472nd MP Co. Pictures Page 8.

This first picture is of myself to the right in the picture and an unidentified friend to whom I owe an apology for not remembering his name. After 30 years, sometimes it's hard to remember names, including my own..

Now this second picture is when Mike Russo and I were invited out for Christmas dinner at the home of a professor at the University of Alaska. An interesting thing is when the professor picked us up at the USO in Fairbanks, I noted that he had a retired officers sticker with the number 2. Naturally I knew that he had been general rank, so I was fairly uptight. Fortunately, during the course of the dinner we learned that he had been injured in WWII and medically retired as a 2nd LT. The reason for the low number was his attractive daughter had taken the Cadillac in to the PMO to get the sticker and naturally the guys gave her the low number.

This third picture is of me again (hey, it's my page and I'll post my pictures if I want!). This time it shows me working as the desk clerk, or, as was better known, the delta charlie. Notice the old E-3 chevron and the white name tag on my uniform. This was changed shortly after the picture was taken to the olive drab type of name tag.

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