MP Pictures Page 1


This is probably the most frightening picture in my collection. You see here before you a picture of someone actually re-enlisting in the Army! This is SSG Ward (his first name was Odell but called Odie by his friends) with CPT Neal Petenbrink administering the oath. SSG Ward was an easy going guy and the troops all liked him.


In the small town of North Pole, AK, there is a museum. On your left you see MP Bob Gonzales and to the right is MP Frank Sewer. Bob came from southern California and Frank came from the Virgin Islands. This is a fine example of the Army taking someone out of their native environment and putting them into something totally alien. Frank, by the way, was a member of the 472nd softball team which won the USARAL Softball Championship in 1969 with a score of 12-1 in the final game against the HQ team from Fort Richardson. Other members of the team included MP Bill Porter, Bruce Holcombe, Chris Holdstad, Jerry Nagle, Doug Doner, MAJ Maurie, and CPT Petenbrink.


This picture was taken on the Al-Can Highway north of Midway Lodge. We were returning from Ft. Greeley after escorting a convoy down the highway. We stopped here not for picture taking purposes, but because SFC Reyes' jeep had broken down. Amando Reyes never did have great luck with his vehicles.


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