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CIS and North Korea (January ~ May 2002)


Joongang Ilbo reported that DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam-sun and his Russian counterpart Igor Ivanov agreed Tuesday that strengthening ties between the ROK and the DPRK and between the US and DPRK are important in building peace on the Korean Peninsula. According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the two ministers also agreed to cooperate to fight international terrorism and asserted that they are prepared to resolve international conflict through diplomatic efforts. The ministry said the two ministers have decided to accelerate the project linking the Trans-Korean and Trans-Siberian railways. They also discussed ways to support the construction of nuclear power plants and expand infrastructure facilities in DPRK. "TIE TO US, SOUTH STRESSED FOR NORTH," Moscow, 05/22/02)


Nezavisimaya gazeta's Gennadiy Charodeyev reported that DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam-sun came on an official visit to Moscow, the first of its kind in 15 years. RF Deputy Foreign Minister Aleksandr Losyukov interestingly remarked: " It is a pure coincidence that the North Korean representative is holding talks at the Smolenskaya Square [where RF Foreign Ministry is located - P.R.] practically on the eve of US President George Bush's visit to Russia." Izvestia's source in the Kremlin Administration have been more frank about RF-DPRK Foreign Ministers' talks, saying: "The issues of the situation on the Korean Peninsula may be included into the agenda of the forthcoming Russian-American summit. That will be solved today." According to the source, RF "has been desperately trying to talk USA out of introducing sanctions against those countries," that is DPRK, Iraq and Iran. RF is highly interested in establishing a direct railway link between DPRK and Western Europe through RF, the latter thus earning billions of US dollars. ("KIM JONG-IL WROTE TO VLADIMIR PUTIN," Moscow, 3, 05/22/02)


The Associated Press reported that Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov told his DPRK counterpart Tuesday that Moscow is pleased that its relations with the DPRK have been developing "dynamically." The meeting with DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun came two days before US President George W. Bush is due to arrive in Moscow. In Tuesday's talks, the ministers said that their countries are ready to fight international terrorism in accordance with UN declarations and solve international problems through diplomacy, a statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry said. The talks also focused on relations between the DPRK and the ROK, and Russia welcomed a planned visit by a US envoy to the DPRK to discuss the issue. Paek invited his Russian counterpart to visit North Korea, and the invitation was accepted, the Foreign Ministry statement said. (Anatoly Medetsky, "RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTER PRAISES WARMING TIES WITH NORTH KOREA," Moscow, 05/21/02)


Joongang Ilbo reported that DPRK's Foreign Affairs Minster Paek Nam-sun gave high credit to Russia's stance in easing tensions on the Korean Peninsula and even pointed out that the DPRK's security and peace is directly linked with Russia's security. "Russia expressed understanding to our point that the United States should no longer delay its withdrawal of troops from Korean Peninsula for the sake of peace and security of Northeast Asia region," Paek said. "We have also agreed world peace and security should be guaranteed in non-military way." ("NORTH'S SECURITY DIRECTLY LINKED TO RUSSIA, SAYS NK MINISTRY," Seoul, 05/16/02)

Константин Пуликовский вновь побывал в КНДР

С 24 по 26 апреля полномочный представитель президента РФ в Дальневосточном федеральном округе Константин Пуликовский побывал с визитом в Корейскую Народно-Демократическую Республику по приглашению председателя Государственного комитета обороны КНДР Ким Чен Ира. По сообщению агентства ЦТАК, в аэропорту его встречали член Госкомобороны КНДР Ён Хён Мук, заместитель министра иностранных дел Кун Сок Ун, другие официальные лица, а также посол России в Пхеньяне Андрей Карлов. В тот же день состоялась встреча К.Пуликовского с Ким Чен Иром. Полпред передал северокорейскому руководителю поздравления и подарок от президента РФ В.Путина. Встреча, по информации ЦТАК, прошла в теплой и дружеской атмосфере.

25 апреля состоялись переговоры К.Пуликовского с заместителем председателя правительства КНДР Чо Чан Доком, на которых обсуждалось развитие дружественных отношений и экономических связей между двумя странами, другие вопросы, представляющие взаимный интерес. На переговорах присутствовали: заместитель министра внешней торговли КНДР Ким Ён Чжэ, посол Андрей Карлов и другие официальные лица. В программе визита К.Пуликовского были также участие в праздновании 70-летия Корейской народной армии, посещение Кымсусанского мемориального дворца, Пхеньянского института иностранных языков, музея подарков Министерства народных вооруженных сил КНДР.

Россия предлагает построить АЭС для КНДР на своей территории

В Минатоме России считают, что атомную электростанцию целесообразно строить не в Северной Корее, а в приграничной с ней территории России, сообщает РИА "Новости". Так высокопоставленный сотрудник министерства прокомментировал сообщения СМИ о том, что Пхеньян обратился к России с предложением о строительстве АЭС в КНДР. "Строительство и пуск такой станции на границе с Северной Кореей решил бы ряд проблем", - отметил специалист-атомщик. Во-первых, по его словам, Россия "смогла бы оперативно решить проблему энергоснабжения на нашем Дальнем Востоке". Во-вторых, для строительстве такой АЭС можно было бы эффективно использовать инвестиции Северной Кореи. В-третьих, строительство АЭС на территории России обеспечило бы ее более квалифицированную эксплуатацию и исключило бы возможность "распространения высоких ядерных технологий на территории иных стран", отметил сотрудник Минатома.

Вопрос о строительстве АЭС северокорейская сторона должна была поднять во время визита в Северную Корею полпреда президента в Дальневосточном федеральном округе Константина Пуликовского 24-26 апреля. "В Минатоме считают, что вопрос мог бы найти быстрое решение в предложенном министерством варианте. При этом значительная часть электроэнергии с такой АЭС могла бы быть направлена на промышленные предприятия Северной Кореи", - отметил представитель Минатома России. //23 апреля, Лента.Ру


24 апреля полпред президента на Дальнем Востоке Константин Пуликовский прибыл в Пхеньян. Его пригласил лидер Северной Кореи Ким Чен Ир, у которого сложились с полпредом хорошие личные отношения. Это уже третья поездка Пуликовского в КНДР. В Хабаровск же, где размещена резиденция полпреда, скоро из Находки переведут северокорейское консульство. И сам корейский лидер в этом году снова приедет в Россию, правда, на сей раз осмотрит только Дальний Восток. О Киме и отношениях России с этой неоднозначной страной Константин ПУЛИКОВСКИЙ рассказал корреспонденту "Известий" Петру АКОПОВУ.
- Константин Борисович, долго ли вы пробудете на родине чучхе?
- Два дня. Ким Чен Ир пригласил меня на парад Вооруженных сил по случаю 70-летия Народной армии. Это вторая моя самостоятельная поездка (еще я был в Пхеньяне с президентом в ходе его визита в 2000 году). Но самое длительное общение с Ким Чен Иром было в прошлом году, когда я сопровождал его в поезде во время посещения им России. Кстати, на днях я был в МПС на совещании по корейским железным дорогам, и министр вручил мне Знак почетного железнодорожника - за то путешествие из Приморья в Санкт-Петербург и обратно.
- Как складываются ваши отношения с Ким Чен Иром? Удается ли вам найти с ним общий язык? Вы поддерживаете постоянный контакт?
- Контакты не спонтанные. Вы же понимаете, все это управляется президентом России, по его поручению и проводится работа. Мы видим желание корейской стороны возродить дружеские отношения, которые были у наших стран. Мы их поддерживаем и стараемся развивать. Мне импонирует то, что сам Ким Чен Ир, побывав у нас, посмотрев, изучив проводимые реформы, понял: прошли те времена, когда мы им просто бескорыстно оказывали помощь, давали кредиты, которые они не возвращают до сих пор.
- Сколько КНДР должна России?
- Что-то около 5 миллиардов долларов. Обсуждаются разные варианты погашения долга, естественно, с реструктуризаций. Есть схема - частично погасить его за счет нефтепереработки. У них достаточно современный нефтеперерабатывающий завод, он не загружен. Мы предлагаем поставлять туда нашу нефть. Какую-то часть переработки будет получать КНДР, а в основном продукция будет возвращаться нам. Просто давать, как раньше, нефть, чтобы они ее перерабатывали и себе оставляли нефтепродукты, - не будет этого. Не бу-дет! И в этом мы находим понимание. С трудом, но находим. И председатель Ким понял, что больше такого не будет, и своему окружению прямо об этом говорит. Во время моего февральского визита он говорил членам правительства: ищите пути контакта с Россией на взаимовыгодных условиях, Россия - страна уже другого экономического уклада, с другим подходом к экономике.
- Северокорейские чиновники это понимают?
- Первые лица КНДР понимают и ведут переговорный процесс именно с таких позиций. Но какая-то часть руководителей, видимо старой закалки, по-прежнему все сводят, к сожалению, к проблемам потребительского характера.
- В каких конкретно отраслях КНДР предлагает сотрудничество?
- В области транспорта, нефтепереработки, телекоммуникаций, горнорудной промышленности: добыча титана, меди, цинка, лития. Впервые они готовы давать нам месторождения на условиях аренды. Шел даже разговор - хотя нелегко - о концессии. В нашем Минфине мы обсуждали возможность предоставления госкредитов, чтобы инвестировать в месторождения и возвращать из прибыли.
- На российском Дальнем Востоке сейчас много корейцев работает?
- Около 12 тысяч. Они заинтересованы в расширении присутствия, причем не только в лесной отрасли. Предлагают рабочую силу и в сельском хозяйстве в обмен на произведенные продукты. На Дальнем Востоке недостаточно рабочих рук, поэтому мы будем привлекать рабочую силу, но ужесточая требования к порядку. Некоторые бегут с мест, где идет лесодобыча, разбегаются без документов по всему Дальнему Востоку. Приходится задерживать, выяснять, откуда они.
- Ким вспоминает о тех отношениях, которые были с СССР?
- Он вспоминает не политику или экономику, а дружеские контакты, как приезжали певцы, танцоры, как общались. Называет фамилии многих военных, политиков, людей культуры, которые бывали в Корее. С кем-то он выходил в море, в горы ходил. Была такая непринужденная, дружественная обстановка - вот суть его воспоминаний. Но политическую составляющую советского строя никогда не затрагивает.
- Что было для Кима самым большим открытием в поездке к нам?
- Он не ожидал увидеть того, что мы развиваемся и многие довольны этой жизнью. Рассказывал, у него ежегодно бывают представители КПРФ, и с визитами и на отдыхе, так они ему говорили: в России нищета, нас поработил американский империализм. Когда мы ехали, он все смотрел в окна и спрашивал: что там? Может, думал, что мы ему показываем специально отобранные объекты. В Новосибирске сказал: пойдемте в метро. Пошли. В Хабаровске: хочу в продовольственный магазин. Он увидел обилие товаров, понял - это не показуха. И прямо сказал: меня вводили в заблуждение, в России начинают жить лучше. Удивлялся обилию людей на улице. Так что он немного изменил отношение к реформам, которые у нас проводятся. Произошло в нем, мне кажется, осознание того, что он был информирован односторонне.
- Владимир Путин часто интересуется северокорейской тематикой?
- Он дает поручения, как поступать при следующей встрече.
- Какие отношения сложились у Кима с Путиным?
- Он особенно был поражен одной встречей. Когда из Петербурга мы вернулись в Москву, не было запланировано встречи с Путиным. А президент вдруг неофициально пригласил Кима к себе. Они вдвоем два часа общались, обедали. Это приглашение им было воспринято как знак очень высокого доверия. На Востоке важна роль личности руководителя. Ким потом сказал мне: России повезло, у нее появилась сильная личность. И сказал, что захотел восстановить добрые отношения с Россией именно потому, что есть такой лидер - Путин. А если бы его не было, то он и не стал бы восстанавливать отношения.
- Как Ким отреагировал на заявление Буша об "оси зла"?
- Ким говорил, что хочет сам помочь Бушу сгладить его высказывания. Говорил, что, наверное, тот озвучил неудачное предложение, которое ему подсунуло реакционное окружение. Но, говорит, если у Буша действительно такая позиция и к нам будут жестко подходить, то и мы будем так же жестко отвечать. Он не хочет такого противостояния, но в то же время жестко относится к высказываниям Буша.
- Что Ким за человек, насколько хорошо представляет обстановку?
- Он понимает облик мировой действительности, и он очень информирован. Пользуется Интернетом, сам в нем работает, я видел.
- Ким Чен Ир часто вспоминает отца - Ким Ир Сена?
- Часто. Но никогда не говорит "отец", всегда "товарищ Ким Ир Сен". Даже в личном разговоре. Все, что сделал Ким Ир Сен, для него свято. Ким Чен Ир говорит об этом как об аксиоме, которая не подлежит обсуждению. Например, об их построении общества - общества военизированного плана. Он считает это абсолютно правильным, потому что по-другому их государство и не могло развиваться.
- Он не знакомил вас со своей семьей, супругой, детьми?
- О своей жене, детях он не говорит, а о матери, которую потерял еще в детстве, все время вспоминает.
- КНДР собирается реформировать свою экономику?
- Ким отправил две большие группы специалистов изучать на месте опыт реформ в Китае и опыт объединения Германии. Сейчас взяли и опыт России. Ким говорит, что возьмет лучшее от всех реформ, но у них не будет революции: "пусть мы будем делать медленно, но все сделаем". //Петр АКОПОВ 24 апреля, Известия


Reuters reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent DPRK leader Kim Jong-il a letter, the DPRK 's official KCNA news agency reported on Tuesday. KCNA did not give details of the letter. KCNA said that Kim had received Vladimir Yakovlev, governor of Russia's second city of St Petersburg, on Monday and hosted a dinner for a Russian delegation. "(Yakovlev) courteously conveyed to leader Kim Jong-il a...letter of Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin," the news agency reported. Yakovlev is scheduled to visit Seoul later this week to meet ROK officials. ("RUSSIA'S PUTIN SENDS NORTH KOREA'S KIM A LETTER," 04/16/02)


Joongang Ilbo reported that a regular air route linking Pyongyang and Kharbarovsk in the Russian Far East reopened recently, boosting hopes for more exchanges between the region and DPRK. Itar Tass, the Russian press agency, reported that Koryo Air flight 134 arrived at Kharbarvosk last Friday and would make the flight once a week. Reopening the route was reportedly brought up during DPRK leader Kim Jong-il's visit to Moscow last summer, and was addressed again when an envoy from the Russian region, Konstantin Pulikovski, visited Pyongyang last February. ("PYONGYANG-KHARBAROVSK DIRECT AIR ROUTE RESUMES," Seoul, 04/08/02)

Plan on cultural and scientific exchange between DPRK and Russia signed

Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The 2002-2004 plan on cultural and scientific exchange between the governments of the DPRK and the Russian Federation was signed in Moscow on April 3. Present at the signing ceremony on the DPRK side were members of the DPRK government cultural delegation headed by Hong Son Ok, vice-chairwoman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, DPRK ambassador to Russia Pak Ui Chun, and on the Russian side were Russian vice-minister of foreign affairs Aleksei Fedotov and officials concerned. 

Pyongyang-Khabarovsk regular air service opens

Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- The Pyongyang-Khabarovsk regular air service opened under an agreement on air service between the governments of the DPRK and Russia. An airliner will leave Pyongyang at 09:50 every Monday and Friday and arrive at Khabarovsk at 12:00 (14:00:local time), and depart from Khabarovsk at 14:00 (16:00: local time) and arrive at Pyongyang at 16:10. 
The first airliner left here today. The Pyongyang-Khabarovsk regular air service will help boost the DPRK-Russia friendly relations now favorably developing as the days go by and improve the air service for passengers. 

DPRK government economic delegation leaves for Far East of Russian Federation

Pyongyang, April 4 (KCNA) -- A DPRK government economic delegation led by Jo Chang Dok, vice-premier of the cabinet, left here today to visit the far east of the Russian Federation. The delegation was seen off at the airport by Jong Mun San, chief secretary of the cabinet, Mun Chang Nam, first vice-minister of power and coal industries, Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister of foreign affairs, and Andrei Karlov, Russian ambassador to the DPRK. 


The Associated Press reported that a high-ranking DPRK delegation arrived in the Russian Pacific port of Vladivostok on Thursday, kicking off an eight-day tour around the Russian Far East in search of closer economic relations. The delegation, headed by DPRK Deputy Prime Minister Cho Chan Dok, said in a statement that the DPRK was worried about the lack of progress in the project to link the Trans-Siberian Railroad with the railway across the Korean peninsula, which would provide a shorter and cheaper route for ROK exports to Europe. "The implementation of the project has lately experienced an incomprehensible pause," the statement said. Outlining areas for more cooperation, it said the DPRK wanted to expand logging in Russia using the current arrangement, under which the DPRK sends its loggers to Russia and imports a portion of the logs they cut. The DPRK proposals included increasing its construction and farming work force in Russia. The DPRK said that it hoped to import some of the wheat that its workers would grow in Russia. (Anatoly Medetsky, "NORTH KOREA SEEKS CLOSER TIES WITH RUSSIAN FAR EAST," Vladivostok, 04/04/02)

Russian artistes see rehearsal of "Arirang" performance

Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- Members of the Russian presidential orchestra saw some scenes of mass gymnastic and artistic performance "Arirang" in rehearsal at the May Say Stadium on the evening of March 28. All the members of the orchestra were deeply moved to watch the three-dimensional and fascinating mass gymnastic and artistic performance on the ground and shifting scenes on the wonderful background. P. B. Obshannikov, chief conductor who is in charge of art of the presidential orchestra of the Russian Federation, said that he had neither seen nor imagined such a huge and wonderful work in any other country as the mass gymnastic and artistic performance "Arirang." 

He continued: Amazing organizing ability, skill of unanimous gymnastic and artistic movements, magnificent stage-settings, artistic effects of electronic displays including laser illuminators and shifts of the background are really beyond human imagination. In particular, the music full of national feelings is very fine. It is the unanimous mind of not only myself but all the members of our orchestra that such a great work can be created only in a great country. 

Gennady Dmitryak, conductor of the chorus of "the Kremlin, Moscow" Museum, said that he had never seen such a splendid performance anywhere in the world. He went on: A few days ago, a famous foreign actor won popularity in his performance in Moscow on the occasion of the 850th anniversary of the formation of Moscow city. But it cannot hold a candle to today's performance. The performance is very impressive as it is splendid, peculiar and conspicuous. In particular the performance vividly shows the warm love of the Korean people for their homeland and the history of the nation. The performance was so fascinating that I thought that all the performers might be the experts graduated from art schools or universities from their earliest days. Such a wonderful performance which holds the first place of art circle in the world will never be seen again in future. 

Kim Jong Il enjoys performance given by Russian presidential orchestra

Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il yesterday enjoyed a performance given by the Russian presidential orchestra at the Mansudae Art Theatre. When he appeared in the auditorium the whole audience enthusiastically warmly welcomed him with cheers. Artistes of the orchestra presented a floral basket to him. 

Seeing the performance were Jo Myong Rok, director of the general political department of the Korean People's Army, Kim Yong Chun, chief of the general staff of the KPA, Choe Thae Bok, Jong Ha Chol, Kim Kuk Thae, Kim Ki Nam and Kim Yong Sun, secretaries of the Central Committee of the WPK, and other senior officials. Also among the audience were lieutenant general Sergei Streigin, commander of the garrison of the Kremlin in Moscow who is leading the orchestra, Russian ambassador to the DPRK Andrei Karlov and staff members of the embassy. 

The performance began with the playing of the national anthems of the DPRK and the Russian Federation. Put on the stage were an orchestral music "Overture to the Opera 'Ruslan and Lyudmila'," a chorus "Kalinka," Korean songs "Dear General, Where Are You." "It Is the Socialist Land of Bliss" and other colorful numbers. The performance closed with "Song of General Kim Jong Il" and a chorus "Our Friendship Will Be Everlasting", a song composed by P.B. Obshankov who is in charge of arts and chief conductor of the orchestra, representing the desire to boost the friendly relations with the Korean people while staying here. Kim Jong Il sent a floral basket to the artistes of the orchestra congratulating them on their successful performance. 

DPRK-Russia agreement on scientific cooperation signed

Pyongyang, March 26 (KCNA) -- An agreement on scientific cooperation between the DPRK Academy of Sciences and the Siberia branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences was signed in Novosibirsk on March 22. Present on the occasion were members of the delegation of the DPRK Academy of Sciences headed by vice-president Kang Tong Gun and president of the Siberia branch Nikolai Dobretsov and officials concerned. 

Presidential orchestra of Russia arrives

Pyongyang, March 24 (KCNA) -- The presidential orchestra of the Russian Federation headed by lieutenant general Sergei Streigin, commander of the garrison of the Kremlin in Moscow, arrived here today. The orchestra was greeted at the airport by general of the Korean People's Army Pak Jae Gyong, vice-department director Ji Jae Ryong of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and other officials concerned and Russian ambassador to the DPRK Andrei Karlov and staff members of the embassy. It was welcomed by artistes and working people. 

Anniversary of signing of DPRK-Russia agreement marked

Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- A film show was held at the Chollima House of Culture yesterday to mark the 53rd anniversary of the signing of the DPRK-Russia agreement on economic and cultural cooperation. Present on invitation were Russian ambassador to the DPRK Andrei Karlov and staff members of the embassy. Jon Yong Jin, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries and chairman of the DPRK-Russia Friendship Association, other officials concerned and working people in the city were on hand. The participants saw a feature film "Cavalryman, Who are You?" Prior to it, a friendship gathering took place at the Taedonggang club for the diplomatic corps on this occasion. Its participants saw the performance of dances, enjoyed sports amusement games and talked to each other about the further strengthening and development of the DPRK-Russia relations that are daily developing on good terms, deepening the feelings of friendship. 

Talks held between DPRK SPA chairman and speaker of Russian State Duma

Moscow March 19 (KCNA) -- Talks were held in Moscow on March 18 between Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, and Gennady Seleznyov, speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. At the talks both sides exchanged views on a series of issues of mutual concern including implementation of the agreement reached between the heads of the two countries, Korea's reunification and exchange between the two parliaments. Present at the talks were the entourage of the chairman of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, Pak Ui Chun, DPRK ambassador to Russia, Artur Chilingarov, deputy speaker of the Russian State Duma, and other officials concerned.


Agence France-Presse reported that on Tuesday CIA director George Tenet declared that Russia has emerged as the top-of-the-line supplier of advanced technology and training to countries seeking to develop weapons of mass destruction. Tenet also singled out the PRC and the DPRK as proliferators of missile technology in wide-ranging testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee on threats facing the US. "Russia appears to be the first choice of proliferant states seeking the most advanced technology and training," he said. Russian entities are providing other countries with technology and expertise applicable to chemical, biological and nuclear weapons as well as to ballistic missile and cruise missile projects, he said. 

The PRC is a key supplier of missile technology to Pakistan, Iran and several other countries, he said. This is in spite of Beijing's November 2000 missile pledge not to assist in any way countries seeking to develop nuclear capable ballistic missiles," he said. "We are closely watching Beijing's compliance with its bilateral commitment in 1996 not to assist unsafeguarded nuclear facilities, and its pledge in 1997 not to provide any new nuclear cooperation to Iran," he said. The DPRK continues to export complete ballistic missiles and production capabilities, he said. However, Tenet did acknowledge that the DPRK has abided by the terms of a 1994 Framework agreement that sought to freeze its nuclear weapons program. ("CIA CHIEF CITES RUSSIA, CHINA, NORTH KOREA AS PROLIFERATORS," 03/20/02)  

Reception given by Russian ambassador

Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- Russian ambassador to the DPRK Andrei Karlov gave a reception at the embassy last evening on the occasion of the 53rd anniversary of the signing of the DPRK-Russia agreement on economic and cultural cooperation. Present on invitation were Kim Yong Sam, minister of railways, Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister of foreign affairs, O Kwang Hong, vice-minister of power and coal industries, Kim Yong Jae, vice-minister of foreign trade, Jo Chan Gu, vice-minister of culture, JonYyong Jin, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries who is chairman of the DPRK-Russia Friendship Association, and other officials concerned. Staff members of the Russian embassy were present. Speeches were made at the reception. 

Kim Jong Il attends holiday celebration hosted by Russian ambassador

Pyongyang, March 18 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il attended a celebration of the Carnival (spring holiday), the traditional folk holiday of Russia, hosted by Andrei Gennadievich Karlov, Russian ambassador to the DPRK, on Sunday on the latter's invitation. He was accompanied by Kim Kuk Thae, Jong Ha Chol, Kim Ki Nam and Kim Yong Sun, secretaries of the WPK central committee, Kang Sok Ju, first vice-minister of foreign affairs, Jang Song Thaek, first vice department director of the WPK central committee, and Ji Jae Ryong, vice director of the international department of the WPK central committee. He was greeted by the ambassador and leading officials of the embassy. 

Male and female staff members and children of the embassy in their national costumes offered greetings and vodka and pancake to Kim Jong Il, singing a folk song to the tune of national instrumental music, according to the Russian custom of receiving the most distinguished guest. He thanked for the invitation and warmly congratulated the staff members of the embassy on the Carnival (spring holiday). The Russian ambassador hosted a dinner in honor of Kim Jong Il on the same day. The splendid dinner proceeded in a pleasant festive atmosphere. At the dinner a specially prepared art performance was given by lovely children of the embassy. The performance was acclaimed by the audience. Kim Jong Il had a photograph taken with the performers. 

Joint seminar held in Russia

Pyongyang, March 18 (KCNA) -- A joint seminar under the title "Juche Idea and Foreign Policy of Comrade Kim Jong Il" was held in Moscow on March 11 under the co-sponsorship of the Russian Association for the Study of the Juche Idea and the DPRK's Policy, Economy and Culture and the Russian Association of Scientists for the Study of Human Affairs in the Present World. Alexandr Kovalyov, chairman of the association, addressing the seminar, said that leader Kim Jong Il is steadily developing the Juche idea founded by President Kim Il Sung to meet the demand of the present times, pursuing a peculiar and independent foreign policy that state leaders of any countries can not think of, and thus enjoying high international authority. 

His authority is very high among the Russian people, the chairman said, adding that the rank of people who study the Juche idea and his political mode will increase in Russia. Yuri Vanin, chairman of the association, and Vladimir Markov, secretary of the central committee of the "Communists Union" of Russia, and others spoke at the seminar. The speakers said that it is thanks to the Juche idea and Kim Jong Il's unique foreign policy that the DPRK is now being recognized as the most dignified state in the international arena. They noted that U.S. President Bush is now pursuing the hostile policy toward the DPRK but he will have to give in to Kim Jong Il's policy as his predecessor did. As the DPRK has the most powerful army and people in the world under Kim Jong Il's original army-based revolutionary leadership, it has become a politically powerful nation that is steering big powers, not obedient to them, they stressed. A letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the seminar. 

U.S. stand on DPRK assailed

Pyongyang, March 18 (KCNA) -- The State Duma of Russia on March 13 adopted a statement "on threats to global security related to international anti-terrorism operation" submitted by the deputies group of the international affairs committee of the State Duma, according to Itar-Tass. The statement denounced the U.S. stand on the DPRK, Iran and Iraq. The United States directed the spearhead of the "campaign for combating terrorism" at those regimes that have long gone against the grain with it, not at the terrorist organizations, it said, and went on: The State Duma admits that the slogan "campaign for combating terrorism" cannot be used against the DPRK, Iran and Iraq that the U.S. termed part of the "axis of evil". 

The State Duma bitterly denounces the moves to overthrow the political systems of the DPRK, Iran and Iraq under a certain pretext, in other words, under the pretext of the "non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction" and "combating terrorism" because the moves are an intervention in the internal affairs of these states and bring about unpredictable consequences. It is convinced that continuing cooperation with the DPRK is the most effective way of ensuing stability on the Korean Peninsula. The DPRK is abiding by the 1994 DPRK-U.S. agreed framework on freezing the nuclear program. 

Papers on DPRK-Russia relations

Pyongyang, March 17 (KCNA) -- Papers here today dedicate a signed article to the 53rd anniversary of the signing of the DPRK-Russia agreement on economic and cultural cooperation. Rodong Sinmun says the agreement, a legal framework for DPRK-Russia economic and cultural cooperation, has played an important role in boosting close bilateral relations and cooperation in economic, cultural and other fields for scores of years. The mutual visits and meetings of the heads of the two countries in recent years put the DPRK-Russia relations of friendship and cooperation on a new higher stage. 

Minju Joson says the conclusion of the agreement is an expression of the unanimous will of the two peoples to boost the friendly relations through the medium of increased cooperation and exchanges in the economy and culture. It further says: Their will to boost the relations of friendship and cooperation with long history and traditions has stood all trials. Their desire, demand and efforts provide a bright prospect for increased cooperation and exchanges in economic, cultural and all other fields. In particular, the official visit to the Russian Federation by leader Kim Jong Il in August last year was of special historic significance in developing in depth the bilateral friendly relations to meet the needs of the new century, defending global peace and security and increasing cooperation and exchanges in all realms of social life including the economy and culture. The bilateral relations have all conditions and elements needed for their development. The point at issue depends upon the active measures of the governments and peoples of the two countries. The DPRK government and people sincerely wish the Russian government and people greater progress in their future work for the realisation of President Putin's plan for the building of a strong state. 

SPA chairman and his party leave for Russia

Pyongyang, March 16 (KCNA) -- Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, and his party left here today to visit Russia. They were seen off at the airport by Jang Chol, vice-chairman of the assembly, and Andrei Karlov, Russian ambassador to the DPRK. 

DPRK delegation of general bureau of atomic energy leaves for Russia

Pyongyang, March 16 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the general bureau of atomic energy of the DPRK led by its director general Ri Je Son left here today to attend a meeting of the plenipotentiary representatives of governments of the member nations of the combined institute for nuclear studies due to be held in Dubna, Russia. 

Russia: Joint Seminar

A Joint Seminar on “The Juche Idea and Foreign Policy of General Secretary Kim Jong Il” was held in Moscow on March 11, 2002 under the co-sponsorship of the Russian Association for the Study of the Juche Idea & the DPRK’s Policy, Economy and Culture; and the Rusian Association of Scientists for the Study of Human Affairs in the Present World. Chairman Alexandr Kovalev of the association of the latter said in his speech:

General Secretary Kim Jong Il is steadily developing the Juche idea founded by President Kim Il Sung to meet the demand of the present times, pursuing a peculiar and independent foreign policy that leaders of any countries can not think of, and thus enjoying international authority. His authority is very high among the Russian people, the chairman said, adding that the rank of the people who study the Juche idea and his political mode will increase in Russia.

Chairman Yuri Vanin of the association and Secretary Vladimir Markov of the Central Committee of the “Communists Union” of Russia, and others spoke at the seminar.
The speakers said that it is thanks to the Juche idea and General Secretary Kim Jong Il’s unique foreign policy that the DPRK is now being recognized as the most dignified state in the international arena. They also said that the reason for the fact that the US could not help but support the DPRK with food and materials for these years lies in the independent foreign policy led by General Secretary Kim Jong Il.

They note that US President Bush is now pursuing the hostile policy toward the DPRK but he will have to give in to General Secretary Kim Jong Il’s policy as his predecessor did. They further said: energetic external activities conducted by General Secretary Kim Jong Il for these years have showed clearly what sort of country the DPRK is, how great leader the Korean people have. When he had visited Russia, media and press people throughout the world have intensively paid attention to all his schedule during his visit to Russia. They had never experienced such urge before.

As the DPRK has the post powerful army and people in the world under General Secretary Kim Jong Il’s original army-based revolutionary leadership, it has become a politically powerful nation that is steering big powers, not obedient to them, they stressed.
A letter to General Secretary Kim Jong Il was adopted at the seminar.

DPRK-Russia Friendship House built

Rason, March 7 (KCNA) -- A DPRK-Russia Friendship House has been built in a peculiar style in the Tumangang Railway Station area in Rason city, the DPRK. The house is a monumental edifice intended to hand down to posterity the undying feats of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il for the development of the friendly relations between the DPRK and Russia. An opening ceremony was held on the spot on Thursday. 

In an opening address, Kim Ki Nam, secretary of the c.c., the Workers' Party of Korea, noted that Kim Il Sung laid a foundation for the traditional DPRK-Russia relations of friendship and cultivated the flower garden of bilateral friendship. These relations are being developed more viably by Kim Jong Il, he added. He expressed belief that the house, which implants the feelings of eternal friendship into the mind of the Korean and Russian peoples, will shine as a symbol of the bilateral friendship. Andrei Karlov, Russian ambassador to the DPRK, said in his congratulatory speech that the bilateral relations of friendship are being developed rapidly thanks to the will and efforts of Kim Jong Il, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission, and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the Russian Federation. After the ceremony, the participants laid floral baskets and bouquets before a photograph of Kim Jong Il meeting with Putin in the central hall of the house, and paid their respects. 

Eurasian Railways Symposium

Officials and experts from Northeast Asia--the PRC, Mongolia, the DPRK, the ROK, and Japan, along with their colleagues from Russia, the European Union and the Nordic countries will meet at the "Eurasian Railways Symposium" in Helsinki, Finland on 3 - 4 April, 2002.  The symposium, entitled "The Eurasian Dimension: The Role of Railways in Northern European - Northeast Asian Relations", is organized by The Finland - Northeast Asia Trade Association in cooperation with VR/The Finnish National Railways.   Invitations have also been extended to officials and experts from the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.  The purpose of the track-two symposium is to study northern European railway links with Northeast Asia and prospects for their development.  The Chairman of the symposium is Mr. Markku Heiskanen, Chairman of The Finland - Northeast Asia Trade Association. For further information, please visit the website of the Finland - Northeast Asia Trade Association:

Russian embassy officials visit Pyongyang Children's Foodstuff Factory

Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- Ambassador Andrei Karlov and officials of the Russian embassy in Pyongyang yesterday visited the Pyongyang Children's Foodstuff Factory. They looked round production processes including the soybean milk shop.At the end of their visit, the ambassador said he came to know better why leader Kim Jong Il calls the children "kings" of the country and what deep concern he shows for them. he hoped the employees of the factory would register bigger success in the production true to his intention. 

Ревизор для Ким Чен-ира

Елена САРДИНИНА, собкор Moscow News

Полпред президента в Дальневосточном округе Константин Пуликовский сегодня - пожалуй, самый важный человек для всех корейцев. Дело в том, что он сейчас - единственный человек свободного мира, могущий похвастаться недавним прямым контактом с таинственным северокорейским вождем Ким Чен Иром. Пуликовский посетил его с трехдневным частным визитом. Таким образом, Ким Чен Ир отблагодарил его за радушный прием летом прошлого года.

Вот и приходится теперь и Сеулу, и Вашингтону ловить каждое слово бывшего генерала. Еще в начале года Сеул обратился к Пуликовскому с просьбой передать руководству КНДР сообщение о желании Южной Кореи возобновить диалог с Пхеньяном. Кому же еще помирить две Кореи, как не человеку, который 24 дня сопровождал Кима всю дорогу от Хасана до Санкт-Петербурга и обратно? Не Бушу же, чья политика, по наблюдениям самого Пуликовского, Ким Чен Иру "очень не нравится".

Откликнулся ли необщительный пхеньянский затворник на эту инициативу, пока неизвестно. Южнокорейское агентство новостей инхап отметило лишь, что в выступлении на приеме, организованном северокорейским правительством в зале заседаний Мансудэ, Пуликовский заверил пхеньянского хозяина, что Россия полностью поддерживает усилия двух Корей по объединению независимым и мирным путем. Затем состоялось совместное с Ким Чен Иром исполнение песни "Широка страна моя родная".

Южнокорейские СМИ отмечают, что во время своей поездки Пуликовский далеко вышел за рамки частного визита. Многие видят в нем личного посланника президента Путина, призванного вершить внешнюю политику, минуя мидовскую бюрократию. Об этом говорит и критическая заостренность заявлений Пуликовского. Он, например, заявил, что "сотрудничество России и КНДР приходится начинать с чистого листа, так как в течение 10 лет почти не было экономических связей". Коснулся полпред и, казалось бы, не входящей в его компетенцию проблемы долга КНДР России. Пуликовский сказал, что Россия не может быть донором и спонсором даже для дружественной страны. В то же самое время полпред президента милостиво обещал искать пути реструктуризации северокорейского долга, обещав рассмотреть различные проекты с участием инвесторов из Республики Корея и рабочей силы из КНДР.

Кстати, сотрудничество между регионами стало сегодня одним из основных направлений экономического взаимодействия России и КНДР. На его долю приходятся почти 70% товарооборота между нашими странами. Во время визита Пуликовский передал и личное послание Президента России Владимира Путина Ким Чен Иру, в котором глава российского государства подчеркнул готовность выполнять подписанные во время саммитов июля 2000 г. и августа 2001 г. соглашения между КНДР и РФ. Moscow News (in Russian)

Greetings exchanged between DPRK and Tajik foreign ministers

Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The foreign ministers of the DPRK and Tajikistan exchanged messages of greetings on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between them. DPRK foreign minister Paek Nam Sun in the message expressed belief that the good friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to develop on good terms. Tajik foreign minister Talbak Nazarov expressed confidence that the relations between the two countries would grow stronger in the political, trade, economic, cultural, scientific and technological and other fields. 

Reception given at Russian embassy

Pyongyang, February 23 (KCNA) -- Military attache of the Russian embassy here Vladislav Prokopenko hosted a reception at the Taedonggang club for the diplomatic corps on yesterday evening on the occasion of the "Day of Defenders of the Fatherland." Present on invitation were Kim Il Chol, minister of the People's Armed Forces, generals and officers of the Korean People's Army and military attaches of embassies of different countries here. Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov and embassy officials were also present there. Speeches were made at the reception. 

Wreath laid before liberation tower by Russian embassy

Pyongyang, February 23 (KCNA) -- The Russian embassy in Pyongyang laid a wreath before the liberation tower today on the occasion of the "Day of the Defenders of the Fatherland." Guards of honor of the Korean people's army lined up there. Present at the wreath-laying ceremony were ambassador Andrei Karlov, military attache Vladislav Prokopenko and other staff members of the Russian embassy and military attaches of embassies of different countries here. The participants laid a wreath in the name of the embassy of the Russian Federation before the tower and observed a moment's silence in honor of the fallen fighters of the former soviet army. That day, the Russian embassy laid a wreath and bunches of flowers before the grave of fallen fighters of the former Soviet army in Sadong district, Pyongyang. 

Russian newspaper introduces achievements of Korean people

Moscow, February 20 (KCNA) -- The Russian newspaper Patriot in its sixth issue carried an article entitled "brain and heart of the revolution" written by its editor-in-chief Mikhail Demskov. Referring to the achievements of the Korean people, the author said that the "miracle of Korea" the world calls could be wrought because the Korean people have been imbued with the Juche idea. The most outstanding model of heroes and creators produced in the flower garden of the Juche idea is just Kim Jong Il, supreme leader of the Korean people and respected leader of the people, he noted, and continued. 

The world recognizes that he is the great activist who is making a great contribution to shaping out the future of humankind in the 21st century. He is mainly characterized by the qualification of an outstanding thinker and theoretician of revolution and a philosopher. He has further developed and enriched the Juche idea by clarifying the matters arising in carrying out the people's cause of independence. The DPRK has turned adversity into favorable condition without the slightest vacillation and compromise despite the serious difficulties caused by collapse of socialist market, the imperialist allied forces' moves to isolate and stifle it, a great national loss, the demise of President Kim Il Sung and natural disasters. 

The U.S. was foolish enough to intensify a military and political offensive, but the leadership of Korea put the U.S. on the defensive and smashed its anti-DPRK offensive by responding to a hard line with the toughest policy. The international authority and prestige of the DPRK and its supreme leader were rapidly enhanced at the turn of the century and this gave broad possibility for Korea to conduct a diplomatic offensive all over the world. The experience and examples set by the DPRK and its supreme leader are a very valuable wealth for Russians. 

Russian-flagged ship crewmen meet

Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- Crewmen of the Russian-flagged ship "Oriental Express-1" held a meeting at Chongjin Port on the east coast of Korea on Feb. 17 to celebrate the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il. Speaking at the meeting, the captain and crewmen said that Kim Jong Il's birthday is an auspicious holiday of the Korean people and the world progressives. They noted they deem it a great glory to celebrate his birthday together with the Korean people. 

They said: He has made great contributions to defending the global peace and developing the friendly relations among peoples. He visited the Russian federation last year, further strengthening the traditional friendship between Russia and the DPRK. His august name is a brilliant symbol of independence and dignity. They hoped the Korean people would build a powerful nation and achieve national reunification without fail under his leadership. They noted that only victory and glory are in store for the people's army and people of Korea holding him in high esteem as their great leader and supreme commander. A congratulatory letter to him was adopted at the meeting. 

Congratulatory letter to Kim Jong Il from V. Putin

Pyongyang, February 16 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, received a personal congratulatory letter from V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation, today on the occasion of his birthday. Extending his sincere congratulations to Kim Jong Il on the significant anniversary of his birthday, Putin said in the letter:

You are greeting your 60th birthday regarded as an age of sagacity and ripeness in view of the traditions of Korea and Russia in a very responsible period for the DPRK and the life of the Korean people. Russia hopes for successes in your country's onward movement for socio-economic wellbeing, and supports the inter-Korean dialogue based on durable peace and security and closer independent approach between the north and the south of Korea. I recall the meetings held between you and me with warm feelings and deep emotion. 

We assure you that we are going to consistently implement the strategic agreements reached during your visit to Moscow in 2001. I am convinced that Russia-DPRK cooperation has great potential and the bonds of friendship between the two peoples which were forged through history will be a good foundation for developing the mutually beneficial cooperation in all fields. Your excellency Kim Jong Il, I wish you greater success in your activities for the wellbeing of the Korean people and a long life in good health. 

Title of Russian honorary academician awarded to Kim Jong Il

Moscow, February 15 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il was awarded the title of honorary academician of the academy of social and human studies of the Russian Federation. Diploma and badge of honorary academician were conveyed to the DPRK ambassador to Russia by Kaputo, academician of the academy and vice-director of the institute of socio-political issues under the Russian Academy of Sciences, on Feb. 14. On the occasion Kaputo said: Kim Jong Il is an outstanding politician who wrote a lot of works and made distinguished contributions to the development of the world social sciences. It is the greatest honour for us to award the title of honorary academician to him on the occasion of his birthday. 

Russian party flails Bush's remarks

Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- The Party for Peace and Unity of Russia on Feb. 7 issued a statement addressed to Bush denouncing his "state of the union address." The statement expressed concern over his remarks which is little short of declaring a war against the DPRK and other countries. It said: The DPRK has never threatened the U.S. or any other countries, and we do not know such a record. Quering how can the policy aimed to protect the sovereignty and independence of the state, the tradition and custom of its people be a threat and terror, the statement said: the people support such policy and why does Bush try to interfere in their internal affairs and impose his will upon others by force of arms? 


Joongang Ilbo reported that the DPRK is seeking to strengthen its ties with the PRC and Russia, and is sending a signal of reconciliation to Japan. DPRK leader Kim Jong-il met Wu Donghe, the new PRC ambassador to the DPRK, on Sunday and emphasized the importance of reinforcing amicable relations between the two countries. Kim also met Konstantin Pulikovsky, a Russian official, on Monday and Tuesday in Pyongyang. "North Korea must have shared its opinions with China and Russia about peninsular affairs after US President George W. Bush's remark about the 'axis of evil,'" a source from the ROK Foreign Ministry said. "Pyongyang is considering playing the PRC and Russia cards." While strengthening bonds with PRC and Russia, the DPRK is also trying to ease tensions with Japan. It repatriated Takashi Sugishima, 62, a former reporter of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, after more than two years of detention. (Lee Young-jong. "PYONGYANG IS FLIRTING WITH ASIAN NEIGHBORS," Seoul, 02/14/02)

Kim Jong Il meets Pulikovski

Pyongyang, February 13 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il Tuesday met again with Konstantin Borisovich Pulikovski, plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation to the Far East Federal District, and his party on a visit to the DPRK on the occasion of the lunar New Year's Day. Present there were Kim Yong Chun, member of the NDC of the DPRK and chief of the general staff of the Korean People's Army, Yon Hyong Muk, member of the NDC of the DPRK, Kim Kuk Thae, Jong Ha Chol and Kim Ki Nam, secretaries of the central committee of the WPK, generals of the KPA Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong, Jang Song Thaek, first vice department director of the c.c, the WPK and Ji Jae Ryong, vice-director of the international department of the c.c, the WPK, and Andrei Gennadievich Karlov, Russian ambassador to the DPRK, and staff members of his embassy here.

After exchanging warm New Year greetings with the guests, Kim Jong Il saw with them a performance given by the merited choir of the KPA. The plenipotentiary representative presented a floral basket to the artistes of the merited choir, congratulating them on their successful performance. That day Kim Jong Il hosted a luncheon for the plenipotentiary representative. The luncheon proceeded in a friendly and amicable atmosphere. 

Pulikovski interviewed

Pyongyang, February 13 (KCNA) -- Konstantin Borisovich Pulikovski, plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation to the Far East Federal District, had a press conference at Pyongyang airport yesterday before leaving for home. Present were press men in Pyongyang. Touching upon the results of his visit to the DPRK, he said: 

The major success of the visit is that the implementation of all the agreements signed by Russian President Putin and Chairman Kim Jong Il of the DPRK National Defence Commission has been re-confirmed. Another success is that a memorandum on cooperation was signed between the far east investment company of to he Russian Federation and the committee for the promotion of international trade of the DPRK. When Chairman Kim Jong Il visited our country last year I forged personal and comradely close relations with him. 

My recent visit reconfirmed the excellent relations. I assure that the comradely relations will continue. 
I highly appreciate the relations between Russia and the DPRK. When I had an honor of being received by Chairman Kim Jong Il I expressed such a viewpoint. Before my visit to the DPRK I met with President Putin. Putin said that he would implement to the letter all the points agreed upon by the top leaders of the two countries in the past. Bright is the prospect for the development of relations between the Far East Federal District and the DPRK. We are convinced that all the undertakings including the linking of railways agreed upon by the leaders of the two countries will be promoted properly. 

Kim Jong Il receives Pulikovski from Russia

Pyongyang, February 12 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il on Monday met with Konstantin Borisovich Pulikovski, plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation to the Far East Federal District, who is on a visit to the DPRK. Present there were Yon Hyong Muk, member of the NDC of the DPRK, and Andrei Gennadievich Karlov, Russian ambassador to the DPRK.

On the occasion Pulikovski conveyed a personal letter and a gift of Russian President V.V. Putin and Presented his own gift to leader Kim Jong Il. Kim Jong Il expressed thanks for this and had a cordial and friendly talk with him. After the meeting, he hosted a dinner for the guest. Present there on invitation were Viktor Andreyevich Tregubov, first deputy plenipotentiary representative of the Russian President to the Far East Federal District, and other suite members and the ambassador and diplomats of the Russian embassy here. Among those present were Kim Yong Chun, chief of the general staff of the Korean People's Army, Yon Hyong Muk, member of the NDC of the DPRK, Kim Kuk Thae, Jong Ha Chol and Kim Ki Nam, secretaries of the c.c., the WPK, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong, generals of the KPA. Yon Hyong Muk made speech at the dinner. 

Pulikovski's current visit to the DPRK would be a big stride forward in further deepening the bilateral friendship and putting into practice the intention and expectation of the top leaders of the two countries, he said. He hoped that the cooperative relations between the DPRK and the Far Eastern Region of Russia would be developed briskly thanks to the sincere efforts of both sides to significantly contribute to the implementation of the DPRK-Russia Moscow declaration. 

Speaking at the dinner, Pulikovski conveyed the regards of V.V. Putin and expressed deep thanks for the kindness and warm hospitality accorded to them in the DPRK. The Russia-DPRK relations have resumed new qualitative nature in conformity with the realities in the present times after Kim Jong Il and Putin met in July 2000 and August 2001 and signed the joint declarations, he noted, and said: Russia is ready to make all efforts for the implementation of the agreements made at the summits. It invariably supports the efforts exerted by the leadership and the people of Korea to improve the country's conditions and carry out the tasks for socio-economic development. And it is pleased to see the international position of the DPRK growing stronger, he added. The dinner proceeded in an amicable atmosphere. 

Plenipotentiary representative of Russian President leaves

Pyongyang, February 12 (KCNA) -- A memorandum on cooperation was signed here today between the committee for the promotion of international trade of the DPRK and the Far East Investment Company of the Russian Federation. Present at the signing ceremony were Kim Yong Jae, vice-minister of foreign trade, and other officials concerned, Oleg Mikhailenko, general director of the Russian company, and officials concerned and Sergei Lyoushikin, trade counselor of the Russian embassy here. The memorandum was signed by Kim Yong Jae and Oleg Mikhailenko. 


Reuters reported that the DPRK and Russia have signed a trade memorandum and pledged to strengthen economic ties, DPRK state media reported late on Tuesday following a visit by President Vladimir Putin's representative to the Russian Far East.  The DPRK's state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said DPRK leader Kim Jong-il received Putin's envoy Konstantin Pulikovsky, who delivered a personal letter from the Russian president. KCNA gave no details on the letter, which reached Kim days before a slated visit to the ROK by US President George W. Bush. ("NORTH KOREA, RUSSIA SHORE UP TIES, SIGN TRADE PACT," Seoul, 02/12/02)

Memorandum on cooperation signed between DPRK and Russia

Pyongyang, February 12 (KCNA) -- A congratulatory group of Koreans in Japan led by Ho Jong Man, chief vice-chairman of the central standing committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan, arrived here today to visit the socialist homeland on the occasion of the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il. The congratulatory group was met at the airport by Yang Hyong Sop, Kim Yu Ho, director of the bureau of reception for overseas compatriots, and other officials concerned. 

Hong Song Nam meets representative of Russian President

Pyongyang, February 11 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, premier of the DPRK cabinet, met and had a talk in a friendly atmosphere with Konstantin Borisovich Pulikovski, plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation to the Far East Federal District, who paid a courtesy call on him, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall yesterday. Present were Ri Kwang Gun, minister of foreign trade, Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister of foreign affairs, and officials concerned, Victor Andreyevich Tregubov, first deputy plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation to the Far East Federal District, and other suite members and Andrei Gennadievich Karlov, Russian ambassador to the DPRK. 

Reception in honour of Russian President's representative

Pyongyang, February 11 (KCNA) -- The DPRK government gave a reception at the Mansudae Assembly Hall yesterday in honour of Konstantin Borisovich Pulikovski, plenipotentiary representative of the president of the Russian Federation to the Far East Federal District, on a visit to the DPRK. Present on invitation together with him were Victor Andreyevich Tregubov, first deputy plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation, and other suite members and Andrei Gennadievich Karlov, Russian ambassador to the DPRK. 

Premier Hong Song Nam of the DPRK cabinet and other officials were present. Jo Chang Dok, vice-premier of the cabinet, made a speech at the reception: The Korean people always remember all sincere care and cordial hospitality accorded to leader Kim Jong Il by Pulikovski during the former's historic Russia visit in august last year. Noting that the Korean people sincerely hope that everything will continue to go on well in Russia, he expressed belief that the plenipotentiary representative's visit to the DPRK would doubtlessly make an important contribution to adding fresh dimension and content to the DPRK-Russia friendly and cooperative relations based on the close relationship and ties based on common strategic interests between the two top leaders. 

Pulikovski in his reply referred to the long-standing tradition of friendly relations between Russia and the DPRK. The agreements made during Kim Jong Il's visit to Russia marked a new stage in developing the cooperation between the two countries, he noted, and continued: Russia supports efforts made by the DPRK leadership and its people to improve the country's conditions and carry out the tasks for socio-economic development and the desire of the Koreans in the north and the south to reunify the country independently and peacefully. He pointed out that Russia is pleased to see the DPRK's international position growing strong, adding that it is ready to render every cooperation in this positive process. 

Messages exchanged between FMs of DPRK and Uzbekistan

Pyongyang, February 11 (KCNA) -- DPRK and Uzbek foreign ministers exchanged messages of greetings on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. DPRK foreign minister Paek Nam Sun in the message expressed belief that the excellent friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger in the future and sincerely wished his Uzbek counterpart greater success in his work. Uzbek foreign minister Abdulaziz Kamilov in his message expressed belief that the relations between the two countries would develop for the well-being of the two peoples in the future, too, and wished the friendly Korean people peace and prosperity.

DPRK FM meets plenipotentiary representative of Russian President

Pyongyang, February 11 (KCNA) -- DPRK foreign minister Paek Nam Sun met and conversed in a friendly atmosphere with Konstantin Borisovich Pulikovski, plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation to the Far East Federal District, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Present there were Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister of foreign affairs, and officials concerned and Viktor Andreyevich Tregubov, first deputy plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation to the Far East Federal District, and other suite members and Andrei Gennadievich Karlov, Russian ambassador to the DPRK. 

Message of greetings exchanged between FMs of DPRK and Belarus

Pyongyang, February 11 (KCNA) -- The foreign ministers of the DPRK and Belarus exchanged messages of greetings on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the opening of diplomatic relations between the two countries. DPRK foreign minister Paek Nam Sun expressed belief that the good friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger and wished him greater success in his work. Belorussian foreign minister Mikhail Khvostov said that Belarus highly appreciates the DPRK's initiatives to normalize the inter-Korean relations. He expressed belief that the noble aim of the Korean people to achieve national reunification is in line with the interests of the world community and wished them new success and well-being. 

Representative of Russian President to Far East Federal District here

Pyongyang, February 10 (KCNA) -- Konstantin Borisovich Pulikovski, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation to the Far East Federal District, arrived here today. Arriving here in company with him were victor Andreyevich Tregubov, first deputy plenipotentiary representative of the president of the Russian Federation to the Far East Federal District, and officials of the ministry of foreign affairs, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Ministry of Railway Transport, the Mission of the Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Russian President and other officials concerned. The guests were met at the airport by Yon Hyong Muk, member of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, Ryang Man Gil, chairman of the Pyongyang City People's Committee, Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister of foreign affairs, and other officials concerned, Russian ambassador to the DPRK Andrei Gennadievich Karlov and embassy officials. 

DPRK-Russia friendship grows strong

Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- Papers here today dedicate articles to the second anniversary of the signing of the treaty of friendship, good-neighbourliness and cooperation between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation (February 9, 2000). Rodong Sinmun says that the treaty is a historic document that provides a sure guarantee for boosting the bilateral relations of friendship and laid a solid legal foundation for putting them on to a new higher stage in keeping with the changed conditions and realities. 

The daily further says: In the last year of the 20th century Russian President Putin visited the DPRK for the first time as the head of state to forge close relations with leader Kim Jong Il. In this course a historic DPRK-Russia joint declaration was made public. Kim Jong Il's historic official visit to Russia that took place last year, the first year of the 21st century, marked an epochal event in putting the bilateral relations of friendship on a higher stage. The summit meetings and talks are of special significance in the history of the bilateral relations of friendship. Today the bilateral relations are favourably developing in the interests of the peoples of the two countries. 

Kim Jong Il's visit to the Russian embassy here in January is a clear proof of developing DPRK-Russia relations of friendship. There are good signs in the bilateral relations thanks to the great concern and activities of the leaders of the two countries. The development of the bilateral relations is of weighty importance also in preserving the peace and security in Asia and the rest of the world. The efforts of the Russian people to build strong Russia and those of the Korean people to build a powerful nation of Juche have things in common, which promises a rosy future of the bilateral relations. The DPRK will as ever make sincere efforts to boost the relations. Minju Joson says that there is no change in the stand of the DPRK government that values the friendly and cooperative relations with the Russian Federation, a neighboring country, and wants to steadily boost them. 

Press conference at Russian embassy

Pyongyang, February 8 (KCNA) -- A press conference was held at the Russian embassy in Pyongyang yesterday on the occasion of the second anniversary of the signing of the treaty of friendship, good-neighbourliness and cooperation between the DPRK and the Russian Federation. Present there were officials concerned, media reporters, foreign embassy officials and foreign correspondents. The participants looked round the photographs showing the historic Russian visit of leader Kim Jong Il. At the press conference Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov said that Russia-Korea relations are developing on good terms through the mutual visits of the two leaders and exchanges in various fields after the signing of the treaty. He expressed belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would further develop in the spirit of the treaty. Answers to questions were given at the press conference. 

Celebration meeting held in Moscow

Moscow, February 7 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held in Moscow on Feb. 5 on the occasion of leader Kim Jong Il's birthday. Alexander Kubayev, first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, in his report said: 

The Korean people are working world-startling miracles, overcoming the difficulties and ordeals despite the imperialists' moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK. This is a result of the army-based policy of Kim Jong Il, who has always led them to victory. All the miracles and successes made in the DPRK show the great vitality of the Juche idea founded by President Kim Il Sung and the might of the Korean people single-heartedly united around Kim Jong Il. The Russian communists resolutely condemn bush for his outbursts against the DPRK and the U.S. for its moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK and will always express support to the Korean people in their struggle against the U.S. imperialists. 

Speakers referred to the successes made in the DPRK under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il. These miracles and successes mean declaring that the sun of the new century to steer the world has risen in the east, they added. A poem revering Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il was recited at the meeting. A congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il was adopted there. 

Messages of greetings exchanged between FM of DPRK and Ukraine

Pyongyang, February 7 (KCNA) -- The foreign ministers of the DPRK and Ukraine exchanged messages of greetings on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. DPRK foreign minister Paek Nam Sun in his message expressed belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to develop on good terms and wished his Ukrainian counterpart great success in his work. Ukrainian foreign minister Anatoly Zlenko in his message expressed conviction that the traditional ties of friendship between the two countries would grow stronger in the interests of the two peoples and wished his DPRK counterpart success in his office and the people of the friendly DPRK peace and prosperity. 

Messages of greetings exchanged between DPRK and Moldova

Pyongyang, February 7 (KCNA) -- Messages of greetings were exchanged between Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, and Vladimir Voronin, President of Moldova, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the opening of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Kim in his message on January 28 expressed belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger in the interests of the two peoples. He wished the president greater success in his responsible work for peace, stability and prosperity of the country. Voronin in his message on Jan. 30 said that the two countries have made efforts to develop mutually beneficial cooperation in the common interests, expressing belief that cooperative potentials would further be displayed to expand and deepen the bilateral relations and promote the wellbeing of the two peoples by joint efforts. 


Joongang Ilbo reported that spokesperson of the Foreign Affairs Department Lee Ju-kwan stated that the DPRK and Russia are satisfied with the development of bilateral ties between the two states and are pursuing the further enhancement of ties. Lee said the DPRK and Russia are taking practical steps for long-term exchange and cooperation in various sectors from military to economy, technology and culture. ("NORTH AND RUSSIA TO REINFORCE TIES IN VARIOUS FIELDS," Seoul, 02/07/02)  

Seminar on Juche idea held in Belarus

Pyongyang, February 6 (KCNA) -- A seminar on the Juche idea was held in Minsk, Belarus, on January 24 on the occasion of the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il. At the seminar Vasili Delikov, chairman of the Belarus Association for the Study of the Juche Idea, made a report. Then followed speeches. Referring to the efforts and exploits of Kim Jong Il who is working hard for independence of humankind, the reporter and speakers said that he is the greatest thinker, theoretician and politician. All the progressives and communists in the former soviet union, east European countries and the rest of the world are waging the movement to revive socialism, looking up to the DPRK led by Kim Jong Il as the beacon of socialism, they said. They went on: All of us will, in the future, make a more deep-going study of the Juche idea and learn from the experience of the DPRK in all aspects including party building, the settlement of the issue of the power and the unity and cohesion. A message of greetings to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the seminar. 

Russian Reaction to Bush Remarks

Reuters reported that US President George W. Bush said on Friday that his tough remarks against the DPRK and Iran describing them as part of an "axis of evil" with Iraq were not intended to signal an abandonment of a peaceful dialogue with the two nations. Bush stated, "No, of course not. As I said in my (State of the Union) speech, I hope nations hear our call and make right decisions." Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov challenged Bush's declaration that the three countries represented an "axis of evil," saying that while there was potential for problems "so far we don't have evidence of this." However, Bush stated in the Oval Office that "all options are on the table as to how to make America and our allies more secure. All the three countries I mentioned are now on notice that we intend to take their development of weapons of mass destruction very seriously." (Steve Holland, "BUSH NOT ABANDONING DIALOGUE WITH N.KOREA, IRAN," Washington, 02/01/02)

Russian ambassador refers to Russia-DPRK relations

Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- Andrei Karlov, Russian ambassador to the DPRK, referred to the relations between Russia and the DPRK and their prospect. The Russian magazine Kurs-forum carried an account of his press conference, according to Radio Voice of Russia. Expressing expectation that the relations between the two countries would positively develop in the near future, he said that he would do his utmost to carry out the tasks specified in the Russia-DPRK Moscow declaration as early as possible. 

He continued: The large project of linking the Trans-Siberian railway with the Korean longitudinal railway would be a plan of key importance in the economic cooperation between the two countries in a few years from now. There is no need to make something new in the policy and line of Russia. 
It is important to keep the developing relations between the two countries in all fields because Russia and the DPRK have long cooperated with each other. Highly praising leader Kim Jong Il's visit to Russia, the ambassador stressed that his visit is of great significance and the agreements reached are of practical significance in promoting cooperation between the two countries and between the two peoples. Referring to the issue of Korea's reunification, the ambassador noted that the Russian stand toward the issue is well known. He hoped that reunification, the long-cherished desire of the Korean people, would surely be achieved as early as possible.

Kim Jong Il's work published in Armenia

Pyongyang, February 3 (KCNA) -- The Armenian Foreign Languages Publishing House brought out in booklet leader Kim Jong Il's famous work "On Preserving The Juche Character And National Character Of The Revolution And Construction" on the occasion of his birthday. The work published on June 19, Juche 86 (1997) clarifies the reason why the preservation of the Juche character and national character of the revolution and construction is a fundamental principle to be adhered to in accomplishing the cause of socialism and the tasks and ways to do so. Ri Hoe Chang's anti-north remarks assailed

Belarussian honorary titles of academician and doctor to Kim Il Sung and doctor to Kim Jong Il

Pyongyang, February 3 (KCNA) -- Honorary titles of academician and doctor of the Belarussian international it academy were awarded to President Kim Il Sung and to leader Kim Jong Il. On Jan. 23 the standing committee of the academy decided to award those titles to Kim Il Sung, founder of the Juche idea and the great leader of the Korean people, in recognition of his great scientific and practical contribution to the development of the state administration system, state-to-state cooperation and the development of the friendly ties among peoples, on the basis of the fundamental principles of the Juche idea. The standing committee of the academy decided to award them to Kim Jong Il, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army, in recognition of his scientific and practical contribution to the development of the state administration system, cooperation between states and the development of the friendly relations among peoples, on the basis of the fundamental principles of the Juche idea, and profound scientific and theoretical proof of the Juche idea and its successful application in all fields of modern Korea. 

Juche idea study group formed in Kirgyzstan

Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- A Juche idea study group was inaugurated with due ceremony in Kirgyzstan on the occasion of the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il. At the ceremony held in Bishkek on Jan. 28 the director of the "Stroimekhanizatsiya" co., ltd in a report said that it is their mission to follow the Juche idea and embody it in conformity with the actual conditions of Kirgyzstan. Kim Jong Il has steadily developed in depth the Juche idea fathered by President Kim Il Sung, thus glorifying people-centered socialism, he said, and continued: The Korean people have adopted the Juche idea-based line of independence in politics, self-supporting in economy and self-reliance in national defence as a basic principle of the revolution and construction and implemented it, thereby firmly defending socialism. The first secretary of the central committee of the Communist Party of Kirgyzstan made a congratulatory address at the ceremony. The director was elected chief of the group. A letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the ceremony. 

Cooperation plan between DPRK and Russia signed

Pyongyang, February 1 (KCNA) -- The state bureau for quality control of the DPRK and the state committee of the Russian Federation for standardization and metrology signed a plan for cooperation in the domain of standardization, metrology and quality for 2002-2003 in Pyongyang today. Present at the signing ceremony were Kim Hyong Chol, director of the state bureau for quality control, officials concerned and members of the delegation of the state committee of the Russian Federation for standardization and metrology led by its vice-chairman Vladimir N. Krutikov. The plan was signed by Choe Kwang Rae, vice-director of the bureau, and vice-chairman of the Russian committee V.N. Krutikov. 


The Associated Press reported that National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice said Thursday that Russia is being asked to help promote change in Iran, Iraq and the DPRK. Rice stated that the focus is on stopping the spread of weapons technology. "We will use our new and budding relationship with Russia to redouble our efforts to prevent the leakage of dangerous materials and technologies," Rice announced. Bush will hold his next round of talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin on May 23 in Moscow. (Barry Schweid, "U.S. ENLISTS RUSSIA AGAINST 'AXIS,'" Washington, 01/31/02) 


The Korea Herald reported that ROK has asked Russia to persuade the DPRK to reopen dialogue with the ROK and the US when Russia sends high-level missions to DPRK later this year, ROK officials said Wednesday. The ROK's new unification minister also vowed to jump-start the Korean peace process soon. The Foreign Ministry in Seoul said that two Russian officials--Konstantin Pulikovsky, presidential representative in the Far East, and Vladimir Yakovlev, the St. Petersburg governor--are scheduled to visit the DPRK in February and April, respectively. 

The Russian officials are visiting the DPRK to celebrate the birthday of DPRK leader Kim Jong-il, which falls on February 16. ROK officials said that they requested Russia to mediate inter-Korean relations, and that Russian leaders promised cooperation. Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov also made it clear in a meeting with visiting ROK Vice Foreign Minister Choi Sung-hong that his government would try to facilitate inter-Korean rapprochement, according to the ROK officials. While in Pyongyang, the Russian officials are expected to meet Kim Jong-il and discuss relations between the DPRK and Russia, including the proposed linkage of the Trans-Siberian Railway and an inter-Korean cross-border railroad. (Kim Ji-ho, "SEOUL ASKS RUSSIA TO INFLUENCE N.KOREA ON REOPENING DIALOGUE WITH SOUTH," Seoul, 01/31/02)

Russian ambassador hosts friendly gathering

Pyongyang, January 30 (KCNA) -- Andrei Karlov, Russian ambassador to the DPRK, hosted a friendly gathering at the embassy yesterday on the occasion of the New Year Juche 91 (2002). Present there on invitation were Mun Jae Chol, acting chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Jon Yong Jin, vice-chairman of the committee who is also chairman of the DPRK-Russia Friendship Association, and other officials concerned. Present there were staff members of the Russian embassy. Speeches were made at the gathering. The participants deepened the friendship, underscoring the need to boost the bilateral friendly relations. 

Opportunity for Inter-Korean Reconciliation Narrowing

29 January 2002

North Korea has indicated it is ready to reopen talks with South Korea, in part due to a narrowing window of opportunity to re-engage Seoul. Pyongyang is also being pressured by Moscow and Beijing, who are concerned that continued North Korean belligerence could place the country high on the list of U.S. targets in the war against terrorism.

North Korea has signalled it may be ready to restart reconciliation talks with South Korea. Yang Hyon Sop, the vice president of the Supreme People's Assembly, emphasized Jan. 22 the need to accelerate the process of Korean reunification, adding that it was "imperative to seek authorities-to-authorities dialogue, and all forms of non-governmental talks and contacts, and work harder to boost them," according to the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA)....

Pyongyang and Moscow open friendly ties

Moscow, January 26 (KCNA) -- An agreement on establishing friendly ties between Pyongyang and Moscow was signed here on Friday. Present at the signing ceremony on the DPRK side were members of a Pyongyang city delegation led by Ryang Man Gil, chairman of the Pyongyang City People's Committee, and the DPRK ambassador to Russia and, on the Russian side were mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov and officials concerned. The agreement was inked by Ryang Man Gil and Yuri Luzhkov. 

Exchange of greetings between DPRK and Kirgyzstan foreign ministers

Pyongyang, January 28 (KCNA) -- Paek Nam Sun, foreign minister of the DPRK, exchanged messages of greetings with his Kirgyzstan counterpart Muratbek Imanaliev on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Expressing belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would further expand in the mutual interests of the two peoples, Paek sincerely wished him success in his work. Muratbek Imanaliev expressed belief that the cooperative relations between the two peoples would grow stronger in conformity with their welfare. 

Seminars held abroad

Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- Seminars took place in different countries on the occasion of the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il. At the seminar held by the Communist Party of Tajikistan the chairman of the party said: The DPRK is now winning victory after victory despite the western moves to isolate and stifle it. This is a clear proof of the vitality of the DPRK government. The DPRK is a great country that is triumphing thanks to the idea and politics of Kim Jong Il. All these realities of Korea have been possible because he has wisely led the Korean revolution with his peculiar army-centred revolutionary leadership. 

Ukrainian preparatory committee formed

Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine and the Ukraine-DPRK Association inaugurated the Ukrainian preparatory committee for commemorating the day of the sun and celebrating February 16 the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il, on Jan. 22 and made public an action program for the February holiday. The program deals with the issues of establishing the DPRK week and holding colourful functions including commemoration meeting, book and photo exhibition, lecture, art performance and roundtable discussion. 

Picture album on Kim Jong Il's revolutionary activities published in Russia

Moscow, January 25 (KCNA) -- A picture album "With The People" showing the revolutionary activities of leader Kim Jong Il was brought out by the Paleya-Mishin Publishing House of Russia on the occasion of the significant February holiday. Written in the picture album are letters "wholeheartedly presented to general Kim Jong Il, the great leader and heroic leader". Printed there are a photograph of his statue and more than 110 pictures showing his revolutionary activities. Also edited there are Korean pictures. The picture album carries an article by director of the publishing house Nikolai Mishin who is an editor of the picture album, which says Kim Jong Il who has performed the immortal feats for the country, the people, the era and humankind is, indeed, the great sun of the 21st century and an elder statesman with a long political career. 

Delegation of Pyongyang city leaves for Russia

Pyongyang, January 22 (KCNA) -- A delegation of Pyongyang city led by Ryang Man Gil, chairman of the Pyongyang City People's Committee, left here today to visit Russia. It was seen off at the airport by Jon Ho Hyon, vice-chairman of the committee, and Andrei Karlov, Russian ambassador to the DPRK. 

Friendly gathering at Russian embassy school

Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- A friendly gathering between schoolchildren of the school at the Russian embassy here and Korea-Russia Friendship Moranbong Senior Middle School No. 1 was held at the embassy school yesterday on the occasion of the New Year Juche 91 (2002). Invited there were the vice-chairman of the Korea-Russia Friendship Association, officials concerned and teachers and pupils of the senior middle school. Present there were the Russian ambassador to the DPRK, embassy officials and teachers and schoolchildren of the embassy school. After looking round educational facilities of the school, the participants enjoyed an art performance given by schoolchildren of the two schools. They had colorful sports and entertainment programs to deepen the ever-growing DPRK-Russia friendship. 

Kim Jong Il visits Russian Embassy

Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il yesterday visited the Russian embassy here at the invitation of the Russian ambassador to the DPRK on the occasion of the New Year 2002. He was accompanied by Kim Yong Chun, chief of the general staff of the Korean People's Army, Kim Il Chol, minister of the People's Armed Forces, Yon Hyong Muk, member of the NDC of the DPRK, secretaries of the c. c., the WPK Jong Ha Chol and Kim Ki Nam, generals of the KPA Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong and Ji Jae Ryong, vice-director of the international department of the c. c., the WPK. 

He was greeted at the embassy by ambassador Andrei Karlov and other leading officials of the embassy. Women staff members of the embassy served Kim Jong Il with a piece of bread and salt according to their traditional custom of receiving the most distinguished guest and presented a bouquet to him and all its staff members warmly welcomed him. After expressing thanks for the invitation, he had a picture taken with them. Andrei Karlov hosted a dinner in honour of Kim Jong Il. The dinner proceeded in an amicable atmosphere. An art performance prepared by children of the embassy with special care was given at the dinner. The performance was acclaimed by the spectators. 

Russian newspaper on DPRK

Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) -- The Russian newspaper Javtra in its 52nd issue carried an article titled "Red Korea." The DPRK is now well on the contrary to the prediction of the west that the DPRK would be collapsed, and its secret is the special nostrum of North Korea corresponding to the present world, the article said, and went on: The DPRK is well prepared to revive and develop in a new condition as a vital state. The DPRK launched Kwangmyongsong 1, the first artificial satellite in its history, with its strength and technology. The launch of the artificial satellite is no more than a part of its comprehensive plan for a breakthrough in the 21st century. 

Now it can be convincingly said that the DPRK, which has laid firm industrial foundations after the war, will have all characteristic features of industrial development in the near future. Referring to the educational policy of the DPRK, the article said: Crafty Americans agreed in 1994 to build two light water reactors of farthest technology from military use in the DPRK. At that time the U.S. thought that the communist system of the DPRK would surely be collapsed. However, the state system of the DPRK did not shake thanks to Korean leader Kim Jong Il, an excellent statesman and coordinator, but rather strengthened still further under his leadership. The Juche idea served as a banner in liberating the country, defeating the U.S. aggression and building a socialist state. 

Korea's reunification is the cherished desire of all the Korean people. The Korean nation is living with desire for reunification as well as a hope that reunification will be achieved without fail. A reunified Korea will be a powerful country with 70 million population, a strong army, industry that is able to conquer space and is equipped with latest computer technology, and great commercial and military strategic potentials and will have enormous natural resources. 


The Associated Press reported that DPRK leader Kim Jong Il made a rare visit to the Russian Embassy in Pyongyang and exchanged New Year greetings with new Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov. It was Kim's first known visit to the Russian Embassy since he took power in 1994. Kim traveled to Moscow and met Putin last August. The two leaders pledged to build closer strategic and economic ties and criticized US plans for a missile defense system. ("KOREA LEADER VISITS RUSSIAN EMBASSY" 01/07/02).  

Joongang Ilbo reported that DPRK leader Kim Jong-il visited the Russian embassy in Pyongyang on Sunday. The Korean Central Broadcast reported on Monday that Chairman Kim and his entourage showed up for dinner party at which Kim expressed gratitude to Russian ambassador Andrei Karolv's for inviting him. Kim was accompanied by chief of General Staff of the People's Army Kim Young-chun, vice-minister of the People's Armed Forces Kim Il-chol and various National Defense Commission associates and Party Secretaries. ("KIM JONG-IL VISITS RUSSIAN EMBASSY IN PYONGYANG," Seoul, 01/07/02)  


Chosun Ilbo reported that DPRK leader Kim Jong-il made a total of 83 public appearances in 2001 which is an increase of 10 compared to his visits in 2000. Among the appearances, military-related ones accounted for 39, up by 21 from 2000. Economic-related appearances decreased from 25 to 20. Kim also made 12 overseas-related appearances including trips to Russia and the PRC. Among those accompanying the DPRK's leader in his appearances, 25 were cabinet officials, 22 were party staff and 12 came from the military. General Hyun Chul Hye accompanied Kim on 49 occasions, also accompanying Kim on multiple occasions were Jae Kyong, deputy political bureau chief (48); Kim Kuk Tae, party secretary (44); Lee Yong Chul (36), Chang Song Taek (35), and general Lee Myong Soo (33). (Kim In-ku, "DPRK LEADER RAISES PUBLIC PROFILE," Seoul, 01/04/02)

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