Law Enforcement Officers

Although I presently work for a law enforcement agency, I am not a sworn police officer. Therefore what I am about to say is not an attempt to pat myself on the back. The people I want to give a pat to are the men and women who daily pin on a badge, strap on a gun, and go forth, willing to put their lives in danger in order that the rest of us may be safe.

I have nothing but the utmost respect for these people and I truly believe that they are the most unappreciated heroes in our country. To be a good officer you must be intelligent, assertive, quick thinking, physically fit, and possessed of an inordinate amount of common sense. These attributes are exactly what would enable a person to achieve success in any other field. So why should they stay in law enforcement, daily being reviled by scum, underpaid, and in danger? The answer is simple: they shouldn't! But, because they care, because they know that someone has to make the sacrifice and take the risks, they pin that badge on anyway. My hat is off to them and my prayers go with them.

And my prayers are with the families too. Each time they see that family member step out the door, on the way to another shift, they are only too aware that that may be the last time they see their loved one alive. These people too are heroes.

So Officer, wherever you are, whoever you are, thank you. Thank you for doing what we can't do. Thank you for taking the risks that we dare not face. Thank you for wearing that badge. Stay alert out there and come on home safe to your family and may God ride with you in that cruiser.

The Badge
by Rick Young

A cop was killed one somber night,
They buried him today.
He gave his life to do a job.
A wooden box his pay.

Taps were played and the shots were fired
That signified the loss.
They echoed 'cross the lonely land.
All eyes stared at the cross.

The folded flag was passed along
To his widow's shaking hands.
She held her daughter in her arms,
And answered her demands.

"So cry, my dear, don't hold it back,
Don't lock it up inside.
We loved him so and he loved us,
He served his land with pride."

"He gave his life to do a job,
That others could not do.
He proudly wore that silver shield,
With pride we'll miss him too."

The young lass, with tear-filled eyes,
Then turned and faced her mother.
"This promise I give, I vow today,
I'll never give another."

"Some day I too will wear the blue
And stand among the best.
I'll serve my land and do my job,
Dad's badge pinned to my chest."

"But if I too should fall some day,
Fighting to hold that line,
Then take the badge from off my chest,
Give me my box of pine."

"And take that badge and keep it bright,
For there will come another,
Who'll pin it on a shirt of blue,
And swear that oath of honor."

"And while he stands with lifted hand,
His chest filled out with pride,
Beside and behind will stand the ones
Who served, who fought, who died."

Though officers die, families cry,
Others will come along,
To take the badge so worn with pride,
To try and right the wrong.

It's those who watch while others serve,
Who owe a debt not small.
These ones in blue, with silver shield,
Stand firm, stand fast, stand tall.

A Difference
by Rick Young

I could have chosen any job,
Any profession,
Any of many human tasks,
But, I wanted to make a difference.

I do not do this task alone,
My army is legion.
Brothers and sisters across the globe,
Each striving to make that difference.

Because of me, I proudly know,
Children rest safer
In their beds of gentle sleep,
For I have made a difference.

Because of me, I also know,
Some live in cells
Which cage their animal drives.
And I have made that difference.

So call me what you will,
And ignore me as I pass,
But still remains the pride within,
That I have made a difference.

And when some day I'm called on high,
Though whether by old age
or felon's hand I die,
The Master will open wide the gates and say,
"Enter, My Child, you have made a difference"

The Dispatcher
by Rick Young

I sit in the dimness of the room,
Before me the screen is lit
Showing the location of all units
Under my control.

It's quiet now and that's good.
Just a single traffic stop on Rte 14.
He's been out for five minutes now,
Perhaps I'd better check on him.

Then my line lights up,
And I answer the phone,
"911". "My car's been stolen!"
Washington plate HEB 028!"

Quickly I scan my board.
2 Willie 3 had traffic on that plate.
"2 Willie 3 10-4 check."
"2 Willie 3 please answer."

The air is silent, still,
"All units vicinity Rte 14 & Lieser
Officer welfare check"
"2 Willie 4, I'm 3 away" "2212"

How did three minutes get so long?
Be safe my friend.
I've never met you,
But we've talked a thousand times.

I've sent you on calls
Both hot and cold.
Don't let this be
Your final call.

"Control, I'm there, he's down" "2214"
The other dispatchers freeze
As my blood runs cold.
"Medic 4, Code 3 14 & Lieser!"

"Copy Control, en route" "2214"
"Control, 2 Willie 4"
No. Don't say it, I don't want to hear it.
"2 Willie 4, go ahead"

"One man dead, one officer wounded,
But he's gonna be OK" "2215"
Thank you, God, thank you!
"2 Willie 6, see the man about a dog"

The poems on this page are original works and are copyrighted by the author. Please contact me if you wish to use any of these poems. (Egotistical sounding, isn't it! LOL)

Pay your respects at the Officer Down Memorial

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