                     429,000                                  650,000

Libya                                    76,000                                     40,000

North Korea                     1,082,000                                4,700,000

Sudan                                  104,500                                    ------

Syria                                   316,000                                    396,000

**Numbers from CIA**

Ah but there’s more, and here is the part where you mark your calendar.  December 10, 2002 we learned that a ship bearing the flag of North Korea had been under American surveillance since leaving the port of Nampo three weeks earlier.  It was supposed to be a normal, non-aggressive ship delivering cement to an unidentified location.  But when the vessel entered the North Arabian Sea, they did something odd:  they painted over their beloved North Korean flag, hoping to slip through unnoticed.  Now why would an innocent ship do that?  A Spanish Naval warship stopped them and inspected their cargo.  There, hidden beneath the bags of cement were crates that held none other than North Korean Scud Missiles.  You remember scuds…used by Iraq during Desert Storm?  Let me repeat that a bit louder in case you didn’t catch it the first time….USED BY IRAQ.  Authorities believed the destination to be Yemen and NOT Iraq, but knowing Yemen, that does nothing to quell the cold realization that is invading my psyche.  The ship—known as the So San--had a false manifest and its crew refused to discuss exactly where they were heading with those Scuds.  This was well-thought out; this was a deliberate, pre-meditated act, which took weeks to plan. That would take us back to when North Korea was saying, “OK, we’ll be good this time…NO FOOLIES!  Just keep the aid a-comin’!” only a few weeks ago, and coincides, oddly enough, with the sudden lock-down of the dollar.  I believe the question takes a 180 degree turn from “Now why would they do that?” to “Now why would we allow it?”

In spite of Defense Secretary Rumsfeld’s comment a couple of weeks ago about North Korea being the “single biggest proliferator “ of ballistic missiles, we still wallow happily in our denial.  It would seem to suggest that ignorance is indeed bliss.

At least until that moment when our children begin that sentence, “Where were you when…?”  If you hurry and mark your calendar now, while the latest guidepost of our true enemy’s intentions still has that new car smell of government denial, you’ll be way ahead of the game years from now.  But, hey, maybe you’ll luck out--if things keep going the way they’re going, I have a very dark feeling none of us will have to worry about that particular, difficult instance yet to come.  That will spare us that uncomfortable question and replace it with a far worse one:  “Daddy, what was America?”

            Keep the faith, bros, and in all things, courage.



by  Resa LaRu Kirkland (The Military Magazine, March 2003)

             It has been said that in the war to end all wars—the big end game, as it were—the one that is fast approaching, that men’s hearts will fail them.  Such will be the horror and trauma and destruction we witness that we will be literally frozen with fear.  Apparently, that day is not in the future; it is here now, for never have I witnessed in my mere life the blatant and furious abandonment of the greatest attribute of humanity:  courage.

Now stay with me a moment here; I am making a point.  The reason that the infliction of physical pain upon humans is used so much in torture is because if you apply enough, it will work every time, no matter how strong the man.  Every time.  But what becomes even worse than that pain is the mere threat of it.  You see, once a person has seen and known terrible pain, the mere implication that you are going to experience it again can disintegrate the most stalwart of dispositions.  You then become an impotent slave to not the act itself, but the fear of the act.

In other words, your heart fails you.

Understand, I am not condemning mankind for this; I am merely stating that it is a harsh reality of life in this mortal veil.  We are, after all, made of imperfect clay, prone to disease, hunger, fatigue, and pain.  Even God Himself knows that given enough of any one or combination of these physical detractors, the mightiest man will fall, every time.  The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.  This is why He always cautions us against relying upon the arm of flesh.  It will let us down.  Every time.

But just because we know that this can happen, it doesn’t mean that we don’t continue the fight.  No, it is precisely because we know what will happen that we must fight so very hard to prevent it.  We must fight. 

We have been fighting the Korean War for over 50 years now, and in the belly of that beast—the Korean Peninsula—men’s hearts have grown weary, and are failing them.  Yet oddly enough, it is not the generation who lived the early days of this war who are failing…it is the young ones, whose hearts should be strong, who don’t yet fear because they have yet to experience the infliction that leads to the implication of the infliction.  It is backwards this time:  those who should be the weak ones are strong, and those who should be the strong ones are weak.

The older generation, who knows all too well the horrors inflicted upon their country by the Devil Dog Kim Il Sung and his puppy Kim Jong Il, are now—for the most part--begging America to remain their friend and defender.  They have experienced the torture, and rather than giving in, they are fighting to stop those they have known as their tormentors.  Instead of weakening their resolve, the memories have steeled them.  This is courage in it its most Godly form.

The young, who have merely heard the stories but been sheltered from the reality by parents and grandparents who love them too much to see them suffer even the knowledge of what they barely endured, are in the streets screaming to allow their persecutors to take them over.  It is madness; someday it will be written about with the same disbelief that I now feel when I watch black and white WWII parades in which people sobbed with joy at the sight of Hitler or Mussolini; people actually cheered and celebrated their own downfall.  It is beyond comprehension, and yet it happened, so comprehend we must.  This unscathed generation in Korea is cowardice in its most human form.

But wait, it gets better…I mean, worse.

Even more remarkable, the world appears to be listening to the young and unknowing rather than the older and wise.  Those who fear not because they know not are having their loud and angry voices heard; those who fight because they know, are having their knowledge scorned and ignored.  It is as if the entire country of Korea is being led gleefully into a great chasm, and other lands are falling in behind them with the frothy mania of madmen.  We have seen Russia of late—still smarting from that whole “fall of communism” thing, and still thwarted because too many of the “old school” are in charge—renewing old and ominous ties with Pyongyang.  It is the “red menace” all over again, stir-fried this time.  Along with Russia (mark my words down today) the signs are there that China will—without a doubt—back Korea again, and do so gladly.  After all, the goal of communism has never changed.

And standing quiet guard, as always and forever, is the American soldier…. 37,000 flesh and blood men in between the wretched brutality of Kim Jong Il and the unfathomable stupidity of those who would feed his unquenchable appetite for blood and power.  How do you reason with those who thirst for their own demise?  What do we say to our men over there, who believed us when we said that they are there “for the people and for freedom,” when those very people are using that hard-won freedom—for which the parents and grandparents of this new DMZ generation paid so horrible a price—to spit upon and slander those who are the only barrier between their right to protest and their potential annihilation?  How do we justify their fiery deaths when—not if—North Korea makes that first demoralizing strike against American troops, when we had not the courage to stand up to the words of fools?  What do we say to American families watching the Korean young celebrate the destruction of the only obstacle to their doom?

Our hearts must not fail us in this final showdown between good and evil, and make no mistake:  that is exactly what this is.  The hearts of those too foolish to see must never lead the minds of those who know better.  If reason fails us, courage will follow, and so goeth mankind.  The foolishness of those who want America gone from Korea is just that—foolishness—and if we give into it, we are worse than fools.  We are cowards.  We have allowed the mere fear—the implication of—the act to stop us now from doing what is right.  Our hearts are failing us, and we must stop it now, before it is beyond the point of no return.  We must not fail; we must take courage.  There is much too much at stake.

America made the horrific mistake once of listening to a bunch of college-aged, knee-jerk, reactionary hippy-types, and our society has paid a horrifying price.  Have we yet again failed to learn from history?  If we listen to a bunch of campus crusaders not yet wise enough to halt their own destruction, what will be the cost to America—and therefore the world—this time?

Keep the faith, bros, and in all things courage.



by Resa LaRu Kirkland

             In the article I wrote for WND back on October 30 entitled “2-Front War,” there is a quote that states our country could only handle so many crises at one time.  I also brought out past officials who had given away a little TOO much information by making claims that America could never again handle a two-front war.  Now lest you think I sound just a tad arrogant and all-knowing, read on…this isn’t my knowledge, it’s common knowledge, common sense.  I have only added the voice.

             We have afore-hand information that we are going to invade Iraq and take out Saddam.  We broadcast it daily.  If you were a totalitarian who tortured, murdered, starved, kidnapped, etc., your own people and those of other nations, and you had aligned yourself with other totalitarians who not only did the same things you did, but despised the United States—and our friend Israel—as much as you did, what would you be doing with this information?  If you had been at war with this capitalist enemy, who was not only bigger and more successful than you, but who had set up a similar government in land just south of you—a government and people who had the freedom (and the nerve) to thrive and grow and NOT starve—and you now saw your common ally about to utterly distract and use up the resources of your common enemy…if the people in your land viewed you as a mystical, god-like eternal leader, and were too unarmed, too hungry, too beaten down, and too weak to stand up to you anyway…if appearing right was more important to you than doing right, again I ask:  what would you be preparing to do?  How would you process the daily news in a brain twisted by communist indulgence and a sense of your own hallowed deity?

             North Korea has shown again and again that it will lie, cheat, steal, and murder, then demand we pay them for the privilege.  And why not?  They’ve been denying every legitimate accusation of wickedness for decades now, but they have the new and delicious prospect of being able to flaunt their treachery and still get their hands on America’s filthy lucre.  It is simple logic that you do not continue giving money, fuel, and nuclear capability to a country who will destroy you the minute they are convinced they can…or the minute they think you’re not paying attention.

             In August of this year, North Korea’s only newspaper the Korean Central News Agency pledged its support of the Palestinians.  It warned Israel to stop its “terrorism against civilians and barbarous military aggression” against the Palestinians and all Arab countries, and extended “full support and solidarity to the just cause of the Palestinians.”  But it threw Israel a bone by saying that their war-like behavior wasn’t really their fault.  No, poor Israel’s offensive behavior was due to its “patronage and backing of a specified country.”  Gee, to whom could they be referring?  It would appear from their daily issues that they are fast approaching as much atomic hatred for Israel as they have long held exclusively for us.

             That same month, the KCNA was touting the close friendship between Kim Jong Il and a name that shudders the soul with familiarity, Moammer El Gaddafi.  And every year there are continuous communications presented in the glossy and “correct communist way” from names such as Arafat, Castro…Hussein.  Visits from high level Pakistan officials, Communist Party leaders from other countries who are sworn enemies of America and/or Israel, and…well, just about anyone jealous of our wealth, success, optimism, blessings, and ability to overcome…are trumpeted like Gabriel on steroids.  Oh, and let us not forget the flurry of recent shipments of the long range No Dong missiles, capable of carrying nukes, to Libya and Egypt.  This is NOT a nation on the brink of change…this is a flaming stir-fried Stalin State who is bursting out of the closet, guns blazing.

             One of the most painful things about history is that it seems to be an exercise in futility.  Henry Goszkowski of the Paramount Pictures front line film CEASE FIRE, once told me that while being interviewed for the premiere of the movie, he mentioned that his biggest regret about Korea was his fear that his children would have to go back and finish what he hadn’t been allowed to complete.  That was an exceptionally prophetic statement; not only have the children of the Korean War Vets had to stand guard over this inexhaustible war, but now it is their grandchildren.  This is so deep, so personal an agony for my beloved men…a parent would rather die than see his children suffer when they know they could have stopped it.  After all, one of the main reasons the combatant goes into the inferno is to spare his children life under a totalitarian and insure their freedom.  But unlike WWII and Vietnam, the Korean War Veteran has the added agony of watching his seed enter the same fire, only hotter and larger and with more far-reaching branches than at any other time in history.  Combine that with the fact that North Korea is now in possession of the only weapon ever created that can be summed up in two radiation-packed words—unconditional surrender—and you have life in the present. 

             OK, so the question for Kim Jong Il to ask himself appears to be this one:  how can I bring down a giant country I despise when I am too little to do so myself?  North Korea can’t be trusted; they misuse our financial, food, and fuel donations, they are denying their own people rights to the most basic, treasured freedoms Heavenly Father granted to His children, and yet we continue to believe that they’ll “come around.” We agonize over the plight of the people, and it is our compassion for them that causes us to put up with their government’s evil manipulation.  We really would like to see Korea whole again, but must it be at the awful price that wishful thinking is inflicting upon us?

             Were Kim Jong Il a wise and decent man, nothing would be too much to ask in order to ease the suffering of his countrymen.  Oh well, moving on.  Instead he is a selfish, spoiled, wretched, insecure, and dishonorable man, and because of this, we have become choice less.  This man supports our most abject enemies, who are only too happy to quid pro quo, not to mention being in the top 3 evil world leaders all on his own.  And most galling of all, he does so with both our knowledge and our physical support.  It hurts to admit it, but instead of having our actions in line with our words in regard to evil regimes, we merely wag our finger sternly, and then give them even more of what they want.  When exactly did we become the United States of Appeasement? 

             How do you take down a giant country?  Same way you take down a bully in the playground…you gather your friends who back you with at least their presence, and you take the bastard down.  They you go after his flunkies, and you make sure that none of them come back up until the lesson is cemented.  Now Kim Jong Il has a whole bunch of convenient groupies half a world away who are all too willing to do his bully-bidding, and the euphoric power rush he has experienced of late with their support and America’s non-action is highly addictive.  From the pictures of him, that rush has gone right to his head and exploded out of each absurd looking hair.   The only thing scarier than the way he looks is how chilling and calculated he behaves, and the only thing worse than that is our continued faith in and support of him. 

             Apparently now, with our enemies, we broadcast what countries we are going after, how much heavy weaponry will be involved, troop counts, approximate time we will begin, etc.  To know our plans for war, our enemy need only put a few wires together, and there is an American voice spelling out in front of God and everybody what we’re up to.  In November, Iraq decided to distract us with a suspicious flip-flop and agreed to follow the UN directive, but once there, the inspectors found it was same old same old.  While this was going on, I couldn’t shake the terrible, cold, raw feeling churning within my core that North Korea would pull something very big very soon; that they had already gotten into bed with Satan Hussein, and that they would consummate their commitment within a month, maybe three at the most.  That’s 30 to 90 days, folks, before a chillingly familiar prophecy pits east—middle and far—against west.  And since that was about nine…well, you can do the math.  I’d give anything to know the answer to the maddening question of why we continue to give in to peoples bent on our destruction, and exactly which tactical media genius keeps handing out war plans to our enemies like they’re dollars from American school children.

             I’m a military historian.  I write books on men of valor from the Korean War.  The men of this war are so magnificent; next to the flaccid creepiness of Kim Jong Il, they make a remarkable contrast.  How I have grown to deeply love and adore these men.  America is a land of magnificent male potency, and the men here have proven that potential over and over again.  So long as we still have a few such men, Heavenly Father will bless us.  I know this.  But if we continue to appease an evil ruler, we have no right to be surprised when he comes after us. The one thing that God will never do is take away our most precious free agency.  And when we make the wrong choice in pursuit of this gift, He can then only give us the strength to endure and right the wrong, should we so choose.  Given history, I submit to you that we would be most wise now to choose a righteous path, and for God’s sake—yes, His and ours, for they are eternally intertwined—not give out our plans to His enemy and ours in advance!  Oh that we would learn one cardinal rule in this gamble we call life:  you don’t have to have a full house to win the hand…you need only make the other guy think that you do.  Why not follow that old adage?  After all, North Korea and their Middle Eastern lap dogs are following another maxim:  sleight of hand.  One thing I’ve learned from the evil of totalitarians such as Islam and North Korea:  when they start sloppin’ sugar, it’s not to feed your sweet tooth, it’s to do their damnedest to give you a cavity.

             I’ve said it before, and I will shout it forever:  NEVER trust a country full of men with No Dongs!

             Keep the faith, bros.

When Hearts of Females Turn 

by Resa LaRu Kirkland

            As I was dropping my sons off at school this morning and listening to the news, a play in the ultimate hypocrisy began to unfold on the radio.  Here in the state of Idaho, a law was just shot down that would have made it possible for state benefits to be paid directly to the unborn child of an indigent woman, thereby granting the fetus “human” status and recognizing him as an individual legally.  The law was voted against by those we have placed in office to protect each of us “legal humans”, and the influence that caused them to do this?  Women’s Rights Advocates.

              Upon hearing this and absorbing into my brain—which was numbed by the sheer lunacy of it all—I immediately went back to 1975.  At the time, I was living in El Paso, TX, and only 9 years old.  While playing with a neighbor friend, her mother came and said that it was time to go to their church.  I looked at my friend.  Church in the middle of the week?  Oh well.  I shrugged and prepared reluctantly to go home; my parents had taught me to respect the religious views of others.  After all, my friend and I were not the same religion, so I figured maybe that was how they did it.  Her mother smiled and explained that a Reverend from another state was coming to speak in a religious class their church offered, and that she wanted very much to go hear him.  But since it was the middle of the day in the middle of the week in the middle of the summer, the church had set up a craft camp for the kids to go to while the moms listened to the lecture, so my friend had to go.  Well that sounded like fun, and since we were already having such a good time together that I didn’t want to go home, and since my friend and her mother said I was welcome to go, I called for permission and was off to a protestant church for an afternoon of egg cartons, paint, and glitter. 

              Now I have long been a curious creature—a fact that has been both a blessing and a curse.  My favorite phrases have always been questions:  “I wonder why…” or “How come…” etc.  However, I have never been a very good artist, and as such I quickly became frustrated with my clumsy efforts to make my project look like the teacher’s.  I quietly snuck out of the gym and began to explore the church.  I was inevitably drawn to the chapel where a kindly, distinguished looking man stood before a chalkboard and taught a lesson to the room full of mothers—of women.  On the chalkboard was written a topic:  “The final 10 signs of a society’s doom.”  Ooooh…I felt a chill.  Was this another lecture on the moon turning to blood?  (I had been taught that some years earlier while living in northern Idaho that when the Big End Game was about to start, one of the signs would be the moon turning red as blood.  To this day I will never forget my terror when some forest fires were burning, and while climbing into bed, I caught a glimpse of a dark, red-orange moon!  It took my mom over an hour that night to calm me down!  It carved itself into my brain, and I have never forgotten it.  It comes to mind anytime I am thinking of Armageddon or similar topics, and I have to smile.  Ah childhood!)

              I was soon to realize that this was far worse than a bloody moon.

              This reverend had approached the signs of the end times with a great deal of intelligence, and I was fascinated to watch.  He had gone back and studied all of the great civilizations that had lived and died since the great Greek philosophers, and had found similarities in their respective demise.  While there were many causes—both analogous and unique—within each society, there appeared to be at least 10 that were consistent within each one.  My eyes scanned the list on the board, and even at the age of 9 I could see that most of them had already occurred within the ranks of my society and even before my short lifetime.  That made me nervous.

              But as I focused on the bottom two, I felt a sigh of relief.  Surely I would never live to see them happen…they were just too hideous.

              The second to the last sign of a doomed society was state-sanctioned perversion.  He explained that this was when a state looked on acts of perversion such as homosexuality, pedophilia, prostitution, etc., as an acceptable way of life, and passed laws giving such individuals state recognition and protection.  I remember thinking—in my 9 year old mind—Whew!  That won’t happen in my lifetime, so I’m safe!

              But it was the last sign that a society is lost that leaped out at me.  It was 1975, and while I may have been only 9, I wasn’t deaf and blind.  I had heard of things like abortion and a law called Roe v. Wade and groups who at the time called themselves “Pro Abortion” and “Anti-Abortion.”  I remember my mom explaining what an abortion was, and my sick, instinctive horror at the thought of such an act, and inability to understand how the very ones who have the honor of taking God’s hand in the miracle of life—women—seemed to be the most in favor of it.  It was incredulous to me as a child…actually, it is even more so now that I am a mother.

              That final sign was the turning of the women within society against their own offspring and destroying them, physically and within the eyes of the lawgivers.  The Reverend explained that all societies have corrupt men, and that God has always had women as the strong stabilizing force within the home, and the hope for a better future because they give—and mold--life.  Women, he explained, were naturally tenderer in their feelings than men, and so were children.  Since he acknowledged that throughout history societies had been dominated by men and always would be, the weight of raising up righteous men fell heavily upon the women, and that it was for this purpose that God had engrained women with such deep and ferocious senses of love, protection, and guiding of her offspring.  God knew what we have come to know:  that women and children do NOT always willingly follow men into evil deeds, but that men and children will ALWAYS follow the women into such ways.  The short of it?  If evil can get the women, it gets everyone.

              I stood with saucer eyes and watched this man speak.  He said that while he agreed that the state-authorizing of abortion was indeed a fulfillment of this repeated societal death knell, he said that there was something far more dangerous on the forefront.  He said that the day would come when we would see mothers killing children who had already been born.  In fact, he predicted that the day would come when actions such as strangling or abandoning newborns to die, murdering toddlers and older children would become so commonplace that they would eventually receive scarcely a mention in the newspaper.  I remember a guffaw of disbelief rising from the women—this was just impossible to believe.  And he ended his dissertation on this final, ghastly sign of a society’s doom by saying that this last step to our own destruction would eventually culminate in society’s women refusing to even acknowledge as human or worthy of consideration the fruit of her very own womb, and forcing those in power—the men—to mandate it.  The reaction in that stuffy church in 1975 was one of women laughing at this absurd little man.  The very idea!

              The Reverend closed his lecture, and was given a polite round of applause, and the women began moving the still air as they chatted and went in search of their own precious offspring.  But I was quiet.  (Yes, you heard me right…I said quiet.)  I stood back and observed these mothers, who were so devoted to their disbelief that they were laughing at the absurd extremes of what the Reverend had said.  It has stayed in my mind for almost 30 years now that their disbelief wasn’t anything against the man who had delivered the message.  No, it was the all too mortal trend of denying something that is just too horrible to comprehend.  It sounded too awful; therefore it just couldn’t be true.

              In the car on the way home, my friend was proudly displaying her craft item (better than mine, dammit!) and talking a mile a minute with her mother.  But I never said a word as I looked out the window on the way home, trying to absorb, dissect, and apply what I had just learned.  Something whispered to me that what that Reverend had said was true.  My own religious teaching told me that once man starts to allow one evil, it is inevitable that others will follow because of our weak nature in this mortal veil.  But I was human, and desperately needed to feel some hope, to rationalize how this would never—could never!--happen.  Unfortunately, logic forbade that; as a lover of history, I knew of our tragic tendency to repeat it.  The 10 signs the Reverend had laid out had happened to every society in history; we were not immune, and while I can’t remember the first 8 specifically, I will never forget those last two, because they were the ones that had yet to happen…at least so far as I knew all those years ago.

              But my need for a hope for my future and that of my own offspring—an innate human requirement deep within our race—was very strong, so I comforted myself by thinking and then believing that while these last two signs may eventually happen, surely that final sign would not occur in my lifetime.  This has worked only half-heartedly; I always had an ominous foreboding that this was not true, but until the early 1990’s—when reports of young girls hiding pregnancies and murdering newborns was so common it was relegated to a couple of paragraphs at the back of the paper, and mothers overwhelmed by stress and the evil it allows in began slaughtering children long since born—I could convince myself that the fantasy was true.

              I’m not 9 anymore.  I’m 37.  I have no more fallacy of reality.  We are deeply embedded in that final sign that rooted itself into my brain in a dusty chapel in a Wild West Town in 1975.  I wish I knew that Reverend’s name.  I wish I could remember all that he said that day.  But perhaps I’ve remembered enough.  I’ve remembered enough to recognize what he said was coming is now fully institutionalized.  And now that I live in Idaho, in 2003, I have no more safe places.  My own state—run mostly by men—has been influenced not by what is right, but by Women’s Rights.

              Before I sat to write this today, I checked out a Korean newspaper, as is my habit to do everyday, and was struck by this wretched irony.

              In its Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, the State Department cited the North for continued extrajudicial killings and disappearances and the trafficking of women and young girls among the refugees and workers crossing the Chinese border. The report said that in women's prisons, forced abortion and infanticides were standard practice. It pointed out that North Koreans are unable to change their government peacefully, and that the North's leaders consider most accepted human rights norms, particularly individual rights, as “illegitimate, alien, and subversive to the goals of the state and the party.  ChosunIlbo, April 1, 2003.  “Human Rights Report Cites North’s Abuses”

            This article speaks of women forced to abort and murder offspring, and the world mourns it as a heinous violation of many human beings.  Yet in my country, in my state, women lobbied long and hard to stop a state from sending pre-natal aid to a human because it would give the child “human” and “legal” status—and by God, these givers of life weren’t about to allow so scandalous an act!  (After all, think of the children!  Isn’t this the liberal battlecry?)  The women in North Korea are unable to change their government peacefully; the women in America did it with barely a ripple to the information super highway or a feeble “ahem” from the collective human conscience.

            North Korea is the leader in the “axis of evil.”  Not even Hitler was as brutal, and I never dreamed I would live to say that.  But then again, there was a time I was sure I would never live to see this final, grisly sign, either.  It has come to pass because women chose selfishness and hardened their hearts, and the men listened to the women.

            This is NOT Women’s Rights; this is the ultimate act of hell-sanctioned Women’s Wrongs.  God help us now…please, and hurry.

            Keep the faith, bros, and in all things courage.  

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