Sculpin leaving Subic Bay on Westpac 1974 after an extended upkeep to repair a balky diesel. Charles Haughney was OOD. (Photo provided by Charles Haughney)

Sculpin leaving Subic Bay on Westpac 1974.

Dave Klienbach (left) and Dick Carlson (right) in the crew's head while on patrol in 1962. (Photo provided by Dick Carlson)

Dave Klienbach and Dick Carlson on patrol in 1962.

Dick Carlson, topside watch in Okinawa, summer of 1962. Dick was volunteered by COB Chief Folger after the real topside watch did not return from liberty. (Photo provided by Dick Carlson)

Dick Carlson, topside watch, Okinawa in 1962.

Sculpin in Drydock #2 in Mare Island after the Thresher disaster in 1963. (Photo provided by Dick Carlson)

Sculpin in Drydock #2, Mare Island, 1963.

Qualification at end of Sculpin's first patrol in 1962. Dick "Crash" Carlson, STS3(SS), second from right. If you know the other guy's names, please pass along. (Photo provided by Dick Carlson)

Qualification at end of Sculpin's first patrol in 1962.

More qualifications at end of Sculpin's first patrol in 1962. If you know the guy's names, please pass along. (Photo provided by Dick Carlson)

More qualifications at end of Sculpin's first patrol in 1962.

Sculpin's second birthday on patrol. Capt. Dickinson was the Skipper. The Captain is cutting the cake, STS1(SS) D.B. Hall is to the left and the Yeoman is sitting at the Chief's table. (Photo provided by Dick Carlson)

Sculpin's second birthday on patrol.

Sculpin's second birthday on patrol. (Photo provided by Dick Carlson)

Sculpin's second birthday on patrol #2.

Sculpin's second birthday on patrol. Joe Hawkins CSC(SS) at left. (Photo provided by Dick Carlson)

Sculpin's second birthday on patrol #3.

Sculpin's second birthday on patrol. (Photo provided by Dick Carlson)

Sculpin's second birthday on patrol #4.

Sculpin's second birthday on patrol. Dave Klienbach lower left corner. (Photo provided by Dick Carlson)

Sculpin's second birthday on patrol #5.

Picture of the Sculpin model constructed by ENC(SS) Ernie Crowl for use in his Subvet Base parades. It's hard to tell from the picture but it looks like Ernie put the original 7 bladed screw on the model. Per Ernie, model is not to scale but looks pretty good. I not only had the pleasure of serving with Ernie aboard Sculpin but also had the dubious pleasure of meeting Ernie on my first day in boot camp back in November 22, 1967 when Ernie was pulling a shore duty tour pushing boots at NTC San Diego. After getting our heads sheared, we went to the place where our sea bags were issued and Ernie was the guy screaming his head off. Ernie was also the guy who got me past the Marine gate guards in Yokosuka in 1970 after I drank my dolphins. Ernie is one of the old guard. After all, how many of you guys can say you knew a Nuc Engineman? (Photo provided by Ernie Crowl)

Model of Sculpin constructed by ENC(SS)(Ret) Ernie Crowl

Picture of the Sculpin getting underway from Mare Island Shipyard in 1983 for sea trials.Picture was taken by FT2(SS) Gates from the barge tied up next to Sculpin. (Photo provided by Eric Mathews)

Sculpin leaving Mare Island for sea trials in 1983

Picture of the Sculpin baseball team during the overhaul at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard during the 1968/1969 overhaul. The fifth guy from the left, bottom row is Dennis "Amost had a hit" Rosemier, FTG1(SS). Don "Snuffy" Smith, kneeling first on left. Dennis' challenge is to name the remaining team members.(Photo provided by Dennis "Rosy" Rosemier)

Sculpin Ball Team 1968/1969 Overhaul

Picture of the Space Needle taken through Sculpin's periscope as the boat came into Seattle for the World's Fair, October 15, 1962. (Photo provided by Dick "Crash" Carlson)

Space Needle October 15, 1962

Picture of Dick "Crash" Carlson taken at Mare Island summer of 1962. Sculpin was in the yards to fix some faulty hull welds made during construction. Thresher sank while the weld job was ongoing which caused Sculpin's yard period to be extended by three months. (Photo provided by Dick "Crash" Carlson)

Dick "Crash" Carlson, Mare Island 1962

Main Engine Limits Plaque from Throttle Board in Maneuvering. Given to Robert Adams, MM1(SS), "M" Division LPO on leaving the boat. Robert's father was part of the workforce which built the Sculpin (Photo Provided by Robert Adams)

Sculpin's Throttle Board

The picture is July of 74, heading for Pearl and back to the states. The night before the old man wanted the floating wire antenna streamed. Remember the one that was 1000 ft long and across from the sonar shack? Well, the SOB hadn't been used since before leaving San Diego....and to make a long story short...I jammed about 3 feet of this antenna into a one inch space in the gear box. Chief Sibley (A gang CPO?) had to tear the gear box down to parade rest and let me know he was not a happy camper. When the Capt J.J. called me into the ward room, I figured Captain's mast and busted..instead, he presented me with the plaque in the picture, a square knot of the chewed up floating wire. The inscription read "Jim Dimwitt De Witt, WestPac 74". It hangs on my wall to this day! (Narrative and Photo Provided by Jim De Witt)

Jim "Dimwitt" De Witt

The picture is at my Chief's initiation...shows to go how two great RM's and shipmates can teach a rookie. Dale Ray and Skids....Never went to a formal school for radioman and ended up as an Senior Chief! They done REAL GOOD!!!! Thanks guys! Dale, RIP. (Narrative and Photo Provided by Jim De Witt)

Chief De Witt

Bill Jones IV QM3(SS) doing his "scary" look. (Provided by Roy Burrows)

Bill Jones IV

Bill Jones IV and Roy Burrows topside at Pearl at the beginning of Westpac 1974. The Sculpin is tied up in view of COMSUBPAC office. (Provided by Roy Burrows)


Bill (William Laycock) Jones IV and Roy Burrows topside at Pearl at the beginning of Westpac 1974. Jones still has his hair. You can see the escape training tower in the background. (Provided by Roy Burrows)

Pearl Harbor Escape Tank Trainer

Harry Nuce, Dick Norton, Roy Burrows, and unknown shipmate, enjoying R & R in the Philippines. 1974. (Provided by Roy Burrows)

R & R in the P.I.

Roy Burrows (TM3(SS)) at the time doing his Yul Brynner impersonation, helped out by cheesy grease pencil eyebrows. 1974. (Provided by Roy Burrows)

Roy Burrows

Danny Huffman SK3(SS)1974. (Provided by Roy Burrows)

Danny Huffman

"Red" Bourdeau 1974. (Provided by Roy Burrows)

"Red Bourdeau

Fred Denson SK2(SS) in the Torpedo Room looking as if he had a very late night liberty the night before. Note Rick Carlson's (then TM1(SS)) foot on the right side of the photo. 1974. (Provided by Roy Burrows)

Addendum added by Tom Bussman (On the website, there's a picture of Fred Denson in his jockey's.... just to the left of him is the aft torpedo room door. You can see the door dog (chrome handle) positioned vertically....That same handle is hanging in my garage today. I got it off her when she was cut up in the shipyard (PSNS). It's stamped 590 FR 26. I don't know what to do with it.... I just wanted something.

Fred Denson

Bill (William Laycock) Jones IV (QM), Roy Burrows, Weird Miller and "Nate" Nathan all hung up on the Torpedo Room ladder. These guys have obviously been at sea too long. (Provided by Roy Burrows)

Too Long At Sea

Wierd Miller (ET), Bill (William Laycock) Jones IV (QM), "Nate" Nathan (TM) and Roy Burrows (TM) with their Westpac 74 haircuts in the Torpedo Room. (Provided by Roy Burrows)

Westpac Hair

TM3(SS) "Nate" Nathan with "Hobbit" haircut. (Provided by Roy Burrows)

Hobbit Hair

TM3(SS) "Nate" Nathan (with hair) by a torpedo tube breech door. (Provided by Roy Burrows)

TM3(SS) "Nate" Nathan with hair.

Jim Massey 1975. Check out the home decorating provided by Martha Stewart Submarine Sailor collection. (Provided by Jim Conte)

Jim Massey 1975.

Tom Mid Utley 1975. (Provided by Jim Conte)

Tom Mid Utley.

Bay in Pusan, Korea 1974. (Provided by Joe Veres)

Bay in Pusan, Korea 1974.

Pusan, Korea 1974. LT Mickelson, Wes Frakes and unknown shipmate. (Provided by Joe Veres)

On the fairwater Pusan, Korea 1974.

Joe Veres receiving his dolphins from Skipper J.J. Pistotnik in the Sculpin wardroom July 1974. (Provided by Joe Veres)

Joe Veres receiving his dolphins.

Crew list at Sculpin's last change of command. CDR John J. Demlein was relieved by CDR John B. Allen on April 22, 1989. (Provided by Thomas Barnhart, last operational COB)

Crew List Last Change of Command.

Swim call. Per Thomas Barnhart, Skipper John Demlein was a great proponent of swim calls and even had one at the equator during UNITAS. (Provided by Thomas Barnhart, last operational COB)

Swim Call

Thomas Barnhart (COB) and CDR John Demlein (CO) presented Dolphin flag after morning quarters. (Provided by Thomas Barnhart, last operational COB)

Dolphin flag presented to COB and CO

Crew of the Sculpin approximately one month before leaving Groton for Norfolk for deactivation. Sculpin is at pier 2S and the Skipjack is in the background at pier 2N. (Provided by Thomas Barnhart, last operational COB)

Sculpin last inspection before leaving for deactivation

Sculpin entering Pearl Harbor in the mid-60's. Photo taken from a Navy helicopter. Tom Hazard was one of the crew on the bridge. (Provided by Tom Hazard)

Sculpin entering Pearl in mid-60's

This picture is of the Skipper P. W. Lyon, CDR, USN and selected for Captain during our trip overseas. Check out the hat. Who would of thought that he set a style for all the young guys to follow over 20 years later. This shot was taken on the sailplane during our transit to Hong Kong. The Skipper need a suntan and so at night we would submerge and haul A$$. In the morning we would surface and cruise along so the old man could catch the rays. During this time we would get to do small arms practice. We would haul trash topside, throw it over the side and then take turns blowing holes in the ocean and sometimes the trash. (Provided by Gary Marrs)

Cruisin Skipper

Here is a pic of Fat Albert, the boats head cook. This picture doesn't do him justice. He usually had a two or three day growth of beard, a stogie hanging from the corner of his mouth and a t-shirt that he constantly wiped cooking stuff off of his hands on. His cooking skills might have been suspect, but he sure was a master baker (when he was in the mood). (Provided by Gary Marrs)

Cookin Fool

This is a pic of the boat tied up in Yokosuka. They always kept the nuc boats tied up way out in the shipyard due to nuc paranoia. The lines at the end of the brow were added after one of the guys came back to the boat late one night after drinking his dolphins at the Starlight and walked right off the brow, over the side of the boat into the water. (Provided by Gary Marrs)

Sculpin in Yokosuka

Here is picture of one of crew. General concensus is that it is Al "Akadama Al" Fehr. Al got his name because of a fondness for buying tall bottles of Akadama wine and carrying them about as he emptied them (into himself) around the alleys of Yokosuka. Al went the distance and retired as a Master Chief Fire Control Tech. I don't remember being as young as that picture though. (Provided by Gary Marrs)

Sailor Boy

A picture of MMC(SS) Zane, leader of the A-Gang. (Provided by Gary Marrs)

MMC(SS) Zane

Here is a picture of Gary Marrs on his 23rd birthday with a cake baked by Fat Albert. This is proof that he did bake once in a while. (Provided by Gary Marrs)

MM3(SS) Gary Marrs

Picture of spook (foreground) and Ted Kursavage. Ted was a shipmate, running mate and room mate. You wouldn't believe all the stories from looking at that innocent face. Ted went the distance and retired a Niner. I found this picture on the internet while looking at a site put together by a retired spook. The site has a lot of boat pics.

Ted Kurasavage

Picture of the Sculpin first time in the water at Pascagula. (Provided by George Winters)

First time in the water for the Sculpin

Picture of the Sculpin last time in the water at PSNS Bremerton. (Provided by Don "Snuffy" Smith)

Last time in the water for the Sculpin

Sculpin in the "PI". (Provided by George Winters)

In the "PI"

Dale "Papa Charlie" Voss and Denny "Skid Row" Davenport back in 1963 before becoming legends in their own time aboard the Sculpin. Papa Charlie had this exclamatory saying "Well S**k a d**k Texas. It had to happen. One day a sonar striker checked on board. "Where ya from son?" "Texas" was the reply. L.D. Harrell had an instant nickname. (Provided by Denny "Skid Row" Davenport)

Papa Charlie and Skid Row

Denny "Skid Row" Davenport in the shack in 1970. (Provided by Denny "Skid Row" Davenport)

Skids in the shack 1970

Denny "Skid Row" Davenport in the shack in 1977. (Provided by Denny "Skid Row" Davenport)

Skids in the shack 1977

Sculpin tied up a Buckner Bay, Okinawa. Any remember those fine villages just down the road? (Provided by George Winters)

At the pier in Buckner Bay

Sculpin in Hong Kong. What a time that was. (Provided by George Winters)

In Hong Kong

Thieves Alley in Yokosuka. Anybody been here?

Thieves Alley

Crew Picture for 1972 Westpac. (Provided by Denny "Skid Row" Davenport)

Sculpin Crew 1972

Return from 1977 Westpac. (Provided by Denny "Skid Row" Davenport)

Return from 1977 Westpac

Having a good time in Yokosuka 1974. (Provided by Denny "Skid Row" Davenport)

Yokosuka 1974

More good times in Yokosuka 1974. (Provided by Denny "Skid Row" Davenport)

More Yokosuka 1974

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